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Fallout 4


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I'm at 21 and just finding more and more stuff to do. I should probably start to focus on the missions but I keep getting side tracked by other things.

Farting about with side missions is the best part, for me. I've taken days to go from one story location to another, purely 'cause I keep stumbling upon places to investigate :P

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I don't even know what railroad you are referring to.

Without really spoiling it or telling me the names can anyone confirm that you find more settlements in the south and east of the map eventually. My 6 are all kind of west/northwest.

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I don't even know what railroad you are referring to.

Without really spoiling it or telling me the names can anyone confirm that you find more settlements in the south and east of the map eventually. My 6 are all kind of west/northwest.

There are 30 settlements in total so aye.

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Failed the "Kid in a Fridge" mission as I forgot I had artillery grenades selected and not frags, so threw one at the "childsnatcher" boy after I'd taken the kid to see if his parents had survived. You can probably fill in the gaps as the kids now in his room staring at a wall with no speech option.

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There are 30 settlements in total so aye.


You've also just guaranteed my missus will hate me even more, 24 more settlements to find.

Is there an easy way to know what is a settlement and what is just a location other than going somewhere and finding a workbench? If you stand at a location and hold down "select" the way you can at sanctuary will it flash it up like your existing settlements? I'm only asking as I remember going to one of the settlements, possibly starlight drive in, and only getting the option to build after I found a workbench.

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Anyone else finding the side quests a bit boring and tedious? Basically doing the same thing over and over again. Or am I missing any good ones? Don't want to do the main story line yet but may have to soon.

depends on which way you look at it.

caps, experience, ammo and weapons (if you have right perks picked) can help later on.

preston ones can lead to new settlements.

however, can get tedious as hell.. oh look another settlement with raiders/super mutants pestering them I only have missile turrets at the gates

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Anyone else finding the side quests a bit boring and tedious? Basically doing the same thing over and over again. Or am I missing any good ones? Don't want to do the main story line yet but may have to soon.

I finished the first run through with loads of side quests remaining. Decided I would get them on the second play through.

Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril

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Not played this since about 2 weeks after the release. Been tied down with work etc for months and now I have a few weeks off to play this :D Been that long since I played it I can't even remember what the last quest was I done, all I remember is I've been to diamond city and the glowing sea. I'm level 22 and have about 24hrs playtime, that's gonna change over the next few weeks. Looking forward to getting back into it!

Carried on with the main quest a bit, absolutely loving it so far. I'm now level 33 with over 2 days playing time :lol: Addicted to this game atm.

Also there's a great perk called 'Idiot Savant' which gives you 3x xp at random moments, most of the time it's just for getting kills, picking locks, hacking terminals etc. But sometimes you do get lucky and it pops up just as you finish a quest that you'd usually get 600xp for you'll now get 1,800xp. You can also get rank 2 of that perk and it'll do the exact same thing except you'll get 5x xp (This is the one I have) really is a great perk of you want to level up quicker and ultimately get more perks.

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Carried on with the main quest a bit, absolutely loving it so far. I'm now level 33 with over 2 days playing time :lol: Addicted to this game atm.

Also there's a great perk called 'Idiot Savant' which gives you 3x xp at random moments, most of the time it's just for getting kills, picking locks, hacking terminals etc. But sometimes you do get lucky and it pops up just as you finish a quest that you'd usually get 600xp for you'll now get 1,800xp. You can also get rank 2 of that perk and it'll do the exact same thing except you'll get 5x xp (This is the one I have) really is a great perk of you want to level up quicker and ultimately get more perks.

Only if you have low intelligence though.

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Holy f**k. I took a wander around that area. Go to nattick banks and follow the road up the back and explore everywhere. Had to fight 8 similar enemies (2 legendary) then found a wrecked house with a tree through it. Check the garage out. That's mental

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Anyone else finding the side quests a bit boring and tedious? Basically doing the same thing over and over again. Or am I missing any good ones? Don't want to do the main story line yet but may have to soon.

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Took the castle last night. Quite looking forward to going to find more murekirks or whatever they are called. When I first came across them in my first couple of hours of gameplay they put the fear or god into me as I had shit weapons and stuff.

Now though the hunted becomes the hunter. Bring it on you rattelyshelled wee p***k's.

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Completed the main story today. I won't spoil it for anyone but was happy with the route I chose and my ending.

I had initially attempted my first playthrough on Very Hard but absolutely hated it as any area with super mutants/mirelurks/deathclaws/radscorpions was a complete no-go. And after all the game is about exploring and if you can't go to certain areas what's the point?

Has anyone attempted it on Survival?

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Completed the main story today. I won't spoil it for anyone but was happy with the route I chose and my ending.

I had initially attempted my first playthrough on Very Hard but absolutely hated it as any area with super mutants/mirelurks/deathclaws/radscorpions was a complete no-go. And after all the game is about exploring and if you can't go to certain areas what's the point?

Has anyone attempted it on Survival?

I've done the whole thing on Survival. Level 78 now, I think. Haven't had any problems in quite a while.

I think the higher difficulty just suits the way I play the game; I just naturally grind, apparently. I search every building, build up every settlement, take every wee XP boost I can get. I just hate the thought of missing anything, so I'm dreadfully OCD when it comes to games. By the time I meet anything really nasty, I've usually levelled up enough to take it down. It was the same with Fallout 3 and New Vegas too.

I can well imagine that it would be a different story for anyone who plays the game for pleasure, though :lol:

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