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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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45 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

Easy now, I'm using the works phone just now and predicted text has kicked, also just noticed the using pishe phone signature also!!! How do I stop that shite?

Sent from my iris560 using Pie and Bovril mobile app

Dafuq is an iris560? Do yous have different phones out there? 

Sent from my Motorola StarTAC 70 using Pie and Bovril mobile app

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A  moderately pleasing 7/10 today.  Song, Nepal and Stock Market wrong.  Ah well, off to the bottle shop to stock up before tonight - I have a feeling I'll need some anaesthetic.

Sent from my couch using blood, sweat and tears.

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Only one day to go in the league and things are shaping up for being the most exciting season EVER. 

MSU really is on fire this week, opening up a 4 point lead over the opposition. And relegation is finely poised with 3 teams on 22. Of course, Frankie is currently suffering from "Quiz Fatigue" and if he doesn't recover, will nab one of the relegation spots. ... Can you get signed off work for quiz fatigue?


WhiteRoseKillie has a similarly humungous lead over the opposition. Some have speculated that he actually got relegated deliberately so that he could pick up a coveted Stealers Wheel winning medal but he has strenuously denied this. Several teams are in contention for the play-off place. 


And in the BHL, BigBo10 is still in the lead by one point.. I've lost my automatic promotion place due to the new Quiz Difference rules... but most of the teams in the league still have a chance to get promoted, proving that the seaside league is the only show in town.


Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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11 hours ago, welshbairn said:

How did it go? I was thinking you were at the Galactic Quarter Final versus Andromeda.


7 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

How did you get in Frankie

Sent from my iris560 using Pie and Bovril mobile app

Finished 94th (out of just under 2,900). 131/240 (118/210 after I dropped my weakest genre - Sport). Was around 200th the last couple of years, so delighted to break into the top 100, given the standard and depth of the field. Very challenging quiz. Was helped by my weaker subjects (science, lifestyle) being a bit easier than normal and my best subject (culture) being tough, but happening to suit me. Ent (which I'd normally expect to do well on) was brutal, but was tough for everyone.

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30 minutes ago, Frankie S said:


Finished 94th (out of just under 2,900). 131/240 (118/210 after I dropped my weakest genre - Sport). Was around 200th the last couple of years, so delighted to break into the top 100, given the standard and depth of the field. Very challenging quiz. Was helped by my weaker subjects (science, lifestyle) being a bit easier than normal and my best subject (culture) being tough, but happening to suit me. Ent (which I'd normally expect to do well on) was brutal, but was tough for everyone.

Nice work. Are you allowed to post the quiz?

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33 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

And in the BHL, BigBo10 is still in the lead by one point.. I've lost my automatic promotion place due to the new Quiz Difference rules... but most of the teams in the league still have a chance to get promoted, proving that the seaside league is the only show in town.


Happy to be proven wrong in my opposition to the rule changes, the new ones are clearly much fairer.

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Bored at work, so I've done the EtADDJJT cup draw...

  • Peasy23 vs gkneil
  • Scotfree vs Audaces Fortuna Juvat
  • WILLIEA vs pleslie99
  • Arabdownunder vs Deej
  • Eednud vs madwullie
  • Alang1993 vs SlipperyP
  • Welshbairn vs WhiteRoseKillie
  • MSU vs Blackislekillie

Ties to be played on the 9th-12th June. 

Still bored, so I'm posting tomorrow's quiz. Got a genuine chance of promotion... I'm giddy with excitement...


And in the style of Donald Trump, I'm going to "live tweet" my responses (obviously with no spoilers). 

  1. Toss up between two of them. I'll go for the less obvious one...
  2. Sigh. Terrible question (i.e. don't have a clue).. random pick...
  3. Never heard of the books. Can't believe any of them have written children books. I'll go for an "intelligent" guess...
  4. Wow. A soccer question that doesn't involve The Wagga Wagga Kookaburras or suchlike. Should be a shoo-in.
  5. The only Dickens book I've ever read NEVER comes up in quiz questions... however, I think this one should be okay...
  6. Woo. A third shoo-in.  
  7. Everyone loves Charlie Brown. Number 4 is in the bag. 
  8. Wow. 5th one I've known. This means that there will be people getting 10 :(
  9. Toss up between 2. 
  10. ... anddddd an Aussie sports question to finish. Darn

FUCKING FIVE. What a joke. And I got the Charlie Brown question wrong. Raging.

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In keeping with the Cardinal's live tweet stylee:

1. Can probably narrow it down to two. Flip a coin.

2. Helps that I know someone who lives there.

3. Again, can narrow it down to two. From there, one seems more likely to me.

4. Piece of piss. Next.

5. Ditto.

6. No idea. Took a punt.

7. Another easy one.

8. Ditto.

9. Well, I know it's not three of them, so that makes it easier.

10. No idea. Took a punt.


9/10 -- fly in the ointment was #6.

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