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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Hmm. Are antipodean friends are probably in their wanking chariots, so here's a link to today's quiz:


5 out of 10. And would have been 6 if I could work out the difference between northern and southern.

And here's another BBC quiz .. this time on Euro 2016. Quite proud of 9 out of 15, since I know nothing about football.


Swarley's chariot might have been washed out to sea going by the weather on the east coast. 6/10 for me.

ETA 7/15 in the Euros.

Edited by Eednud
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Well we survived the Wasteland but it's still a temporary quiz today. Being the Queen's Birthday holiday in Australia (except WA & ironically Queensland) today's quiz has not been posted on-line yet. So for your fun and enjoyment the 2015 edition of the quiz follows. 6/10, would have been 7 if had read the Gulf question properly.  Knew 5,7,8 and guessed 3,6,9. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=1833&sectionId=1

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Looks like the person responsible for the quiz at The Oz has chucked a sickie, is crook or used up some leave for an extr long weekend so no quiz again. However, here is the equivalent from a year ago.  5/10, knew the city, sport and Cyprus. Guessed TV series and book. Changed mind on Attorney-General and no idea why I picked different answer for Titan. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=1843&sectionId=1

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Holy shit! I think maybe my worst performance 1/10. Knew none and got the last question right to avoid an embarrassing blank. Ah well, at least I've another day of 32degree heat, footie on the telly and some beer in the evening to look forward to.

Edited by dee_62
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