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Euro Election May 22nd.

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He has a point. The BBC shouldn't be giving any more or any less airtime to any one party. But it's easy to circumvent this on 'news' and 'current affairs' programmes

That's not strictly true - the amount of coverage is dictated by how the parties poll. Which is why there's always a Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem on the Question Time panel.

The complexities of the different nations having different parties makes things difficult.

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To be fair to Ukip, the only party literature I got for this campaign was from them and the only person standing outside the polling station I voted at was canvassing for Ukip. Would never vote for them, but they were the only party that (for me at least) were present in any sense.

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UKIP have been getting huge exposure, but it's also been overwhelmingly negative. Double edged sword.

I don't believe it's been very negative from the BBC regarding UKIP.they don't even bother to mention the parties other policies. just that they're anti EU. even earlier it was discussed how Nigel is fighting for the "working man" they couldn't be further away from being a working class representation than possible

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He got tore into them, saying its a big difference between UKIP coming 1st in England and 4th in Scotland,

Proportionally speaking they've made a bigger improvement in vote share in Scotland than rUK (although obviously from a much lower base).

They'll still do nothing in the general election though.

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I don't believe it's been very negative from the BBC regarding UKIP.they don't even bother to mention the parties other policies. just that they're anti EU. even earlier it was discussed how Nigel is fighting for the "working man" they couldn't be further away from being a working class representation than possible

I think Farage gets relatively good coverage, but every story that I've seen which isn't directly about him has been a negative one. They've just done quite well in spinning it to say that this demonstrates they're the anti-establishment party.

Although the wider point is that every political party going thinks that the media is picking on them in some way.

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Interesting that the Conservative vote seems to be holding steady despite UKIP gains.

Labour and UKIP both up, and the Lib Dems pretty well down. The only other party doing badly appears to be the BNP, who are actually below that Britain First lot that sprung up.

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Tories doing a lot better than their opinion polls showed.

Idiots on twitter think the SNP improved their position with the Glasgow result, not realising that the Nats need to gain 3x the amount of votes as UKIP

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