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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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6 hours ago, Frankie S said:

7/10. Knew word definition, Liechtenstein, Turing, artist, Everest and was reasonably confident on Banda Islands. Landed a guess on Canadian PM. Got Aussie sport question wrong as usual. 

Speicalst subject for cup: Architecture

Australian was it? Guessed that one correctly! :lol:

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Well after 4 consecutive 7's my hopes were up for another decent score. Well it wasn't to be [emoji22] A shitey 4 to end the week. Knew the 4 with no guesses. Loquacious, mountaineering, Lichtenstein and religious building. Best of lol for those with cup ties this weekend. International football tournaments as a quiz topic would be my suggestion.

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Right. I'll do the cup first. I had 8 topic suggestions (including 2 from people not in the competition!)... some of them were quite specific, others more general. I've tried to make them as fair as possible, but if you have any complaints, ask me for my premium-rate telephone number!


As usual, if you're in the quarter-finals, PM me your score by Monday lunchtime. If you're not, you can post it here, but don't give away any of the answers!

  • BigBo10 vs Alang1993
  • Jacksgranda vs Leeds Saint
  • WhiteRoseKillie vs Frankie S
  • The_Kincardine vs Supermik
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1 minute ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Seven for me, after a disastrous start.

Not that I'm still in the cup. emoji22.png

Should have stuck in at school then :P

1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

5. There's a mistake in the Scandinavian question. 


Really? I've looked at it several times and can't see it... what is it?

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Still a few results to come in the league so no updates to the trophy cabinet yet.

In the Premier League, WRK is hot-favourite to win another title, unless Alang1993 sobers up and posts a monster score. Down at the bottom, not quite sure what to do about Deej. I know he's busy with exams, and is struggling even with simple addition at the moment, but I guess rules is rules and he gets relegated if he doesn't post his scores!

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
1 WhiteRoseKillie 6x© 3x② 6 8 9 9 7 39
2 Frankie S 1x© 6 8 7 9 7 37
3 Arabdownunder 1x© 6 6 8 7 8 35
4 Eckthearab 5x② 7 7 7 7 4 32
5 Alang1993 3x© 1xBEAZER 6 7 8 9   30
6 Blackislekillie   5 6 6 6 6 29
7 Bully Wee Villa 1x© 5 6 6 5 7 29
8 Welshbairn   5 5 6 6 7 29
9 Leeds Saint 1x© 2x② 7 3 5 7 7 29
10 WILLIEA   6 5 4 5 6 26
11 Jagfox99   6 4 4 7 4 25
12 Ross.   4 5 8 5   22
13 Supermik   4 5 7 4 2 22
14 Deej 2x② 6 6 9     21

Down in the Beazer Homes League, Edmund has guaranteed himself promotion, although he'll have to wait till Kincardine crawls out his wanking chariot to see if he is champion. Assuming he achieves more than 4, I'll be in the play-off so I'll need someone to kindly post a question / quiz (perhaps Edmund could dust off his infernal clouds quiz!). Congrats also to Dee Man who has managed to lift himself out the wooden spoon position. 

Position Team Trophy Cabinet Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
1 Edmund 4x② 6 6 9 6 5 32
2 Cardinal Richelieu   4 7 5 6 7 29
3 Peasy23   8 6 3 5 5 27
4 The_Kincardine   5 6 6 8   25
5 SlipperyP   4 5 5 6 5 25
6 BigBo10   5 4 5 5 4 23
7 Dee_62   5 2 7 4 3 21
8 Jacksgranda   4 2 6 3 5 20
9 Dee Man   2 2 5 5 6 20
10 Swarley   5 5 3 6   19
11 Die Hard Doonhamer   2 4 2 5 4 17
12 G_Man1985   4 5 7     16


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