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Economic backing? Would you give your richer neighbour your pay packet and accept buttons back?

Just because you despise your own country and have no faith in it, doesn't mean we all have to.

You won't find a single Yes voter who promises a utopia. What you will find is people with vision, hope and knowledge that an iScotland will bring greater opportunities and fairness than the UK ever will.

I'd hate to have your mindset. Fortunately, some of us can think bigger.

No I wouldn't and Salmond seems to think that he'll get a great deal for Scotland. I don't despise my country; quite the opposite and that's why i resent him being FM.

I think you'll find that most Yes voters spin this yarn about "choosing the society they want to live in". That's hinting at perfection which you won't get because negotiations which will take 2-3 years will result in uncertainty and an economic downturn. Think big but accept reality and what's best for Alba

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Think big but accept reality and what's best for Alba

Independence is what is best. Perhaps not in the short term, but definitely in the long term. Of that I have no doubts.

54:46 Yes with ICM according to this blog:


I'm guessing that is with undecideds removed.

Edited by Casual Bystander
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Just back from Kilmarnock. Popped into one pub for a pint before the game. Advertising an independence/drown your sorrows party next Saturday. Left pub after quick pint - passed by Yes supporters shop/office on way to game. Open with cars outside waving saltires lots of activists around. Yes supporters outside the ground gave me a couple of badges. No sign of any NO support.

Watched game (no comment). Left game. Passed by Cathy Jamiesons office just before 5. Office shut. Yes shop was still open with activists around. Went into a second pub. Pub openly supporting the yes campaign.

If I was an undecided voter, and thinking what I should do, it would have been almost everything would be yes. Apart from a whole load of No posters outside the closed Labour office, nothing.

Just hope the waether stays good before Thursday. The more people are away from their TVs the better

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You see, even if the ICM poll is way out it doesn't really matter. The last week has seen a massive onslaught of negative campaigning and fear mongering put forward by the Bitters, and a lot of it has been found out to be nothing more than thinly veiled threats and lies, however it has to have affected the mind set of some of the Yes support. A poll that shows so many people supporting the case for independence doesn't need to be correct for it to have a galvanising effect on the will of the Yes camp and their supporters.

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No I wouldn't and Salmond seems to think that he'll get a great deal for Scotland. I don't despise my country; quite the opposite and that's why i resent him being FM.

I think you'll find that most Yes voters spin this yarn about "choosing the society they want to live in". That's hinting at perfection which you won't get because negotiations which will take 2-3 years will result in uncertainty and an economic downturn. Think big but accept reality and what's best for Alba

Let's look at the financial side shall we?

Labour's Devolution commission said we would be the 14th richest country in the world, ahead of the rUK at 18th, without factoring in a drop of oil.

I've already covered our oil reserves, renewable energy potential and fish stocks not to mention our multi billion pound Food & Drink and Tourism industries. Pile on top of that things like construction, life sciences and manufacturing and throw in a hunger new eager country and I can't see much wrong with how our future looks.

We have a fantastic nation of people.

We're definitely not too small.

We're definitely not too stupid.

We're definitely not too poor.

There is nothing holding us back but the type of closed minded, cynical, hateful, regressive view of Scotland that you and so many of your ilk peddle ad infinitum.

Thankfully, as I said, you're not most people.

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Let's look at the financial side shall we?

Labour's Devolution commission said we would be the 14th richest country in the world, ahead of the rUK at 18th, without factoring in a drop of oil.

I've already covered our oil reserves, renewable energy potential and fish stocks not to mention our multi billion pound Food & Drink and Tourism industries. Pile on top of that things like construction, life sciences and manufacturing and throw in a hunger new eager country and I can't see much wrong with how our future looks.

We have a fantastic nation of people.

We're definitely not too small.

We're definitely not too stupid.

We're definitely not too poor.

There is nothing holding us back but the type of closed minded, cynical, hateful, regressive view of Scotland that you and so many of your ilk peddle ad infinitum.

Thankfully, as I said, you're not most people.

Have you got any sources along with your European contributions to back up a thing that you've written?

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Have you got any sources along with your European contributions to back up a thing that you've written?

Funny how No voters scream for evidence when they're back into a corner.

I'm afraid you'll have to do the googling yourself, but I have read from several sources that food & drink and tourism are worth £13bn and £10bn respectively. Could be the other way about, but they are the figures.

I couldn't give much of a shit if you believe me or not. You're small minded, I'm not. It's up to you how you deal with that.

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Funny how No voters scream for evidence when they're back into a corner.

I'm afraid you'll have to do the googling yourself, but I have read from several sources that food & drink and tourism are worth £13bn and £10bn respectively. Could be the other way about, but they are the figures.

I couldn't give much of a shit if you believe me or not. You're small minded, I'm not. It's up to you how you deal with that.

So that's a No then.I knew I'd talk you round

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So that's a No then.I knew I'd talk you round

No it's a Yes from me. Those are facts and I'm happy to boast about how great Scotland can be.

Keep on with the obsessed hating though, it's going just super for you so far.

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You see, even if the ICM poll is way out it doesn't really matter. The last week has seen a massive onslaught of negative campaigning and fear mongering put forward by the Bitters, and a lot of it has been found out to be nothing more than thinly veiled threats and lies, however it has to have affected the mind set of some of the Yes support. A poll that shows so many people supporting the case for independence doesn't need to be correct for it to have a galvanising effect on the will of the Yes camp and their supporters.

Anyone got any idea if their methodology might have been different from the others in some way?

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Don't like Scottish government or wiki links, how about FT:


Anyone got any idea if their methodology might have been different from the others in some way?

If you can read between Curice's obvious seethe... http://blog.whatscotlandthinks.org/2014/09/icm-put-yes-ahead-perhaps/

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