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If you're in a round find out what you want to drink before you get to the bar, don't just stand there asking everyone one by one after you have started being served.

If you are buying a pint of Guinness/bitter ask for them at the start of the round not at the end.

If you click your fingers/bang your glass/wave your money at the bar staff you deserve to be glassed.

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Don't steal the glasses.

Don't batter your pals with the pool ques.

Don't put a load of suspect music on the jukebox and leave.

Don't stand right in the middle of the doorway if your having a fag.


If you play for Celtic, don't sing songs about Hearts, you might get in trouble.

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On the money waving i agree, but you should have your money ready. folk fumbling about with wallets as if its a shock they are being charged for their dink is equally annoying to card wankers

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Women are a just fucking nightmare on a night out when it comes to money. On the train on the way in - 6 giggling pigs paying for their £3.50 tickets separately with fucking debit cards instead of one person taking charge and sticking it all on their card and then collecting money, meaning other passengers have to wait in a massive queue at the station as the conductor couldn't get round to them in time.

Bit off topic but slightly relevant..

Why do women NEVER carry cash..??!

There is a pig every morning in my local co-op who is in every morning same time as me and pays wae her card every morning..

Get your paper and what ever and get tae f**k, Weve got jobs to make on time!

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I have seen some of the worst sponging known to humanity in pubs - remember when i was about 21 there was a new recruit playing in our football team and we all went out after the game and he took his mrs there and this other girl and we were drinking and buying in rounds as you do and the three of them accepted every single drink offered to them and didn't buy one back and the brass necked b*****d had the cheek to say to one of us who had subsided him that his dad always had a saying that went along the lines of - always take a drink when offered but don't offer back, can't remember the exact saying but him and his Dad are thundercunts

Have been out with folk before who accept drinks when there are rounds going on and actually go up to the bar in front of people who had bought them drinks and buy one for themselves and come back to the table and not even bat an eyelid

I'm a fairly speedy drinker and when in new company, even if I've bought the first round and I've finished first I'll do the gentlemanly thing of 'asking' who wants another wet, in the circles I move in thats 'lad code' for "I've finished, one of you feckers get the round in". There seems to be more freeloaders about who'll just say "cheers, mine's a lager", that boils my piss cos its just plain rude.

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Yeah, always one dickhead.

Pint? Pint? Pint? Pint? Pint? Double vodka and coke?

Don't drink beer? Ah ok.

Walk away thinking gimp.

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Put your fucking phone away. Horrible going out with pals and they're all glued to their phones.

^ This. A guy I considered a friend still blanks me after I walked out of a pub due to his constant phone use.

And it was him who asked me if I fancied going for a pint or 6.

Fuckin' arse.

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If you're playing someone at pool, especially a complete stranger, DO NOT fanny about talking to your mates when the other person is waiting on you taking your shot. And if you are a mere spectator, move if asked, it's a bit tricky to take a shot with your cue at a near-vertical angle.

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The concept of a round seems to be lost with a lot of younger people, particularly my mates. Out of about a dozen of them, I reckon there are 2 of them who'll actually return the favour if you've bought them a pint for convenience reasons.

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