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The Arbroath Thread

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Jacobs is one of the ones that has to be moved on, very harsh but I bet deep down he knows himself the legs are gone, it was the same situation with Harrison who was played last season just because he was signed buy he cost us goals and points before Hamilton stepped in, 
I think everyone is agreement it should be hilson and donnelly who are obviously well liked by the management team buy unforgettable this is a level to high, if you had donnellys ability with hilsons work rate then there would be a decent player there,
Unfortunately I think it will be Patterson and Shanks tho, still unsure why we signed Corfe who I feel was a panic buy 

Harrison Clark was 18 years old and on loan from Livi. Totally inexperienced when he joined us. Made a couple of costly mistakes but he’s a good player. He’s at Stirling on loan now and was mom last week.
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2 minutes ago, stan3600 said:

Harrison Clark was 18 years old and on loan from Livi. Totally inexperienced when he joined us. Made a couple of costly mistakes but he’s a good player. He’s at Stirling on loan now and was mom last week.

Im unsure if ur agreeing or sticking up for him,

It doesnt matter his age or where he come from, just saying he was out his depth and cost us goals and points, like Jacobs could, 

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Im unsure if ur agreeing or sticking up for him,
It doesnt matter his age or where he come from, just saying he was out his depth and cost us goals and points, like Jacobs could, 

I agree Harrison wasn’t quite good enough - point is he wasn’t “signed” - he was on loan. But he’ll be a good player. I don’t share everyone’s huge enthusiasm for wee Chris. A great defender but scared of the ball. He did do a very good job for us. Unfortunately Jacobs looked like an upgrade but seems to be a poor signing.
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27 minutes ago, stan3600 said:

I agree Harrison wasn’t quite good enough - point is he wasn’t “signed” - he was on loan. But he’ll be a good player. I don’t share everyone’s huge enthusiasm for wee Chris. A great defender but scared of the ball. He did do a very good job for us. Unfortunately Jacobs looked like an upgrade but seems to be a poor signing.

I liked Chris Hamilton, but I did feel he did his best work when Low was out injured.  When we had Low and Hamilton together in midfield, I don't think it really worked as well.  I preferred seeing Low and Henderson as a partnership.


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Thought Jacobs done well at St Mirren. Had a hard time in Ayr first half (like the whole team) and then made an absolute mess of the 4th Dundee goal but that aside he was fine and that’s not easy to do when coming on in a game like that one 100 miles an hour up against that Dundee midfield 

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Dick needs to give his head a wobble and realise that we need to play are best players in there position. Another game with no recognised striker. The fosu experiment is done and failed I think he’s a decent wide player but upfront no. Play shanks until we have another player in capable of doing so he came on today and on another day would of scored another of they chances (his goal was lucky but in the right position initially which is good) Ld is not a CM and is not good enough to play upfront either I’d be happy to see him out on loan in league one hopefully find his form again. 

we absolutely need a defensive midfielder our defence and keeper are under waves of attack and have zero protection. Can’t remember the last time I seen us under so many frequent attacks. That includes the preseason and cup games. Even have craigen in there he’s intelligent enough to play there and be disciplined. Need a miko, whatley, Chris hammy type player. 

subs again were strange but I give up trying to think what the thought process is. 

leagues very tight get things right sooner rather than later we will be absolutely fine but that was so frustrating today 

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I hate slating Sir D-ick or any AFC player but jeezo that performance today was shocking and i blame the Manager 100% his starting XI was absolute bizarre and EVERY Red Lichtie supporter who i spoke to before and after the game said the same.

HOW ON EARTH can you play Luke Donnelly in CENTRAL MIDFIELD with Nicky Low = ABSOLUTE LUNACY!!

We had THREE sitting holding midfielders sitting on the bench in Craigen/Gold/Jacobs so what are they thinking when they see a forward player taken their place?

I wanted Sir D-ick as our Manager (many AFC fans didn't) and what he has done for us as nothing short of magnificent and i will support 100% going forward but he has to take flack when he f#ucks up and he certainly done that today.

I have came up the road direct from the ground fuming as i cannot face going to the boozer so this is not a drunken rant.

He should have started Craigen in central midfield and Shanks up front, yes Shanks is raw but get an experienced big striker (Simon Murray) up front with him to learn but at least he is direct and WILL get goals.

Simon Murray BOSSED that game and was superb as was Dom Thomas in a very good Queens Park team.

Putting FOUR subs on at the same time is a joke imo and causes confusion, we ended up with Low and Allan in central midfield with no height, 2 great classy players but they were getting bulldozed by their giants.

I thought Allan looked good and classy when he came on and Stewart and Linn (why did they get subbed?) done well and Gaston saved us from a hiding.

Excellent crowd of over 1,900 with over 1,800 Red Lichties fans who all left disappointed.

C'Mon Sir D-ick get in an experienced BIG striker and keep the formation where the players play in that position.    

Edited by AFC360PUNK1320
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Mind when folk were telling yous going down was as likely as any other finish this season? To be met with arrogant no chance we are an established club now.

Like most last year I was rooting for the Smokies but that attitude makes it nice to see yous get some medicine. Maybe take a rain check eh.

Take no notice though, had yous on coupon and ma team is shite.

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Hilson coming on and Donnelly starting I'm midfield shows they are here to stay,  

I realize its harsh but for me only Shanks looks half decent out of all the signing, all the other signings aren't good enough and seem a bit panic buys, Corfe and Fosu don't look like they are cut out for this level and Jacobs looks finished,

Today was a complete failure, starting Donnelly in midfield will never workand them swapping Mckenna, Fosu and Donnelly around every 5 minutes is a joke, then finishing a  game chasing a goal with a centre back playing on left and Hilslon on the right, 

Unfortunately we are needing more than a striker, 


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Pathetic 2nd half performance has me doubting ourselves a bit. I still dont think we will go down buy Today is an eye opener of how different we are from last season.

And for what it’s worth. McKenna was much worse than Donnelly today. 

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The reality is - we’re in big trouble. Sounds melodramatic but it’s not a blip, that’s four league games played and four terrible performances, we’re in serious danger of being cut adrift already. I don’t think a striker and midfielder will change that much unless we have a fundamental change in lineup and tactics. The best striker in the world won’t score if he has no quality possession or delivery.

You expect one or two bad performances every so often but this is becoming a habit. Out played all over the pitch again today. If not for Gaston that could have easily been 5 or 6. Even in the second half when we had the wind and the vast amount of possession, QP had the better chances. We could have scraped a draw in the end but that would have been an injustice.

Our defence are being ripped apart by pace and movement - Ayr did it, Dundee did it and QP did it - and are showing uncharacteristic errors and nervousness. This has a lot to do with our midfield losing the battle every week, it’s just far too lightweight. I feel sorry for Nicky Low as he tries his heart out and is playing well but he can’t do it all himself. Desperately need a big, physical holding midfielder to allow Low and Allen to do their thing.

Donnelly starting there today is astonishing, might has well have started with 10 men. Craigen, Gold and Fosu would all do a much much better job, and Fosu did when they swapped. The decision must have been because Donnelly was having a shocker so why keep him on and put him up front where he’s even more ineffective?

Let’s get another thing straight - Luke Donnelly IS NOT a striker - a striker’s job is primarily to score or create goals. His return is dreadful, I don’t know the stats but I would bet our entire back 4 have a better goal scoring record than him. He doesn’t create anything either or impose his size so what’s the point?

As has been said by others, the starting 11 was all wrong as were the subs. Bobby should have stayed on as, even though he wasn’t at his best, his delivery to Shanks could have worked and he also had our best chances before he was hooked. Shanks has to play, no argument - could have had three today.

Last point and one I’ll get stick for again from some - McKenna was really poor again. Seems to have lost his pace and touch and desire. You can blame it on him being doubled up on all you like (he wasn’t) but he did nothing of note again today apart from lose possession, be muscled off the ball, fail to pass to a team mate and Sclaff his one decent opportunity.

Amazing turnout again but can’t see it staying like that for long. Today was abject, yes QP were good but we were rotten.

Edited by Tattie36
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