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I remember the first photo, is he up in the Ochils for it? They're both very handsome dogs. [emoji4]
I remember when we got my current dog she was utterly mental and such a stress to own. Compared to what my previous dog was like (old and calm) she was hard to deal with and it took me a while to find any redeeming qualities in Skye. You'll always find something to love about a dog even if it's chalk and cheese to your previous one.

Aye spot on!

And I think that’s been the hardest part of a new pup - and I suppose it shouldn’t really have been any surprise - but having spent the previous 10 years training and evolving with the previous dog, it’s such a shock to the system when you’ve got a new one who thinks you speak gobbledegook.

10 years of investment gone, start from scratch once again. But then the little wins slowly become bigger wins. And once you start getting them on track it all becomes just as rewarding again. Even if it does seem to take an age! And I forget I’m 10 years older too....
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The wee guy (see post #970 above) isn’t actually all that wee now. 32kgs at the weigh in at the vets this week.

This morning he came running at me full tilt, I chickened at the same time as he baled, we both went the same way and his concrete foreheid hit me flush on the side of my knee. 5hrs in A+E, nowt broken, it’s only soft tissue damage (I know, go run it off, pussy!) and I’m now confined to barracks on cocodamol.

Can’t drive, couldn’t even think about making it up the 3flights to my office, I’m probably off work now til about Xmas.

Must’ve given him a dull one too. Not many have put 17st of me 4ft up in the air!

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I’m keen on boxers too, though never had one. Daft as brushes as pups, but seem to mature into real loyal, family pets. They also invariably look great.
They are fantastic family pets so much fun. They are pretty easy to train ie toilet, sit, paw etc but they are pretty destructive as puppies. We've had 1 boy and one girl and the girl was a lot more chilled out. Always full of life anf very excitable id recommend a boxer to anyone.
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Mrs has taken up flower arranging. Made a crown/tiara for Renton. Worrying when I feel like I’m the sane one in the family.
One day Rents is going to bite your nuts off. That poor mut strutting about in a turtle neck or you making him look like Cesar, he's going to have his revenge!
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