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Racist Ulster Loyalists fly KKK flag in east Belfast

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So, for daring to query the wording in the title of a thread, it was initially insinuated that I was an idiot and now, by dint of that, a throbber like you has deduced that this also means that I am racist.

Cracker chum. :thumsup2

If the bowler hat fits, chum.
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That shows no connection at all to the O.O.

From the Klan themselves,,,,,,,,,

"In 1927," said the Klan leader. "the Grand Master of the Orange Order asked KKK organizers from the USA to come to Alberta to organize the Klan.

^^ looks like a link to me.......

Interesting take on the Scottish stuff from the 30's too...

In Edinburgh, there was a strong political party called: "Protestant Action", which at one time had 8,000 members and up to a third of the seats on the City Council. The founder and leader was an ex-soldier named John Cormack.

In August 1935, members of the party clashed with the Catholic Vigilance Association in the St. Leonard's District of the city. As a response, "Kormack's Kaledonian Klan" was founded with Cormack as the "Khieftain", as a strong arm branch for the party. They had a hall called the "Kaledonian Klub" where they had a gymnasium. The Scottish Daily Express did an article on them on January 21, 1938 and the Sunday Post had a photo of a Knight on Jan. 23, 1938, with the caption: "Hoods are worn at the meetings so that possible traitors among the members do not know who has been assigned to carry out a certain job". The hoods and robes were black. Some of the members were trained in the use of arms.


And the Scots dressed in wummins robes :D :D

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nah, I've called you completely right. You need a least a modicum of historical knowledge and perspective to post successfully on Slugger, and clearly you have neither.

Project away to your heart's content if that's what floats your boat, but from now on I usually won't be reading. Welcome to my ignore list.

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From the Klan themselves,,,,,,,,,

^^ looks like a link to me.......

Interesting take on the Scottish stuff from the 30's too...


And the Scots dressed in wummins robes :D :D

As a point of information

Cormack's "Protestant Action" actually only took 6 seats in 1936.

In 1935 and 1937 they only took South Leith

Most places had a lurch towards extremism in the 30s. Scotland's was mercifully brief

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As a point of information

Cormack's "Protestant Action" actually only took 6 seats in 1936.

In 1935 and 1937 they only took South Leith

Most places had a lurch towards extremism in the 30s. Scotland's was mercifully brief

Reasonable and factual?

You'll be sidestepped.

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If the bowler hat fits, chum.

Never had one.


Deluded doesn't even begin to do justice to your state of mind

And none of those links you did post back up your ludicrous claim that violent Republicans are currently "ethnically cleansing" Loyalist neighbourhoods

You're the deluded one.

Also feel free to show us a post of yours in response to a thread about Unionists or Loyalists in which you didn't mention or allude to Themmuns

"Themmuns", is not a word I have ever used but yes, I do try to cover both sides of an argument in the interests of fairness and impartiality, unlike a good few posters on here.

You know who you are.

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And none of those links you did post back up your ludicrous claim that violent Republicans are currently "ethnically cleansing" Loyalist neighbourhoods

This probably won't prove anything either, given your state of mind? The SDLP seem to accept that it happened, but I doubt that you will?




Check this out for a classic piece of doublespeak,

"Not true, say their Catholic neighbours across the divide. One local republican told me: "The reality is the estate became too small to be viable. These people have chosen - admittedly under very difficult circumstances - to live elsewhere."

So now you have to be a certain size to be viable? Classic.

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Probably the worst individual performance I've seen on a thread in my time on here from LTL.

Think the fact he actually believes he's the voice of reasoned debate, when he's blatantly just a bigot apologist, makes it even worse.

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...Check this out for a classic piece of doublespeak,

"Not true, say their Catholic neighbours across the divide. One local republican told me: "The reality is the estate became too small to be viable. These people have chosen - admittedly under very difficult circumstances - to live elsewhere."

That quote is truly mind boggling given the Torrens Estate was only a short stroll away from other Unionist areas and a bus ride away from Belfast's city centre. You'd think they were talking about the evacuation of St Kilda or something like that. Also, if Republicans are as non-sectarian as they claim in their propaganda, why would there have been "very difficult circumstances"?

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Yes the kkk based their little club on the white protestant supremacy of the OO

There may be much to condemn the OO for but, "white supremacy" is not one of them.

Billy boy Fulerton was a leading light in Glasgows Orange movement ,

He wasn't.

Anyway, the best response to the thread was given by Aud when he said:

"The title of this thread could lead people to believe that ALL Ulster Loyalists are racists,.... when only a small number are thick retarded racist morons. As stated in the article, the flag was quickly taken down, not that it should ever have seen the light of day in the first place.

Needless to say, those responsible are reprehensible dullards."

The rest is just noise.

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How on earth anybody can stick up for these disgusting b*****ds is beyond me.

There are many things I love about Scotland but sadly these kind of people bring it back to me that it can be a bitter wee place. Probably being a bit harsh on the rest of the country as its mostly a west of scotland thing but it makes me fucking hate my city and country.

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I'm another one who doesn't like the broad sweeping statements about what people in Norn Iron are like, needless to say there are plenty of good people there.

What isn't up for debate IMO is that anyone in 2014 who labels themself a "loyalist" is never far from having a raging superiority complex, and never a million miles from being a bigot/racist. A more rancid, hateful "IDENTATEE" you won't find, and the only reasonable response for Northern Irish prods is to do what my dad and aunts/uncles did and reject it.

I also can't be doing with the way many people on the other side act whiter than white yet brush off murder and violence as something that can't be avoided, but let's not pretend each "COMMUNITAH" is equally bad.

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