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I think there's a fair chance there'll be some kind of underwater stuff in the DLC, given that a harpoon gun was found in the game files. Obviously, could have just been a file there for testing, or a canned feature, but given how much water there is on the map, it'd be a nice way to keep things on the current map.

I imagine we'll get three (wasn't that confirmed?) Maybe one that's purely plot based on the current map. One underwater that explores a few new locations, then something completely different, maybe in the Mojave or NCR. That's what I'm hoping for anyway - imagine it'll just be three new plots within the same map though.

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Closest I've seen to bad guys out of the main factions are the BoS tbh.

Seriously? The Institute are the worst c***s ever! They have the technology to build a beautiful utopia in the commonwealth, instead the leave the human race to their inevitable extinction. This game is full of moral dilemmas, minuteman ftw.

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I doubt they'll do much in the way of new areas - that'll be a massive undertaking. Weren't the NV and F3 DLC completely based within the existing World? They'll just slap a few new weapons and enemies into it with a different plot and call it a day.

Actually, come to think of it, I'd really like them to make one DLC kind of like Hearthfire in Skyrim. Overhaul a few of the niggles you see in the settlement building now you've got a vast amount of feedback on it, and let you build monster settlements. I'd probably be more interested in that than just another story, given that story-wise they've been pretty weak this edition.

Edited by forameus
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I doubt they'll do much in the way of new areas - that'll be a massive undertaking. Weren't the NV and F3 DLC completely based within the existing World? They'll just slap a few new weapons and enemies into it with a different plot and call it a day.

Actually, come to think of it, I'd really like them to make one DLC kind of like Hearthfire in Skyrim. Overhaul a few of the niggles you see in the settlement building now you've got a vast amount of feedback on it, and let you build monster settlements. I'd probably be more interested in that than just another story, given that story-wise they've been pretty weak this edition.

Both the nv and fallout 3 DLC were separate locations.

Only the Brotherhood of steel story line after the end of the game was in the capital wasteland

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I doubt they'll do much in the way of new areas - that'll be a massive undertaking. Weren't the NV and F3 DLC completely based within the existing World? They'll just slap a few new weapons and enemies into it with a different plot and call it a day.

Actually, come to think of it, I'd really like them to make one DLC kind of like Hearthfire in Skyrim. Overhaul a few of the niggles you see in the settlement building now you've got a vast amount of feedback on it, and let you build monster settlements. I'd probably be more interested in that than just another story, given that story-wise they've been pretty weak this edition.

There is a glitch to make monster settlements anyone tried it?

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I had just assumed it was for people to buy stuff so I would end up with more caps. Even less sure now.

Looks like its both. Im getting caps in the workbench but I can also trade with them like normal traders

USS Constitution. Side with the robots or the scavengers?

Cant believe you have to ask. You have to side with the robots

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How. Useless is strong btw? He. Struggles with rad roaches and tends to get his arse handed to him

Aye? I've only just started wandering about with him, as I'm working my way through the companions to get their perks. He one-shots almost everything; heids exploding everywhere :lol:

Maybe he improves as you level up or something. I've pimped him out with weapons and armour too.

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I really don't think I noticed much of a difference between any of the companions, all fairly adept at taking out lower level enemies, rubbish at higher. Other than quest unlocking reasons, normally ended up going with Coddy as he made short work of low-level ghouls, but if it was raiders or super mutants i.e. firearms rather than melee he was useless.

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Aye? I've only just started wandering about with him, as I'm working my way through the companions to get their perks. He one-shots almost everything; heids exploding everywhere :lol:

Maybe he improves as you level up or something. I've pimped him out with weapons and armour too.

I'm level 62 and constantly need to rescue him. He hates everything I do. Lock pick... nah

Power armour nah. He's just a bell piece. Traded him in for macready. He at least kills stuff

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Level 80 now...that's a weird discrepancy. Can't say I'll be sorry to see the end of his "me, Grimlock" banter, but they all get annoying after a while.

I've no idea how it's happened, but I think Codsworth is the only companion I've never had accompany me, poor guy :lol:

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I'm level 62 and constantly need to rescue him. He hates everything I do. Lock pick... nah

Power armour nah. He's just a bell piece. Traded him in for macready. He at least kills stuff

Curie for the win. At least some of her dialogue I'd amusing.

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