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Helicopter crashes into Clutha pub, Glasgow

The Master

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I fear there will be more bad news once the pub is cleared.

This is something I've been thinking about.

8 dead, 14 in hospital seriously injured but (unless I've missed it) nothing about numbers unaccounted for or alternatively an indication that they believe the 8 & 14 are final.

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No just saw it retweeted on Twitter. Boys closed his account now. A bit late as it seems a lot of people have made the Police aware of it.

Certain people still not received the memo that posting racist and offensive language on social media doesn't mean it can't be punished.

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Jokes are not about individuals involved. They can be about the situation and the reaction to it. What is more offensive is clowns seriously speculating about cause and outcome when they know f**k all. I also can't go grief junkies telling us about their deep shock....you're not, you might be surprised or even a bit concerned, we all are, but you're not involved so shut up.

People might shut up about their " deep shock " when you shut the f**k up with your pseudo intellectual jokes. There are people on here with genuine tears yet you and some others on here still put up the big LOOK AT ME banner.

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Was tuned into soccer Saturday and Jeff mentioned that Stranraer Central defender Frank Mckeown was a firefighter at the scene until 8am. Sure he is pretty good at switching off but not sure how he managed it after such an event. As Philpy says above the poor guy has gone through hell but I think he actually has the right attitude now as the chance of an oap surviving that are close to nil. Complete and utter horror story in such a normal occasion.

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The whole "Glasgow Spirit" thing is doing my tits like it's purely a Glaswegian/Scottish trait to help those in need. The same thing would've happened no matter where in the UK this event occurred.

I agree with you there. But I think regardless of where it happened people would try to praise the local community, especially if they had tried to help as they did last night. I don’t consider it necessarily just a compliment to the area or points scoring, more trying to say positive things in a bad time.

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I guess a lot of it comes to the locality of the incident. With 24 hour news coverage sometimes we become innured to a lot of events, even although they are on a far greater scale of devastion, death and destruction. Due to where it occured there is the greater chance, for Glaswegians, that someone they genuinely care about has been affected directly.

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Isn't that the same street/area where the Plastics factory blew up?

Obviously a helicopter crashing into a pub = disaster, but as someone mentioned, it didn't look as bad as it sounds with the early pictures. I certainly didn't expect at least 8 confirmed deaths, truly horrific. Thoughts go out to those affected:

I think you're confusing Stockwell with Stockline.

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An extended member of my family was in the Clutha last night, going to see the Ska band playing. Thankfully he's alive, but has suffered a broken spine in 3 places as a slab from the roof landed on him. An absolutely horrific injury for him, but at least he's still alive. Others weren't so lucky.

Just had one of the worst phonecalls of my life. I was naive enough to think that was the extent of his injuries, how wrong I was.

His spine is cracked in 3 places, he has a broken dislocated shoulder, a broken right ankle(which needs reset), broken ribs which punctured his lung. The friend he was with has a head injury(seriousness unknown).

They are alive though which is the main thing as some people didn't make it.

Thoughts are with the families of the people who didn't make it.

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Guest honestrae95

Reporter: 'theres blood on your shirt Jim'

Jim Murphy: '......Its not mine'

Talk about opportunistic.

Just because you don't agree with Jim Murphy's political allegiance, it doesn't give anybody a right to have a pop at him for helping out a scene of an accident. As previously stated, if you think Jim Murphy jumped into a falling building to win some votes, then you're an idiot. I don't particularly agree with his views on politics or think he's a very good politician but he has to be commended, just like anybody else that helped out, for helping out fellow citizens. For once, can we not put the political shite aside?

For what its worth, I think its quite remarkable that the death toll is as low as it is. When I heard that a helicopter had crashed into a packed pub, I thought the death toll would be significantly higher. The fact that only eight (at present and hopefully it won't rise) have been killed is a testament to the professionalism of the pilot for ditching fuel and sacrificing his life- for the lives of many, many others. Of course, that and the fantastic emergency services that we have in Scotland.

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Guest honestrae95

Just had one of the worst phonecalls of my life. I was naive enough to think that was the extent of his injuries, how wrong I was.

His spine is cracked in 3 places, he has a broken dislocated shoulder, a broken right ankle(which needs reset), broken ribs which punctured his lung. The friend he was with has a head injury(seriousness unknown).

They are alive though which is the main thing as some people didn't make it.

Thoughts are with the families of the people who didn't make it.

Sorry to hear that SLJ. Absolutely horrific, but as you said, it could be worse.

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One of the cops in the chopper was part of my missus extended family, and she's been confirmed as dead to the family over night.
Condolences, Lex.
An extended member of my family was in the Clutha last night, going to see the Ska band playing. Thankfully he's alive, but has suffered a broken spine in 3 places as a slab from the roof landed on him. An absolutely horrific injury for him, but at least he's still alive. Others weren't so lucky.
Hope he recovers mate.
I'm not a fan of the whole 'only in Glasgow' stuff, but seriously, I can't think of anywhere else that a guy could stop his car and run into a crumbling building to try and help save lives, and be met with such levels of derision and abuse. In that split second, when a fucking helicopter was crashing through a fucking pub roof and killing people, does anyone GENUINELY believe Jim Murphy's first thoughts when he stopped his car and ran to try and help, were 'this could be a vote winner'? If so, seek help.
Were you not slagging Alex Salmond earlier for pretty much the same thing, before you deleted your posts?
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Were you not slagging Alex Salmond earlier for pretty much the same thing, before you deleted your posts?


I was slagging him as I thought his tweet about resilience was a daft chest-beating rallying call. I later learned that it's an actual contingency plan which was in place for such emergencies, and what he was quoting was the name of the contingency.

I deleted it as it was inaccurate on my part and neither relevant to, nor appropriate for the discussion.

Thanks for your concern about my disappearing posts, though. :)

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I was slagging him as I thought his tweet about resilience was a daft chest-beating rallying call. I later learned that it's an actual contingency plan which was in place for such emergencies, and what he was quoting was the name of the contingency.

I deleted it as it was inaccurate on my part and neither relevant to, nor appropriate for the discussion.

Thanks for your concern about my disappearing posts, though. :)


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