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ICM called the AV referendum correctly to within 0.1% and was the most accurate pollster for the 1997, 2001 and 2010 General Elections according to Mike Smithson on Twitter.

I still don't think any of them have much of a clue, though.

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So we have a 'political betting' site with YES ahead in this poll, and the BBC with no ahead.

I wonder who is wrong?

Probably me. I wrote the code for that website earlier today with help from the BBC and Interpol who all want to undermine the Yes campaign. All lies the whole lot of it

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Probably me. I wrote the code for that website earlier today with help from the BBC and Interpol who all want to undermine the Yes campaign. All lies the whole lot of it


They aren't supposed to know that we are manipulating all the polls in order to help the union.

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There is absolutely no doubt, the Yes campaign will have taken a big hit after the huge scare stories being put out by the Bitters. Sadly it works and I really despair at those who swallow their shite so easily.

I still have my doubts about the polls and always have. The 3 stooges wouldn't have suddenly dropped everything, rushed North and then got their friends in big business to brief against independence while the Treasury leaked sensitive market details if the polls were as far apart as they seem.

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Genuinely clueless as to wtf is gonna happen. I've been arguing with a boy no voter in work pretty heatedly for months and he telt me yesterday he opened it up crossed yes and closed it he said he has a f**k load of worries but he would regret it if he didn't, that right there shows how fucking unpredictable this is. It's all getting rather exciting.

Ps f**k THE BBC!!!! c***s

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So you think an independent Scotland is a Utopia? You are the most deluded and easily manipulated poster on any forum I have ever read. So becoming independent means the eradication of povery? Why? Because you no longer have the economic backing of a bigger government?

Wow just wow

Economic backing? Would you give your richer neighbour your pay packet and accept buttons back?

Just because you despise your own country and have no faith in it, doesn't mean we all have to.

You won't find a single Yes voter who promises a utopia. What you will find is people with vision, hope and knowledge that an iScotland will bring greater opportunities and fairness than the UK ever will.

I'd hate to have your mindset. Fortunately, some of us can think bigger.

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