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How Good is Your Memory?

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What's your memory like in general?

For those that can, Try this link and let us know how you get on. The first one, I personally struggle with 5, succeeding maybe half the time (I can usually recite it but the last couple of digits just disappear from mind when I type the first 3 in). The second spatial one is a disaster. I get lost after the first 3 or 4 in normal order, never mind reverse. :(

For those that can be arsed reading my story: If you gave me 50 pictures, took them away and then went through a bigger selection saying "Did you see this one? What about this one?" then I'd get ~95% correct, if not 100%. However, if you asked me afterwards "Name as many as you can without me showing you any" then I'd be doing incredibly well to get even half of them.

Numbers however?! Forget it. 2 years from getting a new mobile, I still can't remember my number. I got stuck at the bus station a few weeks back when my mobile battery died (too much P&B!) because a year on from getting a new land-line, I couldn't remember the number (yeah, a mere but tricky six digits after the Aberdeen code) when I tried using a pay-phone. If you gave me the number 36423, I can guarantee you I won't be able to recite that in 5 mins time (in fact, I'm struggling already because I'm typing this). If you told me that number, waited 5 secs and then said 69735, there's no way I could tell you the first lot. I'd probably forget the second one too trying to remember the first.

Short term memory - I often left my desk for a cup of tea from the kitchen but if I got distracted by someone in the hall, I could head straight back to my desk, forgetting to go to the kitchen completely. When I do have a cup of tea, it's frequently found sitting on some other desk where I was 10 mins before. I am however told that I'm an encyclopedia of generally useless crap (which however is very useful for pub quizzes) and I can remember places I've been once several years ago as if I was just there last week (very, very handy when running field courses). Visual seems to be superb as long as I'm given enough time to process it.

Can anyone else here relate to this? A large part behind this is that I have a very mild but particular type of epilepsy and I'm trying to work out if this is a major reason behind it. A lot of folk keep saying "ach, we all forget things" but I'm not convinced it's as straight forward as that.

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Is anyone else as excited as I am for the World Cup to start?

I genuinely forgot the Argentina game was on despite planning on watching it. Half an hour in and two goals missed FFS! :(:angry::bairn

See what I mean about distractions???

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What's your memory like in general?

For those that can, Try this link and let us know how you get on. The first one, I personally struggle with 5, succeeding maybe half the time (I can usually recite it but the last couple of digits just disappear from mind when I type the first 3 in). The second spatial one is a disaster. I get lost after the first 3 or 4 in normal order, never mind reverse. :(

For those that can be arsed reading my story: If you gave me 50 pictures, took them away and then went through a bigger selection saying "Did you see this one? What about this one?" then I'd get ~95% correct, if not 100%. However, if you asked me afterwards "Name as many as you can without me showing you any" then I'd be doing incredibly well to get even half of them.

Numbers however?! Forget it. 2 years from getting a new mobile, I still can't remember my number. I got stuck at the bus station a few weeks back when my mobile battery died (too much P&B!) because a year on from getting a new land-line, I couldn't remember the number (yeah, a mere but tricky six digits after the Aberdeen code) when I tried using a pay-phone. If you gave me the number 36423, I can guarantee you I won't be able to recite that in 5 mins time (in fact, I'm struggling already because I'm typing this). If you told me that number, waited 5 secs and then said 69735, there's no way I could tell you the first lot. I'd probably forget the second one too trying to remember the first.

Short term memory - I often left my desk for a cup of tea from the kitchen but if I got distracted by someone in the hall, I could head straight back to my desk, forgetting to go to the kitchen completely. When I do have a cup of tea, it's frequently found sitting on some other desk where I was 10 mins before. I am however told that I'm an encyclopedia of generally useless crap (which however is very useful for pub quizzes) and I can remember places I've been once several years ago as if I was just there last week (very, very handy when running field courses). Visual seems to be superb as long as I'm given enough time to process it.

Can anyone else here relate to this? A large part behind this is that I have a very mild but particular type of epilepsy and I'm trying to work out if this is a major reason behind it. A lot of folk keep saying "ach, we all forget things" but I'm not convinced it's as straight forward as that.

My memory isn't too bad but every so often I like to make it work. Whether it will improve my memory on the whole, I don't know, but it can be a fun technique to learn to.

I can't remember where I read this method but when I started using it I was able to memorise roughly 280 items/objects that I had written out on a piece of paper. I could memorise them 1-280 or if I asked someone to give me a number I could name the item that was written down next to that number.

I also did it with playing cards, memorised the deck (obviously if it wasn't shuffled).

The technique was to go to a place (in your mind) you know really well (I started in my bedroom) and to place 2 items in the room. I started like this but found it actually easier to put an item on every wall in the room so for every room in my house I would have 4 items in that room. You obviously need to remember which wall you look at when you enter a room, but I always started with the first room that was ahead of me when I entered a room and would always look to the right afterwards. Depending on how many things you'd like to memorise then you obviously just imagine other places you are familiar with. Does this make sense?

I enjoyed doing this and it was always quite amusing when I would hand someone the piece of paper and correctly identify the item next to the number. I never really use it for practical things and I don't know if doing it was of any actual benefit to my brain or memory. But it would surely work for you for remembering things like your phone number.

It's enjoyable to try anyway :P

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My memory isn't too bad but every so often I like to make it work. Whether it will improve my memory on the whole, I don't know, but it can be a fun technique to learn to.

I can't remember where I read this method but when I started using it I was able to memorise roughly 280 items/objects that I had written out on a piece of paper. I could memorise them 1-280 or if I asked someone to give me a number I could name the item that was written down next to that number.

I also did it with playing cards, memorised the deck (obviously if it wasn't shuffled).

The technique was to go to a place (in your mind) you know really well (I started in my bedroom) and to place 2 items in the room. I started like this but found it actually easier to put an item on every wall in the room so for every room in my house I would have 4 items in that room. You obviously need to remember which wall you look at when you enter a room, but I always started with the first room that was ahead of me when I entered a room and would always look to the right afterwards. Depending on how many things you'd like to memorise then you obviously just imagine other places you are familiar with. Does this make sense?

I enjoyed doing this and it was always quite amusing when I would hand someone the piece of paper and correctly identify the item next to the number. I never really use it for practical things and I don't know if doing it was of any actual benefit to my brain or memory. But it would surely work for you for remembering things like your phone number.

It's enjoyable to try anyway :P

Needs a ride.

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6x7, but I had to google it to make sure.

Rather spookily, that multiplication is one I struggled with at school, and spent so long revising it that I've now burned into my memory. I know the answer of it instantly

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It's a very funny thing - memory and everybody is different I suppose.... Me - I can remember things such as places that I visited years ago in great detail and I never forget a face but as for names - as soon as someone tells me their name, I instantly forget ( which is a bit embarrassing ) - it doesn't matter if I even make a conscious " extra effort " to remember someones name - two minutes later, it's gone.... WTF is that all about ? When I was a wee boy, I lived overseas - the nature of my fathers work was like a year here. 18 months there etc etc so probably because of that, my memories are pretty well compartmentalised which I'm sure helps....

As far as memory goes ( without trying to steer this topic elsewhere ) I was very close to my gran, who had Alzheimer disease ( progressively worsening over 20 years till she was back in an almost baby state ) - she ended up in a nursing home and when I went to see her ( which was often ) you could see that sometimes she knew you, sometimes she didn't - and when I say she knew you, she never knew my name ( for example ) just that " she knew me ".... Which is a strange thing.... Then about 5 years ago, I was involved in an accident, when I came to - there was an ambulance guy giving me oxygen and my brother and girlfriend were sitting beside me watching me - for ( what must have been ) a split second, I " knew their faces " but didn't know who they were - it was a weird feeling and one that I'll never forget - I often think that's how my gran must have seen the world....... Anyway, I ramble on, what were we talking about again ?

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Rather spookily, that multiplication is one I struggled with at school, and spent so long revising it that I've now burned into my memory. I know the answer of it instantly

I know that one instantly as well, but for a different (strange as f**k) reason.

One day going through the school gates in the morning, aged about 8 or 9, someone in my class was walking in just in front of me, having been dropped off by his mum. She shouted "Adam, what's 7x6?" and he replied with 42. I've always remembered it because of that memory. I have no idea what this means, but I'm pretty sure I'm not right in the head.

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I managed to get 8 fairly simply by repeating them. Almost messed up but managed to rectify it. It helps when I try and make a tune when reciting them.

Got annoyed at the cube one. I was certain I was getting it right, but it seemed to argue that, and it's probably more right than I am.

I have a decent enough memory overall, but I remember the strangest of things which contain absolutely no relevance to anything. The more important things, like when I was in school/college, I seem to struggle a bit more - but it doesn't help I never really studied.

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Rather spookily, that multiplication is one I struggled with at school, and spent so long revising it that I've now burned into my memory. I know the answer of it instantly

I still struggle with times tables. 20th Century problem though seeing as virtually every computer and mobile phone has a calculator now. ;)

My brother on the other hand knew all of his times tables before going to primary school - although he did sit and stare at the numbers on the microwave for entertainment!

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