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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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That was so easy that I'm expecting Knightswood Bear to waltz in claiming an 11.

Still only got a 6 though. :lol:

At a pub quiz last night. Heard possibly THE worst quiz question in the history of pub quizzes.

"Name the top 5 languages in the world spoken in the most countries".

I asked for clarification a few times (native languages, number of speakers etc) but was none the wiser. A greenie for anyone who can get all 5 cos we certainly didn't manage it.

I'm reading it as "Name the 5 languages in the world spoken in the most countries"

Here's my guess:






Edited by welshbairn
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At a pub quiz last night. Heard possibly THE worst quiz question in the history of pub quizzes.

"Name the top 5 languages in the world spoken in the most countries".

I asked for clarification a few times (native languages, number of speakers etc) but was none the wiser. A greenie for anyone who can get all 5 cos we certainly didn't manage it.


As you say, very badly worded question. My take would be based on number of speakers -

1. Spanish

2. Mandarin

3. English

4. French

5. Arabic


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5/10, rather disappointing, thank goodness for the football questions!

As for languages, the 4 we've already got, guessing it as whatever the major language is in India (other than English, of course), although I thought Mandarin would have been a good chance of being right.

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If the question refers (as it appears to do) to the number of countries in which each language is spoken then I'd have gone with English, French, Arabic and Spanish as the top 4. There are quite a number of Portuguese speaking nations, I would have expected it to be 5th. The only other contender I can think of is Russian as there are a lot of ex Soviet states out there.

On the Guardian quiz today: a slightly lucky 10/10. I knew 8, had a strong feeling about the African country and guessed the runner.

Edited by Frankie S
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Heh. A swing and a miss by everyone, including Bully Wee Villa's cheeky double guess.

If nobody gets it by lunchtime I'm awarding myself a greener.

Edit: b*****d. Frankie G got it with Russian, which I suppose makes sense (can't vouch for the veracity of the answer though). Kudos on getting 10 out of 10.

Just to do a bit of name-dropping, I met the answer to the runner question at a parkrun last week... top bloke.

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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