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I've been looking after this guy for the last few weeks while the owner was out of town.

He started breathing really deeply through his mouth and looked to be rather distressed, took him to the vet, she checked him out and her assessment was that he had an irregular heartbeat and fluid on the lungs, she said that if it was her cat she'd put him to sleep, it wasn't my call to make so asked if she could do anything to make him more comfortable, he got an injection and some pills to flush his lungs but she warned me that it didn't look good for him.

Got him home and he looked to be fading fast, he hadn't eaten for 3 days and still didn't seem interested in eating so I sat with him for hours and eventually he drank some water, headed home to take care of my own cat and messaged the owner with the grim news, I fully expected to return to a dead cat, went round at 6am and there he was meowing and waiting for me at the door, he ate like a maniac for the next week and all looked good.

Went round on yesterday morning and he wasn't there, his breathing thing had returned on Tuesday night but it was nowhere near as bad as expected, thought he was out exploring, didn't see him all day his food was untouched, still hadn't returned this morning, I started asking the neighbors no one had seen him, started to think his problems from the previous week had caught up with him and that he was lying dead in someone's garden, at 4pm today, just as I was about to contact the owner who returns tomorrow, a former colleague of my girlfriend messaged her a photo of a cat that had been collected and handed in to a local shelter where he volunteers and it was him I can collect him tomorrow, he'd wandered through an apartment that was being renovated and out the front the door which must've closed behind him so he walked into a hairdresser and they took him to the shelter, weirdly the owner is also a hairdresser, it's been a rollercoaster of a fortnight.



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41 minutes ago, stevieKTID said:

I've been looking after this guy for the last few weeks while the owner was out of town.

He started breathing really deeply through his mouth and looked to be rather distressed, took him to the vet, she checked him out and her assessment was that he had an irregular heartbeat and fluid on the lungs, she said that if it was her cat she'd put him to sleep, it wasn't my call to make so asked if she could do anything to make him more comfortable, he got an injection and some pills to flush his lungs but she warned me that it didn't look good for him.

Got him home and he looked to be fading fast, he hadn't eaten for 3 days and still didn't seem interested in eating so I sat with him for hours and eventually he drank some water, headed home to take care of my own cat and messaged the owner with the grim news, I fully expected to return to a dead cat, went round at 6am and there he was meowing and waiting for me at the door, he ate like a maniac for the next week and all looked good.

Went round on yesterday morning and he wasn't there, his breathing thing had returned on Tuesday night but it was nowhere near as bad as expected, thought he was out exploring, didn't see him all day his food was untouched, still hadn't returned this morning, I started asking the neighbors no one had seen him, started to think his problems from the previous week had caught up with him and that he was lying dead in someone's garden, at 4pm today, just as I was about to contact the owner who returns tomorrow, a former colleague of my girlfriend messaged her a photo of a cat that had been collected and handed in to a local shelter where he volunteers and it was him I can collect him tomorrow, he'd wandered through an apartment that was being renovated and out the front the door which must've closed behind him so he walked into a hairdresser and they took him to the shelter, weirdly the owner is also a hairdresser, it's been a rollercoaster of a fortnight.



Brilliant, streetwise fucker, that looks like he's been in a fair few fights, probably should take it easy for a couple of days though. IMO.

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11 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Brilliant, streetwise fucker, that looks like he's been in a fair few fights, probably should take it easy for a couple of days though. IMO.

Yeah he likes a scrap but is an absolute sweetheart with people, I was so proud of the care I'd given him and delighted that he'd recovered then he f**ked off on walkabout the little bugger, I was devastated, when I found out he was safe I let out a massive cheer almost as loud as my cheering on Sunday night.

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4 hours ago, stevieKTID said:

Just called the shelter, they put him to sleep, f**king gutted, now I need to inform the owner.

Rest easy Boo Boo😘

Understand how you feel.

Did they say why ?

( Part of the reason why I'm asking is that I'm slightly sceptical about some of these 'shelters' ).


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21 minutes ago, beefybake said:

Understand how you feel.

Did they say why ?

( Part of the reason why I'm asking is that I'm slightly sceptical about some of these 'shelters' ).


They wouldn't let me speak directly with their vet, they said his condition wasn't good and it was the compassionate thing to do.

I do get the impression that sometimes these shelter's treat it like a business, i was raging when they told me but they also do some great work that one in particular is well run.

A truly horrible day, informing the owner was tough, lot's of tears from both of us, poor guy had a few delays getting back from California and was jet lagged, I refused the payment for my services from the guy I couldn't take it didn't seem right.

I'm going to cuddle the life out of my little guy when I get home tonight.

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13 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

That's shite stevie, all the best.

Thanks Biggie, feeling numb, just wish the owner could've got to see him one last time, I did my very best but still feel like I failed, so close to a happy ending.

Going to head to Arnhem for a day out to try and take my mind off it.

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‘I’ll sit on your lap for a minute and let you think I love you, but, if you even think about trying to clean my right eye with that auld’ snottery hankie in yer’ trakkie’ pockets, you’re feckin’ getting a paw square in the mush.’



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