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I dont think the charge of the light brigade is the best analogy here?!

I couldn't think of anything better and I'd seen that picture in Larkhall Thistle's social club at the weekend. I don't think it was an original.

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I couldn't think of anything better and I'd seen that picture in Larkhall Thistle's social club at the weekend. I don't think it was an original.
unless there was a part 2 to that picture where every living thing in it was turned to mince by the Russian tanks?
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I meant 'we' as in us discussing it here in the thread. It's rather obvious that the UK isn't going to decide what happens.

The referendum should be good - armed men take over the Parliament, install a patsy as PM, Russia rolls its troops onto the ground and then we have a vote on things. I wonder how the vote will turn out, if it actually happens.

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Interesting that Europe and the USA have significantly different positions on this. Europe has a lot to lose economically in any diplomatic confrontation whereas the US is charging in talking about sanctions.

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According to the Guardian reports the US' harder stance is backed by Eastern European countries like the Baltic states and Poland, whereas the UK and France are keener on a softer approach.

Here's a link to the speech from the US Ambassador to the UN


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Not surprising the Baltics and Poles are vehemently against the Russian actions, tbh.

From my personal experience even to this day there remains deep mistrust and trepidation towards Moscow.

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Samantha Power (US Envoy to the UN), is spot on with this. "Russian mobilisation is a response to an imaginary threat, Military action cannot be justified on the basis of threats that haven't been made and aren't being carried out."

It seems to be the Pro-Russian supporters who are causing the problems at the moment in Ukraine, not the other way around. Russia's claims of protecting the human rights of their citizens have been fabricated as a way of justifying this Military Invasion.

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