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On 26/01/2017 at 12:47, Forfinn said:

Figures given his inability to string a coherent sentence together on air, but it makes you wonder why the BBC pay money to someone to do a job they haven't even had basic training for.

I'm not convinced any of the current and former players that turn up on the BBC have had any media training. The Open All Mics regulars will have been taught how to use the ISDN kit (I was sat a few seats along from John Robertson at Victoria Park once when he set things up for his OAM reporting) but I doubt there's been any training for actually speaking on-air. 

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18 hours ago, paranoid android said:

Nice to hear Tom English and Pat Bonnar laying into Cathro's signings before they've even played.

Bonnar, in particular, is a terrible terrible commentator.

He was awful on Cathro's signings.  Tom English was getting irritated with him.

Bonner: "are they any better than what they had though, Tom?"

English: "I don't know Pat"

Bonner "But you have to sign players that are better don't you Tom?"

English "Yes but I haven't seen them Pat"


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Had this on in the car tonight on the way home. Pleasing to hear Scott McDonald tell a question posed about 'Helicopter Sunday' to GTF as it was so long ago.
Other than that, I wouldn't have bothered. Knew what to expect of course but it wasn't thrilling listening.

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Willie Miller genuinely does hate Caley. I heard the start of his moan but had to put diesel in the car so missed it.

I think he probably hates having to travel through to Inverness to work so is in a bad mood from the start. He has also spoken about his desire to see united and Hibs back in the top flight to "restore the natural order" in Scottish football so probably sees us a usurpers.

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Willie Miller genuinely does hate Caley. I heard the start of his moan but had to put diesel in the car so missed it.

I think he probably hates having to travel through to Inverness to work so is in a bad mood from the start. He has also spoken about his desire to see united and Hibs back in the top flight to "restore the natural order" in Scottish football so probably sees us a usurpers.

He was fuming over your game on Saturday. I imagined him shaking with anger as he described how awful he felt it was.
Why can't folk like that not realise, like the rest of us, that the "natural order" is decided on the pitch?
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He's a bitter, bitter man. "Natural order"? OK, he's paid by the BBC and has to spout their orthodoxy but I thought he might have a bit more integrity and admit that teams who don't win enough games get relegated and stay relegated. What he, and the BBC, mean is that Killie, Accies , ICT and County can gtf.

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Is it not just the case that the game was shit and he was explaining that?

That's all he done on Saturday anyway aye, same as everyone else really.

Heard him say this United/Hibs stuff too but he also has said every time I've heard him that they need to earn it on the park!!! Says he thinks the top flight would be better if they were there. As do I tbh.
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1 minute ago, 1320Lichtie said:


That's all he done on Saturday anyway aye, same as everyone else really.

Heard him say this United/Hibs stuff too but he also has said every time I've heard him that they need to earn it on the park!!! Says he thinks the top flight would be better if they were there. As do I tbh.


f**k off. It's a competition, they lost.

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