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I know a guy who did an IPSOS-Mori poll about 3 weeks ago and no data been released yet. Wonder if either Yes/No are sitting on it to hide the bad news or waiting to released it right after a bounce for the other side.

Rumour (on Wings) has it that the poll was commissioned by a Trade Union and that the result was better for Yes than the union wants to release.

I'll stress that this is rumour & I have absolutely no confirmation that it is true.

Edit for clarity that it's the Union that doesn't want to release the findings!

Edited by lichtgilphead
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I worked for Ipsos-Mori in Leith one summer break from uni (seriously the worst job ever). You'd be asking people stuff then see the results on the newsabsolutely ages later. Market research companies also collect data on stuff off their own bat and hope to sell it later at some point. Unfortunately I wouldn't read into it too much.

I could be wrong, but from what I've seen of most polls so far it's not that unusual for the results to be released as much as two weeks after the actual fieldwork is carried out. I guess depending on how much the client is willing to pay, there will be a shorter or longer time lag as the pollsters dedicate more or fewer people to the compilation and presentation of the results. Obviously closer to election time and (one would presume, referendum time) the pollsters will be releasing snapshot polls far more quickly.

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Rumour (on Wings) has it that the poll was commissioned by a Trade Union and that the result was better for Yes than the union wants to release.

I'll stress that this is rumour & I have absolutely no confirmation that it is true.

If it's on Wings it must have something in it... that's a very credible source....

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If it's on Wings it must have something in it... that's a very credible source....

Do you have evidence to suggest Wings Over Scotland is not a credible source of information?

Be very specific.

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Do you have evidence to suggest Wings Over Scotland is not a credible source of information?

Oh, so now you are seeking proof? :lol:

When are you going to provide some evidence to support the claim that ATOS have driven "hundreds of thousands of people to depression and suicide"?

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lolwut? WoS is a Nationalist blog. Of course it's not a credible source of information. It's, as is the nature of a blog, delivered piles of utter crap.

Here's one :-


Here's two :-


And then of course, one day before George Osborne's speech on the non-currency union, WoS breathlessly reported that Danny Alexander was denying all knowledge of it.

Which proved to be... utter bollocks.

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Do you have evidence to suggest Wings Over Scotland is not a credible source of information?

Be very specific.

I have proof that it is not a credible source of information. Its parsing of the "Tarff Advertiser" is particularly fucked up.

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I have proof that it is not a credible source of information. Its parsing of the "Tarff Advertiser" is particularly fucked up.

Again, in English please?

Good to see the usual suspects at play. Mr Bairn with his own particular brand of "I'm not trolling, honest" trolling and HB with his clutching at straws.

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Again, in English please?

Good to see the usual suspects at play. Mr Bairn with his own particular brand of "I'm not trolling, honest" trolling and HB with his clutching at straws.

Once again, an utter disaster for you.

Your Supras-like demand for evidence has been provided, which given the humiliting ATOS disaster you are having to deperately hope won't keep being brought up, is very very awkward.

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Once again, an utter disaster for you.

Your Supras-like demand for evidence has been provided, which given the humiliting ATOS disaster you are having to deperately hope won't keep being brought up, is very very awkward.

I'm desperately hoping nothing. I have no problem, again, with telling you and your chums that I'm not going to explain my ATOS comments a fifth time. To anyone with a modicum of common sense, my comments were utterly justified and I stand by them.

You haven't provided evidence, merely a couple of links that I can't find fault with.

But carry on using words like "desperately", "disaster" and "awkward". It's amusing.

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Wings Over Scotland is the work of a very strange and twisted individual. Some of its output is interesting and gives an alternative perspective on things, but it certainly can't be considered a credible source given the amount of absolute shite that comes out of it.

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that I'm not going to explain my ATOS comments a fifth time. To anyone with a modicum of common sense, my comments were utterly justified

I think you need to understand the difference between "comments" and "claims".

You made a numerical claim about the number of people driven to depression and suicide by ATOS. You have failed utterly to justify it.

Is it justified to say "The SNP have driven millions of people to depression and suicide" Yes or No?

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