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30% for independence

32% for "Devo Max"

29% for Status Quo

Less, definitely laughing. Only 29% want what is on offer from Better Together. 62% for a change in the constitutional settlement.

Only 30% want what Salmond and shis shower of fannies are offering though. 61% want either what we have now or some unspecified change WITHIN THE UNION.


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cant find the raw data for the poll yet

the percentages are this by the look of it

30% independence

32% more devolution

29% current devolution deal

9% don't know

Oh, and 35% of SNP supporters want are tempted by more devo, rather than independence. I wonder which side they are most likely to fall given that isn't on the table.

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Only 30% want what Salmond and shis shower of fannies are offering though. 61% want either what we have now or some unspecified change WITHIN THE UNION.


And there is the problem. Without specifying what devolution package is on offer, it's left to folk to interpret for themselves what the question means. For some it might be devolution of everything but defence and foreign policy, for others it might be a simple tweaking of the tax base. Until BT puts it's plans in place for what each of it's constituent parts are planning on offering then there is no way to know exaclty how those numbers will split. If those 32% want devo-max, and BT offer some paltry national conversation on devolving the DVLA, then it's resoanble to suggest they'll jump into the Indy camp.

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Osborne is saying 2014 is a "year of harsh truths" and that further cuts will be due, most likely into benefits and those on lower incomes. Not exactly doing the better together side any favors

25 billion shees worth of cuts, mailny to welfare. Whats not to like? He should have done this to begin with although he carries popular opinion with him so it wont be too difficult and it's not a great deal of money. About two months worth of government borrowing.

And there is the problem. Without specifying what devolution package is on offer, it's left to folk to interpret for themselves what the question means. For some it might be devolution of everything but defence and foreign policy, for others it might be a simple tweaking of the tax base. Until BT puts it's plans in place for what each of it's constituent parts are planning on offering then there is no way to know exaclty how those numbers will split. If those 32% want devo-max, and BT offer some paltry national conversation on devolving the DVLA, then it's resoanble to suggest they'll jump into the Indy camp.

BT isn't a political party. It will be up to the various parties to define it and put it to the electorate once we get this referendum out the way. Then once a particular party has an electoral mandate to implement its plans they will be done. Thats how it works. The GE is in 2015, thats when it will be defined, if it's defined at all.

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25 billion shees worth of cuts, mailny to welfare. Whats not to like? He should have done this to begin with although he carries popular opinion with him so it wont be too difficult and it's not a great deal of money. About two months worth of government borrowing.

BT isn't a political party. It will be up to the various parties to define it and put it to the electorate once we get this referendum out the way. Then once a particular party has an electoral mandate to implement its plans they will be done. Thats how it works. The GE is in 2015, thats when it will be defined, if it's defined at all.

Well, aye. if you'd read the very next sentence of my post, you'd have seen that I said exactly that.

Surely, however, you can see the weakness in that strategy, no matter how technically correct it is. Say No to definite change in 2014 in the hope of getting firstly, one party to put your preferred devolution package in it's manifesto for 2015, then hope said party wins the GE. Suirely better for the parties to get together now, and at least agree a minimum package that suits all parties tha tthey can then put to the Scottish elecotrate in 2014, promising that they will all enact said package should they win in 2015?

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Well, aye. if you'd read the very next sentence of my post, you'd have seen that I said exactly that.

Surely, however, you can see the weakness in that strategy, no matter how technically correct it is. Say No to definite change in 2014 in the hope of getting firstly, one party to put your preferred devolution package in it's manifesto for 2015, then hope said party wins the GE. Suirely better for the parties to get together now, and at least agree a minimum package that suits all parties tha tthey can then put to the Scottish elecotrate in 2014, promising that they will all enact said package should they win in 2015?

Not really. They can pretty much just say it will be on the table. Thats all.

It would certaionly be advantageous for the SNP to have something definite that they can compare and contrast independence with. But there is really no need for any of the parties to be throwing them a bone while independence is circling the plughole.

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Not really. They can pretty much just say it will be on the table. Thats all.

It would certaionly be advantageous for the SNP to have something definite that they can compare and contrast independence with. But there is really no need for any of the parties to be throwing them a bone while independence is circling the plughole.

for the first time more people want Independence than the status quo and this from the BT camp. The polls are only going one way and the more that people see this the more they will get the courage to come over to the YES camp. Also, as the polls show that the YES campaign is gaining, we might actually see one of the papers grow a set and come out in support of YES

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for the first time more people want Independence than the status quo and this from the BT camp. The polls are only going one way and the more that people see this the more they will get the courage to come over to the YES camp. Also, as the polls show that the YES campaign is gaining, we might actually see one of the papers grow a set and come out in support of YES


Or looking at it another way, you are still stuck on 30% or thereabouts while the vast majority of people believe in devolution within the union. You are being pumped 2to1 here.

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for the first time more people want Independence than the status quo and this from the BT camp. The polls are only going one way and the more that people see this the more they will get the courage to come over to the YES camp. Also, as the polls show that the YES campaign is gaining, we might actually see one of the papers grow a set and come out in support of YES

Support for independence isnt budging.

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Not really. They can pretty much just say it will be on the table. Thats all.

It would certaionly be advantageous for the SNP to have something definite that they can compare and contrast independence with. But there is really no need for any of the parties to be throwing them a bone while independence is circling the plughole.

Yes, but you don't care what's ont he table becuase you don't particularly care about further devolution (in fact you'd probably disband Holyrood if you could) but try and put yourself in the head of someone who actually wants significant further devolution. You are being asked to choose between definitely getting all areas devolved (but without maintaining the Union) or choosing between some great uncertainty that may never come to pass. What way would you jump?

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I've always said not having a 3rd option on the ballot paper was a monumental blunder by the Unionists...

And each time you've said it, it's been more amusing.

Not having a 3rd option on the ballot paper was a monumentally stupid blunder by the SNP. Quite obviously.

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