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I had it on today while doing some DIY. I don't listen to it all the time but the QC yesterday was very informative and I was hoping for more insight into the ongoing situation. Unfortunately it was a full on Hearts panel although I did quite enjoy John Collins taking about his best XI of players he's played with.

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Sportsound has been pretty poor for years, it is stale and has always been far too much of an old boys club and provided poor quality punditry. The fact that Chick Young is still employed, years after he 'retired', is testament to both these facts. However, during the football season they can get away with it and I usually end up listening just before and after kick-off on a Saturday to get the scores and reports. But this shutdown has just exposed what a dreadful programme it is. A whole bunch of guys completely out of touch with the average fan, completely ignorant of the facts around the current situation and no-one willing or able to challenge this, either on the show or by inviting different people on. Even someone like Tom English who used to be someone who would challenge the tired cliches and lazy thinking of the regulars has become as bad as the rest of them. A few people have referred to this but I think they have created an environment on the show where if you try to give an opposing argument you'll get dragged down by their ignorance and look stupid - there is no point trying to explain anything to Neil McCann or Derek Ferguson.

There needs to be a total rethink of how the format of the show works in shutdown. As I said I think the typical matchday show is poor, but I have no issue with the format and it probably serves a purpose. But when there is no football on if they are planning on having a respectable show with a panel and a debate they need to have a total rethink. The number of the current regulars needs cut, they all say the same thing anyway so you only need 1 or 2. They then need to ensure they have a variety of other opinions represented, and they need a strong presenter who will challenge all of these opinions. It has become such a pathetic show.

Edited by Diamonds are Forever
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There's guys on there who I can cope with and even enjoy listening to them talk about football but let's be honest, when it comes to off field matters none of them anything of worth to say. Whatever 'opinion' the likes of Dodds, McCann, Bonner, Chico etc have on the administration of the game is just white noise.

Chick Young still claiming he was the only person in Scotland who thought that the best scenario would be to play the remaining games of the season and has now been vindicated would be farcical if it wasn't Chick fucking Young.

The biggest disappointment by far has been Tom English who supposedly their top sports journalist and the man who is meant to be on top of the facts of situation and has been more partisan on the matter than anybody.

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13 hours ago, Archie McSquackle said:

It was quite funny listening to Chick Young and Derek Ferguson pretty much going in the huff that Collins hadn't selected Paul McStay and Davie Weir in his all-time XI. The fact that the players he had selected had won or got to the latter stages of world cups didn't seem to affect their opinions.

I remember listening to Paul Lambert’s one. Chick genuinely thought he’d have several Celtic and St Mirren players in it and was surprised when it was pretty much the Borussia Dortmund team that won the European Cup plus Henrik Larsson. 

“I thought you might have picked Billy Abercrombie at the back”

”Actually I decided to go with Jurgen Kohler and Matthias Sammer there.”

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That best XI segment is just an excuse to talk about old Rangers and Celtic players and games, which is why the others on the show are always disappointed when the guest selects folk who aren't former Celtic or Rangers players.

Edited by DA Baracus
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30 minutes ago, NorthBank said:

Read that last night. Bit of a shock to read someone doing this. Whatever your views on Bill Leckie it is good to see published views from the other side.of the argument.

The comments on Twitter under it were sadly predictable.

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6 minutes ago, Tannadeechee said:

Read that last night. Bit of a shock to read someone doing this. Whatever your views on Bill Leckie it is good to see published views from the other side.of the argument.

The comments on Twitter under it were sadly predictable.

I know it is the scumbag SUN however I like Leckie as he is not scared to give an opinion. And the only journalist that I have come across to provide a counter argument. Get him on Sportsound next week and rattle a few of the ignorant punters.

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Just catching up on yesterday's Sportsound. When you have Chick Young coming across as reasonable & sensible then it's time to give up.

Groundhog Day is the only way to describe the output. They quality of the chat befits Off the Ball's tag line of "petty & I'll informed" as the likes of Derek Ferguson match this description perfectly.

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59 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Christ, please do not get Bill fucking Leckie on Sportsound.

He was a commentator on Sportsound about 10 years ago. Primarily on SFL (as-was) games.

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4 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

Christ, please do not get Bill fucking Leckie on Sportsound.

You obviously haven't listened for a while if you think he is worse than Neil McCann, Packy Bonnar, Derek Ferguson et a. lAt least Leckie isn't towing the BBC party line of 'its unfair' and showing total ignorance of the situation like the above muppets.

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3 minutes ago, NorthBank said:

You obviously haven't listened for a while if you think he is worse than Neil McCann, Packy Bonnar, Derek Ferguson et a. lAt least Leckie isn't towing the BBC party line of 'its unfair' and showing total ignorance of the situation like the above muppets.

I've listened plenty, and everyone you've mentioned is a moron.

That doesn't make Bill Leckie the answer.

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3 hours ago, Dubford don said:

Definitely agree with them lacking the bottle to try and take Celtic's title off them

Leckie got this article pretty much spot on for me tbh.

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