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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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14 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Honestly cannae see it pal. Admittedly it wouldn't be the first time I've cunted this, but there's nowt in my box.

Re-submitted. Entirely pointless given the scores...

4/10 for todays quiz. More German language based questions please...

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Just now, Ross. said:

Re-submitted. Entirely pointless given the scores...

4/10 for todays quiz. More German language based questions please...

Wie komme Ich am Besten zum Bahnhof bitte?

Just waiting for @G_Man1985 and I can reveal the 1st round results!

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6 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Wie komme Ich am Besten zum Bahnhof bitte?

Just waiting for @G_Man1985 and I can reveal the 1st round results!

Entschuldigung, aber ich Spreche kein Deutsch. Du solltest jemand anderes anfragen.

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1 hour ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Eh? It's fairly split between As and Bs, surely some must be wrong?


Not sure if you've seen the show, but there is always a right answer, a wrong answer and an "Impossible" answer (in this case, it was Kyoto - which is a city and not an island). So around half the folk got the impossible answer (and were eliminated) and the other half the right answer, but nobody the wrong answer. 

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5 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I've only had a cursory glance, but it would seem that there are 2 Monday quizzes floating about, with a few people taking both - that's sure to confuse me. 

Anyway, that's yer play-off results in. According to this fluff piece, 162,719 pints are lost every year to hirsuteness. 

  • For the Premiership, Jagfox99 went for 37,500,000 - more than half a pint for every man, woman and child in Britain. Livi Lion went for 200,000 which was remarkably close, so well done to Livi Lion - up he goes!
  • For the SWL, Dee_62 went for 750,000 but wished he had guessed higher cos of all the Russian and Scandinavian beer drinkers (the question was pretty vague but actually only included British Guinness drinkers.. I think) and Wilkinson1998 went for 90,000 ... so congrats to Wilkinson who is promoted to SWL at the expense of poor old Dee_62. 


Ah yes - stupid me for not realising that the Guinness Book of World records people were only looking at beardies in Britain in this case Plus they were only looking at Guinness itself and not beer generally. 

1st time in any playoff and I made an arse of myself!

Oh well.... Beazer Home League - hello again! 

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So that's all the cup results in. And what an exciting round it was... 

 TIE 1
         LiviLion (5+2) 7
         dyl (3+1) 4 
         pleslie99 (4+5) 9

Pleslie goes through with aplomb. 

         Ross. (2+3) 5
         Eednud (6+5) 11
         Leeds Saint (4+4) 8

Interviewed after the match "These pre-season Cup ties are difficult when you haven't finalised your squad for the next season. So a very inexperienced squad travelled to Switzerland and performed well. In fact probably better than most of last season's regulars. A first half 6 but missed an open goal in the last minute. Jet lag kicked in a bit in the second half but happy with 5." ... 

Meanwhile, Ross. refused to be interviewed but released a statement blaming "The Guinness" for his team's poor showing.

         Wilkinson1998 (4+3) 7
         madwullie (5+5) 10
         Jagfox99 (4+5) 9

Madwullie goes through. Jagfox99 must be as sick as a parrot, as 9 would be enough in many of the ties.  

 TIE 4
         Tynieness  (7+2) 9
         Blackislekillie (6+6) 12
         Frankie S (6+5) 11

A high-scoring tie and a bit of a shock, as a BHL side rattles in 12 goals to knock out previous league champions and cup holders...

         Bully Wee Villa (4+3) 7
         irvine_buddie (3+3) 6
         WILLIEA (5+5) 10

No shocks in Tie 5, as WILLIEA trounces his lower league opposition.

         Dee Man (2+3) 5
         Jacksgranda (3+3) 6
         WhiteRoseKillie (5+7) 12

And no shocks in tie 6 as cup specialist romps his opponents. Jacksgranda rued his team's performance as "crap" and Dee Man must be regretting getting me to trawl back through the thread to find a link to the quiz. 

         Audaces Fortuna Juvat (5+6) = 11
         Dee_62 (4+6) 10
         BigBo10 (8)

Dee_62 voiced concerns before the match that "anyone with a Latin user name is going to be good at quizzes" .. .and by jove he was right. 10 is a fine score, but it wasn't enough, and AFJ goes through.

TIE 8 
         deej (6-5) 11
         Cowden0 (5+6) 11

A fine pair of scores, and they've got it all to do again, with the replay to be held somewhere in Ireland.

         Alang1993 (6+3) 9
         Gman_1985 (4+5) 9

Likewise, Gman_1985 put in a Herculean display against the Premiership giants and earns himself a money-spinning replay. 

 TIE 10
         MSU (5+5) 10
         Supermik (3+3)  6

In the post-match interview, MSU declared "It was a game of two halves" ... just the sort of insightful commentary we strive for here in the EtADDJJT.

TIE 11
         Peasy23 (4+5) 9
         Cardinal Richelieu (5+3) 8

"f**k off" snarled Cardinal Richelieu to a somewhat bemused Hazel Irvine when asked for his comment about his team's performance.

TIE 12
         gkneil (5+4) 9
         Helpma (4+3) 7

In a late kick-off, gkneil's average performance was enough...

TIE 13
         Welshbairn (6+6) 12
         The_Kincardine (5+6) 11

Post match, The_Kincardine confided that he was "not expecting to progress"... despite achieving a score that would have won most of the ties. However, his premonition proved to be spot-on....

TIE 14
         SlipperyP (4+3) 7 
         Die Hard Doonhamer (3+3) 6

Goals were in short-supply, as were the words in the post-match interview. Both teams opting for "shite". 

TIE 15
         johnnydun (2+3) 5
         Scotfree (6+5) 11

Johnny never got out the starting blocks and Scotfree progresses...

 TIE 16
         Arabdownunder (4+4) 8
         Swarley (2+4)

In keeping with the one word interview technique, Swarley declared that he was "fecked". And how right he was. 


So two replays! I'll do a traditional question since G_man1985 has problems accessing quiz sites... 

Deej vs Cowden0 and Alang1993 vs G_Man1985 .... 

PM me your answer to the following question ... on what date was Emmerdale Farm changed to simply Emmerdale? (I'm looking for the date the first show was broadcast as Emmerdale)

And a bonus greenie for the first person who knows who revealed that the reason for changing the title was "it doesn't take so long to read" and they can "pack a lot more story in"... 

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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1 hour ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Ah, right. I've not seen the show. I saw it was on, and thought I might give it a try. Then Patrick Kielty appeared so I changed channel.

Not sure if you are kidding, but the Patrick Kielty show is Debatable. Impossible is hosted by Rick Edwards

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11 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Oh okay, yeah, I've mixed them up. In that case I've never seen a second of Impossible.

There is a new series starting on BBC1 at 2.15 if you want to watch it. I find it quite enjoyable, although other folk have said it drags on a bit. 

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1 hour ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:


         Dee Man (2+3) 5
         Jacksgranda (3+3) 6
         WhiteRoseKillie (5+7) 12

And no shocks in tie 6 as cup specialist romps his opponents. Jacksgranda rued his team's performance as "crap" and Dee Man must be regretting getting me to trawl back through the thread to find a link to the quiz. 




If I'd been playing Dee Man I'd have won.

And if the two us us had added our scores together, WRK would still have won!

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