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31 of my 900 odd facebook friends have liked yes Scotland

48 have liked better together

3 of them are duplicates though.

What's the current Facebook likes in total? Sure last time I looked Yes Scotland had 23,000 more?

ETA: Yes Scotland: 141,000

Better Together: 115,000

Edited by 1320Lichtie
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I've kept a note of many of these votes at schools and colleges. Gleaned from twitter where admittedly it's mostly fellow yessers I follow and who post these things so I'm maybe not seeing any info on debates and polls where No has won, but anyway...

Dornoch Academy in February had 234 out of their 276 pupils vote in a mock referendum. Yes - 58.9%, No - 41.1%

Again in February, a before and after debate poll from QM Uni. Before Yes - 59%, No - 41%; After Yes - 71%, No - 21%, DK - 8%

12/3 Glasgow Schools Debate. Yes - 64%, No - 15%, DK - 21%

GCU Students Assoc debate, before and after. Yes - 54%, No - 20%, DK - 26%; Yes - 62%, No - 18%, DK - 20%

And finally, Celtic Huddleboard, 490 out of 531 Yes (92.3%)

Says "schools and colleges"; quotes two university polls. Ignores GUIndyRef...

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Braveheart, I would imagine will be shown on STV the night before the vote, just for a bit of patriotic fervour, god help us

Whilst you watch Last Night at the Proms as you wave your little union flag...

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Whilst you watch Last Night at the Proms as you wave your little union flag...

I have never watched the Last night of the Proms in my life, nor have I never owned a union flag, but once again anyone who does not support independence must be a union flag waving, Scotland hating, England loving loser, how more lazy and stereo- typical could you be

Edited by ecto
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I have never watched the Last night of the Proms in my life, nor have I never owned a union flag, but once again anyone who does not support independence must be a union flag waving, Scotland hating, England loving loser, how more lazy and stereo- typical could you be

Are you a real person? You have to be on the wind up.

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I have never watched the Last night of the Proms in my life, nor have I never owned a union flag, but once again anyone who does not support independence must be a union flag waving, Scotland hating, England loving loser, how more lazy and stereo- typical could you be

You were the muppet that mentioned Braveheart in a disparaging manner then you try and criticise someone else for firing the same back, remarkable.

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I know, It was out just after I was born yet I know all about it, it's a Scottish movie, most Scottish kids will watch it, was shown countless times in school through history lessons ( know it is not 100 percent factual before anyone starts there shite ) kids of that age will have definitely seen it.

You'd be surprised how many haven't.

I've been teaching for 7 years and when I started the vast majority had seen it - but its fewer and fewer now...(obviously).

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I have never watched the Last night of the Proms in my life, nor have I never owned a union flag, but once again anyone who does not support independence must be a union flag waving, Scotland hating, England loving loser, how more lazy and stereo- typical could you be

mmm. Probably about as stereotypical as britnat pundits that have referenced Braveheart at some point when discussing Scotland or the referendum.

Hang on. Thats most commentators in the mainstream UK media.

Mainstream opinion generators. Not nonentities on an internet message board.

That makes it ok then.

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You'd be surprised how many haven't.

I've been teaching for 7 years and when I started the vast majority had seen it - but its fewer and fewer now...(obviously).

Agree with this.

Have you noted any interest in the referendum amongst S5/6 pupils?

I would say in my own school there is zero interest either way at the moment.

Many S5/6 pupils aren't even aware that they will be able to vote.

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Agree with this.

Have you noted any interest in the referendum amongst S5/6 pupils?

I would say in my own school there is zero interest either way at the moment.

Many S5/6 pupils aren't even aware that they will be able to vote.

There's a good few interested in it - and I'd say most Seniors know that its happening and have an initial leaning. But yeah there's a good few that don't have a clue.

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I have never watched the Last night of the Proms in my life, nor have I never owned a union flag, but once again anyone who does not support independence must be a union flag waving, Scotland hating, England loving loser, how more lazy and stereo- typical could you be

Says the moron who mentioned Braveheart.

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Braveheart, I would imagine will be shown on STV the night before the vote, just for a bit of patriotic fervour, god help us

Sky News reporting a YouGov poll for The Times, Yes 37% No 53% Dks 10% also Ladbrokes Politics still offering No at 1/6

Ah see what happened here the Yes vote get "hot under the collar" after a mention of Braveheart, but nothing at all about the above poll and latest betting, of course that's because they are not very good at all
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I'm going to hazard a guess here and say that the vast majority of S5/S6 pupils won't tell their teachers anything of note so I'm not sure you have any more knowledge of their position than their parents will.

I say this because when they get to university, the vast majority are incapable of holding a conversation with an adult until at least 6 months in when about half will start to communicate.

There is a lack of awareness about the referendum but I would say it goes along with a lack of awareness of other areas in life.

I teach a number of S5/6 classes in Business subjects - the external factors (PESTEC) are often the focus of discussion and are usually the weakest because pupils don't really have much knowledge or experience of the factors. Many are just not interested in watching the news or reading newspapers despite the encouragement given.

As a teacher it's something of a fine line between informing and indoctrinating. We have tried to get discussions go around the issue of the vote but apart from a very few hard core debaters the level of knowledge is scarily weak.

Has the SG done anything in this area? I haven't seen a single piece of literature or publicity to do this in schools.

I know some schools have had mock debates and votes but ours hasn't. Also when it comes to mock votes they are as much about those pupils who represent a particular party/side than the actual choice to be made. For example, at the last SP mock vote the winning candidate was Labour with the Tory second and the SNP third - this in a school with some of the highest levels of social deprivation in Dundee. It did not reflect what was happening on the ground, how their parents were voting (or not) - it was more a reflection of the popularity of the pupils standing for the parties.

I think the SG and all political parties need to do far more in reaching out to the new 16-18 voters.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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Ah see what happened here the Yes vote get "hot under the collar" after a mention of Braveheart, but nothing at all about the above poll and latest betting, of course that's because they are not very good at all

Oh dear.

You are having a frankly horrific time on this thread.

Cringe squared.

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I have never watched the Last night of the Proms in my life, nor have I never owned a union flag, but once again anyone who does not support independence must be a union flag waving, Scotland hating, England loving loser, how more lazy and stereo- typical could you be

It goes hand in hand from Northern Brits like you.
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