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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Some irrelevant moan

Will go with who’s closest geographically to the correct team.

This was already covered. I also hate to side with the cardinal but I’m a man of my word
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15 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

My team were 4th twice, the Cardinal's only one.

Normally I  wouldn't bother but I hate @Cardinal Richelieu


Brazil have come 4th twice. 

If there is one thing we can all take away from this, it's that Tyniewhateverhe'scalledthisweek is:

  1. Wrong
  2. A bellend
Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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I've just come in from work after a 40 hour shift to this mess. WTF.

Playoffs are a serious business, ye canny play with folk lives like this....I try and restore some order for next week lads.


Ps Bully, hope you have high focus lense for your camera, bunch o wee dicks your playing with here.

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On 13/07/2018 at 12:58, Cardinal Richelieu said:

And here's the roll-call for missing teams



On 13/07/2018 at 21:16, pleslie99 said:
On 13/07/2018 at 12:58, Cardinal Richelieu said:
And here's the roll-call for missing teams  

Still think there should be a penalty for late posting if scores. Sort it out boss man. If folk know they will have no access until later in the week they should specify this at the start of the week?

You are right.  Plus, the quiz thread is at its best if you can reply most days. 

I won't be able to do that over the next month or so due to various work and family commitments so will take a break and see if I am granted a license to start again in the Seaside League come September... 

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1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:


You are right.  Plus, the quiz thread is at its best if you can reply most days. 

I won't be able to do that over the next month or so due to various work and family commitments so will take a break and see if I am granted a license to start again in the Seaside League come September... 

Seeing as how you've asked so politely, we bucket-and-spaders will probably say "Yes". Probably...

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