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Referendum result prediction game


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It grates on me too when folk on the no side are all called shitebags/selfish etc. I couldn't disagree more with the arguments put forward by the no people, but it's undeniable that a lot of them genuinely feel strongly about it like we do. To imply that everyone secretly wants independence but half the country are too scared/selfish is fucking stupid, and I'd rather leave the ignorant generalisations and assumptions to Better Together.

You've had NO voters put forward an arguement?

Who? What? Where?

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Coming out of glasgow with a seven to ten point lead (55 to 45) would be convincing.

certainly No can count on the South and South West of Scotland, I remain unconvinced that Edinburgh would be a solid No - it does have large concentrations of No leaning demographics, but I can see it being narrow one way or the other. I think Fife will probably vote Yes at this point, as will central (although falkirk is surely a stick on No vote) Angus and Dundee for yes.

I know I'm biased but Edinburgh's No vote will ne higher than Glasgow's yes vote imo

I think you're looking at 50-55 Yes in Glasgow whereas 55-60 No in Edinburgh. I wouldn't be surprised if No actually win Glasgow by a smidgeon

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I know I'm biased but Edinburgh's No vote will ne higher than Glasgow's yes vote imo

I think you're looking at 50-55 Yes in Glasgow whereas 55-60 No in Edinburgh. I wouldn't be surprised if No actually win Glasgow by a smidgeon

I may be biased as well, I just think that for all Edinburgh has those financial services, more affluent neighbourhoods - a more cosmopolitan makeup including an above average percentage of English born residents who the polls suggest weigh heavily to No. It still has a considerable working/lower middle class who don't have some of the hangups for the crown etc, that their west coast compatriots might.

Well no one would be surprised if No won Glasgow by a smidgeon or by a landslide, as all the polls point to a No win anyway.

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I think the only way Yes can win this now is sheer apathy on the No side.

Yes voters will definitely turn up on the day.

If say, only 80% of No voters turn up the Polls, then Yes could win by a bawhair.

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I think the only way Yes can win this now is sheer apathy on the No side.

Yes voters will definitely turn up on the day.

If say, only 80% of No voters turn up the Polls, then Yes could win by a bawhair.

Positive mental attitude man!! What would Kriss Akabussi say?!

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I'd rather be described as a Separatist in all honesty, Nationalist is a ridiculous term.

You can be a separatist without being a Nationalist.

Many are.

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Civil nationalist isn't a dirty term. Neither is separatist. Ethnic nationalist is, though, and sadly most of our clown collective are.

Says the muslim hating racist.

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Civil nationalist isn't a dirty term. Neither is separatist. Ethnic nationalist is, though, and sadly most of our clown collective are.

Says the muslim hating racist.

Exactly my thought when I saw it Confi, what a thing to say when he has some of the views he does.

ETA: He only hates Muslims that dont go to the pub though mind

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Exactly my thought when I saw it Confi, what a thing to say when he has some of the views he does.

ETA: He only hates Muslims that dont go to the pub though mind

I've always found muslims in pubs the nicest sort of muslims, haven't you?

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I'm a civic nationalist, that won't change 'til the day I pop my clogs, I really think Mr Bairn needs to take a long hard look at himself, that's 3 or 4 times now that he has chosen to call YES voters racist through the back door, if he feels the need to call people racist and insular then he should at least grow a pair and post it as such rather than cloaking it in his cowardly "ethnic nationlist" phrase.

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I'm a civic nationalist, that won't change 'til the day I pop my clogs, I really think Mr Bairn needs to take a long hard look at himself, that's 3 or 4 times now that he has chosen to call YES voters racist through the back door, if he feels the need to call people racist and insular then he should at least grow a pair and post it as such rather than cloaking it in his cowardly "ethnic nationlist" phrase.

Being an ethnic nationalist doesn't make you a racist per se.

Though in a Venn diagram of Nationalists, there will be a large collective area.

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Thinking about it I just cannot see over half the population voting against there countries independence. Even If I was a mentalist and thought NO was the better option I still couldn't go out and vote NO I just wouldn't vote..

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