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4 minutes ago, GTG_03 said:

Can't wait for a Starter win next year and for him to...eh continue on with conservative policies.

As he keeps saying, people want a change!

A change of people administering the same policies, obviously.

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34 minutes ago, Donathan said:

Absolute garbage. I’ve no idea where this idea that Starmer is continuing all of Sunak’s policies. There’s some cross over of course, but the manifestos won’t be the same by any means. 

That's a a good point actually. He's changed his mind a great deal since elected as Labour leader so maybe there's hope yet...

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19 minutes ago, GTG_03 said:

That's a a good point actually. He's changed his mind a great deal since elected as Labour leader so maybe there's hope yet...

That's true - he's changed almost everything that would differentiate them from the Conservatives, usually almost as soon as it was announced.

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52 minutes ago, Donathan said:

Absolute garbage. I’ve no idea where this idea that Starmer is continuing all of Sunak’s policies. There’s some cross over of course, but the manifestos won’t be the same by any means. 

Of course, an incoming Labour Government would like to do something about [insert literally anything], but of course we know there is no money left

Labour are staring the biggest electoral mandate afforded anyone in a generation and all we get is chicken feed shit, rowing back on any previous commitment they've made. Refusing to commit to any of the literal dozen structural, fiscal, cultural or industrial reforms the UK desperately needs.

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21 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

They have to have something to cling on to.

Certainly for me, it's not about "clinging on" to anything. Starmer is going to be elected on a landslide with a mandate to do nothing more than manage the current decline in a less publically annoying way than the Tories.

Voters are by and large sick to death of the Tory personalities, and that's what will get Starmer in. Nothing to do with any kind of better vision of life. There is no national mission, no project that animates the country to go in a given direction.

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52 minutes ago, renton said:

Of course, an incoming Labour Government would like to do something about [insert literally anything], but of course we know there is no money left

Labour are staring the biggest electoral mandate afforded anyone in a generation and all we get is chicken feed shit, rowing back on any previous commitment they've made. Refusing to commit to any of the literal dozen structural, fiscal, cultural or industrial reforms the UK desperately needs.

Labour were staring at a generational mandate between 2017 and 2019 but crashed to an absolute disaster instead. In part due to decisions taken by the pro-European wing, but more so because of the clowncar leadership and patent nonsense 'national vision' of the mumbleclown.

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He may not be continuing Sunak's policies verbatum, but he's sure as fvk running away from 'pledges' he made to become Labour leader.


Off the top of my head;

Abolish tuition fees - NOPE

Nationalise many of the Utility providers - NOPE

Abolish the House of Lords - NOPE

Increase taxes on wealthiest 5% - NOPE, they're now going to focus on growing the economy (sound familiar) and even worse, he's bleating about how high the tax burden is in general.

Re-establish freedom of movement and return to the single market or customs union - NOPE they're going to do Brexit better (I fvkkin ask you!)


Other Social Justice items he might or might not get round to;

Abolish Universal Credit (which I believe he called cruel at one point).  I think his latest line is that they'll 'review'

Two child benefit cap...  Mibbees aye, mibbees naw!


 Other things he's done;

Threw Sadiq Khan under the bus when he thought he'd lost Uxbridge because of ULEZ (a policy Starmer had previously supported).


He was going to promote 'Peace and human rights' (That was a genuine 'PLEDGE' stop laughing at the back).

It turns out Human Rights don't extend to Palestinians, who you can  deny basic human needs such as food, water and starve to death if it's politically expediant for you.


Starmer is a man of many principles, but if you don't like them, he'll get some more.

Yours, a life long labour voter.


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If you're a lifelong Labour voter then you presumably voted for Blair in at least two of his three consecutive terms. So why are you bleating about the Great Betrayal of tuition fees or not abolishing the House of Lords? 

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Anyone mind that time back in the Bojo days when people who were predicting Keir would win the next GE on here were getting derided and told there was no chance and that they couldn't even get a hung parliament? 

Some of the predictions that get made on here should have people stepping away from the game and holding themselves accountable for being horrendously inccorect whilst shelving their keyboards but they'll continue to get angry and be wrong on almost every political prediction instead. 

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Apologies, forgot to quote the question;

"If you're a lifelong Labour voter then you presumably voted for Blair in at least two of his three consecutive terms. So why are you bleating about the Great Betrayal of tuition fees or not abolishing the House of Lords? "



Yip I do have a sense of regret with my 2005 vote, but not primarily because of the slow progress of reforming the House of Lords.  More with the absolute shytshow that was the war in Iraq.  Unfortunately, the alternative of even more Warmongery Tories was more unpalatable.

Once bitten twice shy.


Believe it or not, I didn't have an issue with Tuition fees to begin with.  They were set at circa £1k per year (so roughly £2k p.a. in todays money).  Seemed like a reasonable balance to me.  However in his third term he (Blair) upped the anti to £3k p.a.  Fast forward to today and young people are saddling themselves with £28k worth of debt for tuition fees alone (compare that to £6k in today's money as originally proposed).  We are completely pricing young people from poorer backgrounds out of higher education.

I've now come to realise that I was wrong, it's been the thin end of the wedge and It's a false economy.  If we want Britain to succeed we need to barriers to entry not make them higher.  I've climbed the greasy pole, but I only managed to do it because I got a full grant.  I'm not prepared to pull the fvkking ladder up any more, and I'm dissapointed in myself for ever thinking that we wouldn't end up where we are.  


As for House of Lords reform, in Labours third term and despite Blair personally wanting an appointed upper house/fiefdom, both houses voted to have an elected upper chamber.  I still thought I was going to get change, but it was not driven through and the election of Cameron/Clegg fvkked it.


Everyone thinks that I hated Starmer from the off, I didn't, I supported his election to leader.  I genuinely thought he was going to establish a more equitable society. 

I'm not completely naive.  He's going to be Prime Minister, and I hope with all my heart that I'm wrong about him, and that he'll bring to bear policies that help the poorer and disadvantaged in our society.  (However do any of us really believe that this is going to be the case)?  For me, hand on heart, the answer is 'no'.  I don't want austerity with a pink tinge.  I want the Labour Party to be brave, visionary, dynamic and fearless in it's zeal to create a farer and more just society. 

The Tories have confirmed all my worst prejudices about them, they're mean spirtited bullies, and punch down because it's easier to vilify than it is to effect positive change.

Once in a generation opportunity to kick all the trickle down nonsense into the scrap heap of history, and we've got... Kier Starmer's Labour Party (we should demand better)!

Yours, I hope to god I'm wrong.


Edited by aDONisSheep
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