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Americans and their gun culture

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These things are terrible but fortunately uncommon. Why it's sensationalised in the UK it is beyond me.

So people are brainwashed into thinking guns need to be illegal (it works well going by this thread).

It's the exact same with the argument for drugs being legalised. There's no logical reason for either being illegal but the media manage to make people against legalising it by jumping on every little accident whilst completely ignoring it any time a gun saves a life etc. My mate had a house party a few weeks back and someone took an eccie and died, do I believe all drugs should be illegal? Of course not, even with the media trying their hardest to tell us "Drugs are bad m'kay".

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So people are brainwashed into thinking guns need to be illegal (it works well going by this thread).

It's the exact same with the argument for drugs being legalised. There's no logical reason for either being illegal but the media manage to make people against legalising it by jumping on every little accident whilst completely ignoring it any time a gun saves a life etc. My mate had a house party a few weeks back and someone took an eccie and died, do I believe all drugs should be illegal? Of course not, even with the media trying their hardest to tell us "Drugs are bad m'kay".

It's not the same thing at all.

Most obviously because gun ownership is legal in the UK while Canabis and Ecstacy are not.

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I suspect that people who think everyone should have a gun would never leave the house if they had. If you think you need a gun for protection now, imagine if all these scary people had one too!

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I suspect that people who think everyone should have a gun would never leave the house if they had. If you think you need a gun for protection now, imagine if all these scary people had one too!

These "scary people" don't care about the law. So they'll get a hold of a gun by hook or by crook.

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I suspect that people who think everyone should have a gun would never leave the house if they had. If you think you need a gun for protection now, imagine if all these scary people had one too!

The pro-gun mob seem to fall into several categories. There are those who think it's an infringement of their civil liberties to be denied the right to carry one, and there are some who just really want one as a massive penis extension.

Then you get people like that earlier poster who was banned after 5 minutes, the guy who went for walks at night in dangerous neighbourhoods despite being attacked several times. He was absolutely itching to shoot someone.

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and up your own arse to be frank. Fewer guns mean fewer people getting killed. There's no spin or twist about this, it's just fucking obvious.

Not to young jo. He can't see the difference between guns and drugs though (just to be clear, one's sole purpose is to harm and kill, the other's is not).
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These "scary people" don't care about the law. So they'll get a hold of a gun by hook or by crook.

So does Britain have fewer 'scary people' per head of population than the states?

If they can get a gun by hook or by crook why is there not the same level of gun violence here?

Your premise is basically: gun laws dont work, so why bother with them. That's clearly not true.

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Of course we shouldn't look at evidence because that ruins your arguments, let's just believe the media because they always have our best interests at heart.

I'll bite. What evidence do you have that we'd be safer with more guns?

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and up your own arse to be frank. Fewer guns mean fewer people getting killed. There's no spin or twist about this, it's just fucking obvious.

That's until someone stabs you in the back :rolleyes:

So does Britain have fewer 'scary people' per head of population than the states?

If they can get a gun by hook or by crook why is there not the same level of gun violence here?

Your premise is basically: gun laws dont work, so why bother with them. That's clearly not true.

If you're talking about gang related crimes, then criminals per head are similar in comparison.

Because we have a knife culture that takes it's place. Also criminals know the authorities will be more determined to catch them if they used a gun to commit a crime.

If you think getting rid of guns is magically going to reduce the amount of killings, then you're sadly mistaken. Just saying getting rid of guns will reduce gun related crime is ignoring opportunity costs.

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