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Celtic European Campaign 2014-15


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Berg's been on Sky News complaining that it's ridiculous that Legia have been demoted to the Europa Cup.

I have to say I agree but unlike me, Berg seems to think that his club have been unfairly treated in some way, and that they are the victims of a massive injustice. Meanwhile, everyone else on Earth who looks at the situation seems to agree that Berg's team have nobody to blame but themselves.

Looks like Berg (Insert your own Rangers-related punchline here)

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With regards to the Legia player missing the 2 ties against St Pats, the fact they did not register him in the squad means they could potentially register someone else. This negates the punishment of a suspension as the "Extra" player could help them get through. That was probably also considered as part of the decision.

while the rule is set in place and needs to be followed, i dont know how you came up with this guff

a suspension is to hurt the player for ill' discipline, not the club, i doubt anywhere else in the world uses this system (unless its a pre declared squad like the CL group stages, World cups etc)

by your account, a club might need to register 4 GK's for a tie in europe for one of them to serve a suspension and for the club to also have adequate GK cover like most clubs do

Absolute bonkers rule, but a rule nevertheless, and some poor b*****d at Legia will be living in hiding for a good number of years lol

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Berg's been on Sky News complaining that it's ridiculous that Legia have been demoted to the Europa Cup.

I have to say I agree but unlike me, Berg seems to think that his club have been unfairly treated in some way, and that they are the victims of a massive injustice. Meanwhile, everyone else on Earth who looks at the situation seems to agree that Berg's team have nobody to blame but themselves.

Looks like Berg (Insert your own Rangers-related punchline here)

To be fair, imagine this situation if roles were reversed and Celtic had been punted out?

It'd be made out to be a masonic conspiracy from the top of Eufa down, we all know it.

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I'm sure that a team lke celtic which is steeped in fair play and integrity will do the right thing here.

Legia chairman Boguslaw Lesniodorski believes Celtic should have refused to accept the ruling after being so convincingly beaten by their Polish rivals.

“I’m very disappointed, once again football and sport lost," he said. "We hope that Celtic will react and follow fair play rules. For us what happened on the field matters.”

I'm sure plenty of 'celtic' fans will be getting in touch with the media to make sure that they do the decent thing here.

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I've read one or two Celtic fans on Facebook being all diplomatic, saying Celtic should forfeit their place in the next round as it's the right thing to do.

Suit yourselves, if I was a Celtic fan I'd be fucking loving this.

The question is why have Legia been punished when it was the company who owned & operated the club who were at fault?

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Bennett :lol:

Oh, and Legia Warsaw get anything they deserve here. I'm a bit shocked at what seems such a miniscule act has been dealt with so harshly, but ultimately I don't have much in the way of sympathy for them. It's like making a potential red card challenge and giving the referee that decision to make. If it doesn't go your way, you're the one to blame.

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Berg's been on Sky News complaining that it's ridiculous that Legia have been demoted to the Europa Cup.

I have to say I agree but unlike me, Berg seems to think that his club have been unfairly treated in some way, and that they are the victims of a massive injustice. Meanwhile, everyone else on Earth who looks at the situation seems to agree that Berg's team have nobody to blame but themselves.

Looks like Berg (Insert your own Rangers-related punchline here)

The notion of them being treated unfairly is less clear cut than you're suggesting though.

I absolutely get why rigid rules need to be in place and why they need to be enforced, for fear of legal challenge etc. In that sense, Legia are clearly guilty. The penalty in this instance is however, wildly disproportionate to the offence and in that sense, could easily be described as unfair.

I ask again out of interest, is there precedence in European competition for a team progressing following such a heavy defeat? Is there precedence of a club falling foul in quite this way?

It really is an incredible set of circumstances.

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while the rule is set in place and needs to be followed, i dont know how you came up with this guff

a suspension is to hurt the player for ill' discipline, not the club, i doubt anywhere else in the world uses this system (unless its a pre declared squad like the CL group stages, World cups etc)

by your account, a club might need to register 4 GK's for a tie in europe for one of them to serve a suspension and for the club to also have adequate GK cover like most clubs do

Absolute bonkers rule, but a rule nevertheless, and some poor b*****d at Legia will be living in hiding for a good number of years lol

Suspension for a red card is both a punishment for the individual and the team. Why else do the give out fines for clubs who have poor disciplinary records?

And your example regarding goalkeepers is correct. If the club has a goalkeeper suspended and they want him to serve the suspension, they need to register him in the squad in order for him to serve the suspension.

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while the rule is set in place and needs to be followed, i dont know how you came up with this guff

a suspension is to hurt the player for ill' discipline, not the club, i doubt anywhere else in the world uses this system (unless its a pre declared squad like the CL group stages, World cups etc)

by your account, a club might need to register 4 GK's for a tie in europe for one of them to serve a suspension and for the club to also have adequate GK cover like most clubs do

Absolute bonkers rule, but a rule nevertheless, and some poor b*****d at Legia will be living in hiding for a good number of years lol

Even in Scotland, a player wouldn't be able to serve a suspension unless he was registered with the club. The only difference is that the Champions League (and all UEFA competitions) have a maximum squad size.

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The question is why have Legia been punished when it was the company who owned & operated the club who were at fault?


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Could you imagine if Bayern Munich, Barcelona or Man City had done the same thing in a group game? They would have got a small fine and the player would have got an extra game ban. They wouldnt just hand the other team a 3 0 win and the prize money that goes with the win.

Seems a total over reaction to a misunderstanding.

But i am happy that Celtic get another chance at the Champions league as Scotland needs all the coefficient points it can get.

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I'm sure that a team lke celtic which is steeped in fair play and integrity will do the right thing here.

Legia chairman Boguslaw Lesniodorski believes Celtic should have refused to accept the ruling after being so convincingly beaten by their Polish rivals.

“I’m very disappointed, once again football and sport lost," he said. "We hope that Celtic will react and follow fair play rules. For us what happened on the field matters.”

I'm sure plenty of 'celtic' fans will be getting in touch with the media to make sure that they do the decent thing here.

Dry yer fucking eyes will ya :lol:

Well well I never ever expected another Sion moment :lol:

Everybody always says I'll take a result no matter how it was won and I'll deffo take another default win over a team that was stupid enough to field a player who was ineligible :)

The thread since the ruling has been a glorious read on the meltdown from certain posters :lol:

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The notion of them being treated unfairly is less clear cut than you're suggesting though.

I absolutely get why rigid rules need to be in place and why they need to be enforced, for fear of legal challenge etc. In that sense, Legia are clearly guilty. The penalty in this instance is however, wildly disproportionate to the offence and in that sense, could easily be described as unfair.

I ask again out of interest, is there precedence in European competition for a team progressing following such a heavy defeat? Is there precedence of a club falling foul in quite this way?

It really is an incredible set of circumstances.

I've consistently agreed that this is a farcical scenario since we first heard about it and I think that if there was any sanity, a fine or a slap on the wrists would be more appropriate.

I'm not aware of any similar cases and, like I say, I imagine the situation would be different if e.g. AC Milan were involved.

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The penalty is fixed and applies to all teams who break the rule. Automatic forfeit of the game concerned and a 3 - 0 loss. Wildly disproportionate?

The consequences or fallout that follow is irrelevant. The punishment is fixed and deemed fair, how it impacts them matters not a jot. You are simply venturing into the "aye but" arena.

Has that valium not kicked in yet?

Not yet no. I'm planning to prattle on for a bit until it does.

I'm not suggesting that something wrong has been done here (although I do think some UEFA clubs are definitely more equal than others).

What I am saying though, is that the penalty is wildly disproportionate to the offence.

It demonstrably is.

Your continuing to say "Them's the rules" is very similar to how some good friends of yours and mine reacted to LMS. It trumps other arguments in that it dictates what will happen. It does not necessarily reflect what is right though.

The rules have been broken. The stipulated punishment has been applied.

It quite possibly absolutely, unequivocally had to be this way.

That however is not the same as saying what happened is fair, because it's not.

Not all official rules, regulations and penalties are fair in every application.

This is an occasion when what has happened is unjust.

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I've consistently agreed that this is a farcical scenario since we first heard about it and I think that if there was any sanity, a fine or a slap on the wrists would be more appropriate.

I'm not aware of any similar cases and, like I say, I imagine the situation would be different if e.g. AC Milan were involved.

Yes you have and you're right.

Berg is entitled to be sore though. If governing bodies are going to start doing this kind of thing, he might need to return some medals.

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