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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Deary me! One bad score and relegated. That top league is fairly cutthroat. Let's hope I can yo yo back up like a 70s/80s/90s/00s/10s version of Dundee, rather than plummeting down through the leagues like the current version of Cowdenbeath (with apologies to all the Cowden quizzers)


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2 minutes ago, Eednud said:

Why is it me in the play-off when ADU scored 8, 7 & 6 to my 8, 7 & 5? Is it because he hit a low of 4 to my 5?

Ah the intricacies of Quiz Difference rear their ugly head again. I've already had an irate text from another team (name tantalisingly withheld) claiming I'd fucked it up. Now I'm no stranger to fucking things up, but I actually checked all the scores about a zillion times cos there were so many ties. 

But you're right Eednud ... it goes highest score, then lowest score ... not highest score, then 2nd highest score (I suggested changing the rules a few pages back but there wasn't much enthusiasm!)

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I think highest score, then second highest score, then third highest score...etc makes more sense.

Or you could do it on count back... highest Friday score, then highest Thursday score, and so on. It would keep the league interesting as teams would know one big score on the last day could seem them leapfrog more teams.

Ermmm... obviously no changes should be made that affect my playoff place though.

*whistles innocently.

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Ah the intricacies of Quiz Difference rear their ugly head again. I've already had an irate text from another team (name tantalisingly withheld) claiming I'd fucked it up. Now I'm no stranger to fucking things up, but I actually checked all the scores about a zillion times cos there were so many ties. 
But you're right Eednud ... it goes highest score, then lowest score ... not highest score, then 2nd highest score (I suggested changing the rules a few pages back but there wasn't much enthusiasm!)

Doesn't seem fair but who gives a f**k. Play-off answer on the way.
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As with every suggested rule change, we have a difference of opinions. I originally went with the highest - lowest - 2nd highest - 2nd lowest formula (if that's not too grandiose a term) cos I likened it to a football match - everyone likes to see goals and nobody likes to see no goals. Certainly having it first highest - 2nd highest etc, would make it easier to calculate. BWV's idea is certainly novel ... anyone else got an opinion?

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16 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

What are the rules changing to?

I also think the playoff question is a bit unfair. Picking a boxing match from Welsh Bairn's youth, he's obviously going to have an advantage in remembering the fight in question. emoji17.png

I'll have you, you c**t.


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22 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

While we're waiting for WRK's score so we can finalise all the promotion / relegation / play-off questions (amazingly WRK is in danger of losing his Premiership status), it's time for Round 2 of the EtADDJJT cup!

The draw was made by Slippery P yesterday. Here's a reminder:

  • Frankie S vs Blackislekillie
  • The_Kincardine vs Audaces Fortuna Juvet
  • Leeds Saint vs Madwullie
  • WhiteRoseKillie vs MSU
  • Supermik* vs Deej vs Tynieness
  • Helpma vs Irvine_buddie
  • Cardinal Richelieu vs Eednud
  • Alang1993 vs Cowden0

And here's the two quizzes to take:



PM me your scores before Monday lunchtime... if you're not in the cup, feel free to post your scores but as usual no spoilers (even with the spoilers tag!)

Good luck!!

4 + 2. Little wonder I'm not in it...

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8 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

What are the rules changing to?

I also think the playoff question is a bit unfair. Picking a boxing match from Welsh Bairn's youth, he's obviously going to have an advantage in remembering the fight in question. emoji17.png

I'll go for the 1st highest, 2nd highest etc. I like your idea, but it's a wee bit unfair for the boozers amongst us who get more sozzled as the week progresses. 

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