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Motherwell FC 2014/15 season

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It's clear to see why Ainsworth is where he is - pace, good touch, can beat a man and can chip in some brilliant goals but just doesn't give a f**k. McCall's strategy of relying on Ainsworth and Vigurs in the creative dept was one of the main flaws in our catastrophic season so far and I'm not surprised that IB has moved to change that as they are the two least reliable players in the squad IMO. I think any team could/should carry an unconventional/luxury player as they can turn games - but you can't afford more than one - especially when you're up against it.

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Given he brought the two young lads on ahead of him on Saturday, signed two wingers on Monday and has another one on trial, Baraclough must really not fancy Ainsworth.

Can't say I blame him given what he's seen of him so far.

Absolutely. It's a fairly reductive view and is mostly me putting 2+2 together and reading a bit much into things but I'd suggest that the areas that he's brought players in where in theory we have cover are where we'll see players getting booted/replaced at the end of the season. With him bringing in Long when we already have x3 'keepers on our books you'd imagine that's as clear a sign Baraclough isn't convinced by Twardzik as a first choice 'keeper as you can get & Laing who puts a question mark over whether he thinks the current centre halves are good enough. McManus/Kerr/Ramsden/O'Brien, 4 players for 2 positions.

The other loans and short term signings cover positions that we've consistently had players out long term with injuries: Straker in for Hammell/Zaine, Grant in for Lasley/Lawson, Pearson in for Vigurs. Bodies brought in to hopefully improve us enough to the end of the season and keep us up, a short term fix really. Hopefully it works.

The fact that the players that he's signed on fixed contracts beyond the end of the season are wingers, definitely suggests that he's not happy with what he's got there. You can account for one being brought in as a result of Ojamaa leaving but as you say, the fact that his preference now seems to be to use the young boys off the bench (which I'm genuinely happy to see after McCall's neglect) plus the new additions & if it is actually the case that the club are looking at free agents in that position then it's not a massive leap to say that Ainsworth's tea's oot.

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It's clear to see why Ainsworth is where he is - pace, good touch, can beat a man and can chip in some brilliant goals but just doesn't give a f**k. McCall's strategy of relying on Ainsworth and Vigurs in the creative dept was one of the main flaws in our catastrophic season so far and I'm not surprised that IB has moved to change that as they are the two least reliable players in the squad IMO. I think any team could/should carry an unconventional/luxury player as they can turn games - but you can't afford more than one - especially when you're up against it.

Vigurs came off injured against Ross County and has been injured ever since with sciatica.

He's never played for Baraclough so I don't think he'll have made any judgements about Vigurs.

As for 'least reliable players in the squad', there are a quite a few I'd be getting rid before Vigurs. Ramsden, Kerr and McManus have all been absolute garbage this season. Josh Law and Stuart Carswell are about 1/16th of a football combined and have virtually no ability whatsoever. Lawson is up there with Daniel Prodan for 'cash earned against minutes played' and Bob McHugh and Zaine Francis-Angol just aren't good enough.

Outside of Sutton our entire squad has 6 goals between them and Vigurs has scored 2 of them in a relatively few number of matches.

When this squad is broken up at the end of the season Vigurs will be one of the few playing at a decent standard. There are guys in our squad right now picking up wages in professional football for the last time and I'm not even talking about older players on the verge of retirement.

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Vigurs came off injured against Ross County and has been injured ever since with sciatica.

He's never played for Baraclough so I don't think he'll have made any judgements about Vigurs.

As for 'least reliable players in the squad', there are a quite a few I'd be getting rid before Vigurs. Ramsden, Kerr and McManus have all been absolute garbage this season. Josh Law and Stuart Carswell are about 1/16th of a football combined and have virtually no ability whatsoever. Lawson is up there with Daniel Prodan for 'cash earned against minutes played' and Bob McHugh and Zaine Francis-Angol just aren't good enough.

Outside of Sutton our entire squad has 6 goals between them and Vigurs has scored 2 of them in a relatively few number of matches.

When this squad is broken up at the end of the season Vigurs will be one of the few playing at a decent standard. There are guys in our squad right now picking up wages in professional football for the last time and I'm not even talking about older players on the verge of retirement.

Hallelujah..... Someone else who can spot a footballer. Agree 100% with this.

The way some people go on you would think Vigurs is the love child of Derek Townsley and Andy Roddie.

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I'm also a vigurs fan

I just watched on YouTube baracloughs interview about the new players. I never realised Thomas and Johnson can play either wing or upfront I like what I'm hearing about them.

Also I like what he says about improving the scouting network at the club and bringing through the youngsters. He talks a good game

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I don't think any Motherwell fan thinks Vigurs isn't a great footballer. The problem seems to be his perceived poor attitude and laziness.

There's no doubt he's a luxury player, but is that what we need right now? Is he the man that's going to roll the sleeves up and get stuck in for the cause, or grab the game by the scruff on the neck and produce a bit of magic? For me, the answer is no.

I firmly believe Iain Vigurs could play at a higher level, but unless he sorts out a bit of fitness and a decent attitude, then a similar career path to Ross Forbes awaits IMO.

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'Great ability' is the thing that's endlessly bandied about, and I don't doubt that. That first time, outside of the foot crossfield ball he played at Tynecastle last year was one of the best passes I've ever seen.

Really though? Don't care much for him. Along with folk like Forbes and Mark Fotheringham, he doesn't have either the ability or the desire to make himself get to what he could be. He's a player without an obvious position, too sluggish to be a winger, not hardworking enough to play in the middle, not tenacious enough to play deeper, and not strong enough to be a focal point, not consistent enough to be built around.

He's our Kurtz. An idea, an impossible prospect, something where the reality can never really match the expectation. In reality, when he leaves in the summer and heads off to Oldham or Dundee or whatever, I'll hardly be crying myself to sleep over him no longer playing for us. I keep forgetting he does anyway.

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I don't think any Motherwell fan thinks Vigurs isn't a great footballer. .

Do you read Steelmenonline. Some folk seem to think/act like he is the reason we are where we are.

Busta for example.

He hadn't played in the past 6 games which we haven't won in but some folk are happier watching those performances without him.

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I started off trying to make legitimate points on Steelmen Online but I realised I was one of about 3 people doing so and soon gave up.

It's not the best, especially when a bizarre number of users feel the need to RANDOMLY put CAPITAL letters to make their point very CLEAR!!!!

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I was a regular on steelmenonline from its birth as 'well trust.com' in 2003 until fairly recently but I don't bother with it anymore. Too many cliques and folk only interested in cyber bullying and name calling nowadays rather than engaging in sensible debate. It's a shame to be honest as it was once a great way of finding out about the day to day happenings at the club, but we've got the twitter page for that nowadays so steelmenonline no longer has the same appeal as it once did.

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