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Vincent Tan CORRECT In Getting Rid Of Moody And Mackay


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There are so many hand wringing liberals wanting him crucified over this which is so predictable. Are we to believe no one else criticising him now has done exactly the same thing. I very much doubt it.

"Hand wringing liberals" :lol:

I can honestly say that I've never made anything like the comments that MacKay/Moody have made. Namely because I'm not a complete and utter c**t. If that makes me a "liberal" (© Fox News 2014) then so be it!

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There are so many hand wringing liberals wanting him crucified over this which is so predictable. Are we to believe no one else criticising him now has done exactly the same thing. I very much doubt it.

So you're happy to be outed as a user of homophobic, racist and sexist language?

Good to know.

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There are so many hand wringing liberals wanting him crucified over this which is so predictable. Are we to believe no one else criticising him now has done exactly the same thing. I very much doubt it.

^^^ American gun control thread for this pish, afore anyone starts talking about Neo-Con hawks and other tripe.

Also, no, I don't think most people jump straight to gender, race, or sexuality when talking about someone they don't like, for no other reason than it entirely undermines their argument. YM, clearly, MV.

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There are so many hand wringing liberals wanting him crucified over this which is so predictable. Are we to believe no one else criticising him now has done exactly the same thing. I very much doubt it.

Well tbh I'm not racist, homophobic or anti-semetic so I do feel quite confident in calling these people c***s.

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I'm + 1 for never having thought those sentiments never mind broadcasting them. Of course in thousands of communications with people you know well there are comments that could be taken out of context, but absolutely nothing even remotely as bad as this.

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"Hand wringing liberals" :lol:

I can honestly say that I've never made anything like the comments that MacKay/Moody have made. Namely because I'm not a complete and utter c**t. If that makes me a "liberal" (© Fox News 2014) then so be it!

^^^ This

Hand wringing liberals, ffs. :lol:

A phrase only ever uttered by bigots and their apologists.

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Amazing that some folks are willing to parade the "it's not that bad/I hear worse every day at work" stuff.

That doesn't make this less serious, it just means that you work with horrible excuses for human beings. Get the CVs sent out before your workplace ends up in the papers too.

Have you ever complained about a work colleague for making offensive remarks? ...Genuine question.

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Have you ever complained about a work colleague for making offensive remarks? ...Genuine question.

Can't think of anyone I've worked with who's made bigoted remarks, TBH. There was one dick who insisted on having The Sash as his ringtone, but the boss kicked his arse sharpish without input from anyone else.

Wait, no - I had a young girl working under me once who had a thing against "pakis". Apparently they were all lying thieves, and seemed to be from most of Asia, from what I gathered. We had a wee chat about how that wasn't an acceptable term to use, which she seemed genuinely surprised about, and I never heard it again. Also mentioned that it's not fair to group people in that manner, which she seemed pretty receptive to. Probably said I was a w**k when I was gone, but we got on well. She was young and quite naive in some ways.

Sort of related, and freaked me out majorly for a bit - I did some work at an after-school playgroup for Primary kids, and a lot of the young'uns referred to black people as niggers. Worked out after a while that they'd picked it up from rap music, which they all seemed pretty keen on, especially Tupac. Having listened to the word being thrown around by predominantly black artists, they'd just decided that was what black people were called, without any of the negative connotations. Wasn't my place to go sermonising to the weans, but it was obvious that an authority figure would have to have a conversation about appropriate terminology at some point.

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Can't think of anyone I've worked with who's made bigoted remarks, TBH. There was one dick who insisted on having The Sash as his ringtone, but the boss kicked his arse sharpish without input from anyone else.

Wait, no - I had a young girl working under me once who had a thing against "pakis". Apparently they were all lying thieves, and seemed to be from most of Asia, from what I gathered. We had a wee chat about how that wasn't an acceptable term to use, which she seemed genuinely surprised about, and I never heard it again. Also mentioned that it's not fair to group people in that manner, which she seemed pretty receptive to. Probably said I was a w**k when I was gone, but we got on well. She was young and quite naive in some ways.

Sort of related, and freaked me out majorly for a bit - I did some work at an after-school playgroup for Primary kids, and a lot of the young'uns referred to black people as niggers. Worked out after a while that they'd picked it up from rap music, which they all seemed pretty keen on, especially Tupac. Having listened to the word being thrown around by predominantly black artists, they'd just decided that was what black people were called, without any of the negative connotations. Wasn't my place to go sermonising to the weans, but it was obvious that an authority figure would have to have a conversation about appropriate terminology at some point.


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Why did your boss think it was correct to 'kick his arse sharpish' for having the sash as his ringtone?

The song which was deemed not sectarian, that is.

You'd have to ask her. I'd guess that she considered it a dig against her, however, considering that she was a Northern Irish Catholic.

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As a stand alone tune The Sash may have been deemed not a secretarian song, but the reasons why people in Scotland, like the aforementioned fanny with it as their ringtone, play it most assuredly are.

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