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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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 8 for Wednesday.

The answer to Q8 is correct but the question is wrong.  It was wrong on 'Beat the Chasers' too.  

Like the DA, I didn't know the music. Sure sign of being old...  guessed correctly tho!


Edited by cyderspaceman
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8 out of 10. Never heard of that song OR 3/4 of the bands. Slightly more disappointed with the Euro one but oh well. 

In live quizzing news, I'm afraid I'm going to have to postpone it for a week as I've double-booked myself on Saturday AND Sunday. However, we could do it on Sunday instead?  And if we were to do it, at, say 1pm-2pm BST - would that be suitable for the greenback chasers / antipodeans?

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5/10 for the comedy

does anyone ever get the cryptic answer.  I very rarely do this quiz and had a look to and the cryptic answer for last weeks. Who would know these, I want names and address of this "Ian"


Ian's official answer though was The Shoulder Of Mutton... as heard in Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show!.


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