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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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40 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

I shall do that too, he is seven so will definitely do well.

How did @Audaces Fortuna Juvat do in the quiz today?

@Cardinal Richelieu

You already know the answer to that one. You and the Cardinal tricked me by getting my drunk before I took it.

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I'll get my son to take the quiz on Sun and Mon.  I doubt it will alter my score much!

I shall do that too, he is seven so will definitely do well.
How did [mention=45629]Audaces Fortuna Juvat[/mention] do in the quiz today?
[mention=4857]Cardinal Richelieu[/mention]

Right, I will try to persuade my 20 yr old to guess his way through the Mon and Tues selection.
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Shit. Completely forgot to post the final league tables. A thousand Hail Maries for me tonight. 

Congrats to WRK on his 16th title. Frankie shafted it on the last day. MIA MSU is down, along with AFJ after his laughable performance in the pub on Thursday night - although to be fair it was delivered orally by Tynieness - you can make your own jokes there. Helpma is still in the play-offs. 


AlAnG is in the Premiership with GK Neil. And it's everyone's favourite mod in third. Down below, we've come to expect it from BWV but WTF has happened to Eednud? He used to be a player, a contender if you like. LiviLion is in the play-offs. 


A well done to Supermik who scoops his third title and the Jose Mourinho of the BHL gets the promotion that was expected last season. Ross is in a grudge match play-off against Livi Lion. 


So, play-offs are between @Helpma and @Cardinal Richelieu (not quite sure why I'm tagging myself but it feels right) and @LiviLion and @Ross. 

@Bully Wee Villa .. over to you mate. If you're still thinking of a subject, I'm quite into flags, chemistry, poker, running (although I take no interest in who's actually good at it), islands, serial killers and that bit in Airplane! The Movie, where they're all playing instruments in the cockpit. 


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I had a question. I even wrote it on a post-it note while I was supposed to be working. It was a bloody brilliant question too, I'm sure.

Fucked if I can find the post-it note now, though. I'll think of another one when I've sobered up, if that's okay with everyone?

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9 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I had a question. I even wrote it on a post-it note while I was supposed to be working. It was a bloody brilliant question too, I'm sure.

Fucked if I can find the post-it note now, though. I'll think of another one when I've sobered up, if that's okay with everyone?

Perhaps the play off question can be "What was the question?" And whoever gets closest wins.

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