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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Ha. Now I feel guilty and I take it all back :)
You're indeed right that my annoyance was more at my score rather than the quality of the quiz. It's a bit of a running joke that the Friday quiz is a lot harder than the rest of the week so practically every Friday I think up some petty jibe aimed at the question setter, never dreaming in a million years that they'd be reading this thread!
Just did your quiz again and there's a lot of my favourite topics in there, including politics, chemical elements and geography (I really should have done better). In case you don't believe me, here's my attempt from a couple of weeks later.
edit: feel free to call me an arsehole if you get a crap score :)
Your Eminence,
Would I use such intemperate language to describe a man of the cloth?
No, I was happy with my six points, which may be one or two more than I got when I first tried it last year. I remember q. 4 really giving me the willies - and have not been able to listen to Slade ever since without being reminded of it (fortunately not a common event).
Incidentally, why is the 'average score' given always a point less than indicated by the graphics alongside? Answering that question correctly will earn you total absolution.

I've no idea I'm afraid. You might have to escalate your query to a bishop or the Big Man himself.

Welcome to the forum btw. I have a question for you as well. What does AWAK mean?

A cursory Google search suggests Automated Wearable Artificial Kidney but I'm sure that's not it!

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Welcome to the forum btw. I have a question for you as well. What does AWAK mean?

Thank you for the welcome - I appreciate it. As for your question, you will hate me even more if I were to answer it. Let's just say I was trying to keep things briefer than in my first post.

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Welcome to the forum btw. I have a question for you as well. What does AWAK mean?

Thank you for the welcome - I appreciate it. As for your question, you will hate me even more if I were to answer it. Let's just say I was trying to keep things briefer than in my first post.


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