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11 hours ago, bennett said:

You're more of a bear than that guy was.

Pile of pish from the beeb.


Are you accusing Sportsound of having a guy pretend to be a Sevco fan who they presumably have fed lines to?

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Some Radio Scotland phone in show this morning had the game as their top item. Div was on it for a wee bit giving a very muted response when asked how much he was looking forward to it.

They also played a clip of a Radio 4 interview with some Glasgow folk about the game which had one guy saying "Awww see here man, the sheriff court man will be pure heaving on Monday man cos they'll be loads of folk in there after the game the morra." Sad thing is he's probably spot on.

I see also this is the only game in Scotland that requires the police to implement a "Domestic Abuse Plan". Tragic.

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That really was fucking brutal this week, with the culmination being last night's programme. I think Sportsound reached a new low this week. It's like the Real Radio phone-in. Just a fucking Celtic/Rangers shambles.

The person at the BBC who is responsible for this should be sacked. In fact, sacking would be too lenient. I want to see this c**t of a person horse-whipped through the streets of Glasgow. Then I want the BBC in Glasgow shut down, lock, stock and barrel and moved to Edinburgh. Everyone from BBC Glasgow sacked, or at the very least made to jump through hoops to keep their jobs and then given a wage cut.

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They said that tonight they were doing something different on Sportsound by having fans of both Celtic and Sevco in the studion

How is that different from any other episode?

I'm almost moved to write and complain. Instead, I think I'll just sack Sportsound and listen to music instead.
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6 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

That really was fucking brutal this week, with the culmination being last night's programme. I think Sportsound reached a new low this week. It's like the Real Radio phone-in. Just a fucking Celtic/Rangers shambles.

The person at the BBC who is responsible for this should be sacked. In fact, sacking would be too lenient. I want to see this c**t of a person horse-whipped through the streets of Glasgow. Then I want the BBC in Glasgow shut down, lock, stock and barrel and moved to Edinburgh. Everyone from BBC Glasgow sacked, or at the very least made to jump through hoops to keep their jobs and then given a wage cut.

^^^ East coast roaster with chips on each shoulder

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2 hours ago, RiG said:

Some Radio Scotland phone in show this morning had the game as their top item. Div was on it for a wee bit giving a very muted response when asked how much he was looking forward to it.

They also played a clip of a Radio 4 interview with some Glasgow folk about the game which had one guy saying "Awww see here man, the sheriff court man will be pure heaving on Monday man cos they'll be loads of folk in there after the game the morra." Sad thing is he's probably spot on.

I see also this is the only game in Scotland that requires the police to implement a "Domestic Abuse Plan". Tragic.

To take a 'historical diversion' for a moment... in a book I have on Scottish football history (it may be by Bob Crampsey), mention is made at one point of an Old Firm derby which was held up to be remarkable at the time, because it didn't prove necessary to convene a special sitting of the Glasgow Police Court on the Monday morning. I'll try to find it.

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Had Thursdays on in the car driving down to Edinburgh today. Fucking hilarious. The most amateur thing I've ever heard, a total embarrassing wankfest. Not a SECOND on anything else either. They can get to f**k. The **** on it were unsurprisingly horrible wee creatures.

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It was incredible.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the need to promote the OF, but the drawn out nonsense of last night was unbelievable.

We could have had a decent half hour of OF build up supplemented by 20 minutes of talking about this weekends other fixtures.

But no, we'd rather draw out a conversation with utter slavering morons about Celtic ranger to fill time.

Thanks again, bbc

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2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Peter Wright earlier said that in Gala/Watsonians games back in the day it was rough and that players "literally got away with murder" on the field

I caught that bit.  To begin with, he just said they could get away with murder.  Then he really did say that they "literally" could.  

It was all in the context of course, of him trying to answer a mindless question about whether any rugby rivalries could rival that of the OF.

Sportsound has treated us to shameful rubbish this week, it really has.

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27 minutes ago, shull said:

This whole week has been like the end of the Season with the two scum Clubs playing the Scottish Cup Final tomorrow.


Wish us 40 Diddy Clubs could exterminate the cnuts.

The hype has been ludicrous.

I know it's the first league meeting in a while, but they've met in semi-finals in each of the last two seasons, matches that had far more riding on them than this weekend's early season game.

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1 hour ago, Monkey Tennis said:

The hype has been ludicrous.

I know it's the first league meeting ever, but they've met in semi-finals in each of the last two seasons, matches that had far more riding on them than this weekend's early season game.


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