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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Sorry I'm late - I've brought a note...

Monday - nine. Fucking ugly.

Tuesday - nine - young peoples' music.

Wednesday - ten. Yippee!

Thursday - eight - constant and NFL - I assume that number has changed in the last thirty years?

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2 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Sorry I'm late - I've brought a note...

Monday - nine. Fucking ugly.

Tuesday - nine - young peoples' music.

Wednesday - ten. Yippee!

Thursday - eight - constant and NFL - I assume that number has changed in the last thirty years?

Re, NFL:

They have been playing that many games since 1978, with the exception of one strike-shortened season.

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8 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

5 out of 10 for Thor's Day. 

And it's not Avagadro's constant, it's AvOgadro's constant  (Helpma will back me up on this one). I'd have got that question right if they'd got the spelling correct. 

I concur.  Though after encountering a Ph.D student who thought it was Avocados constant, I'd say that was close enough.  I got it right 😁

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Congratulations to everyone's favourite Cardinal on winning tonight's online quiz.

50 questions on a timer, very good format , under pressure to answer, bonus for answering quickly.

Anyway @Cardinal Richelieuwon @Bully Wee Villawas 2nd and I came a close 3rd.  I was robbed

A big thanks to that fanny @The Captainwho rang me halfway through fucking up my screen for two questions.

Incidentally what type of question is what school did stuart bloody hosiery go to?

The cardinal showed an interest in the format and up to 50 players can play

Who fancies it one evening?  The quiz that is not anything else.


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