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The Arbroath Thread

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1 minute ago, ExiledLichtie said:


I don't think Morton could afford any of those options.  I imagine they spoke to Arbroath and asked for Nicky Low, plus a len of 500 quid so they could pay the electric this month.

Your thinking would be 100% wrong again though, given the substantial six sum investment in the club announced just last month. 

The club is now run by adults though and so won't be spending any of that on a laughable transfer fee for your fallen idol. And rightly so.

Thanks for playing anyway. 


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11 minutes ago, virginton said:

Of course there are benefits. You no longer pay the wages of a player who is no longer part of your plans

the wage saving alone is worth more than any amount of money that you'll actually get in a transfer fee

Agreed and I'd hazard a guess pretty much our clubs mindset when we offloaded Zanatta to Hamilton with no dramas or dummy spitting during the process.

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We will be saving the wages by letting him go to a league one side on loan, would imagine Dunfermline, Airdire, Falkirk, Kelty will all pay his full wage if they want him.

I'll sit and wait for the one good reason we let a contracted player go to a rival club for nothing.

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9 minutes ago, Smokerson said:

We will be saving the wages by letting him go to a league one side on loan, would imagine Dunfermline, Airdire, Falkirk, Kelty will all pay his full wage if they want him.

I'll sit and wait for the one good reason we let a contracted player go to a rival club for nothing.

Turned phone off last night 7.30pm and then back on again this morning and I couldn’t believe the reaction to this whole thing, fact it’s still dragging on is wild. Seems like a pretty clear cut simple situation and all parties have done the right thing to look out for themselves

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47 minutes ago, virginton said:

The market value for a wantaway player who has chocolate legs, is 31 in January and plays in the Scottish Championship at best is indeed 'free', 'nothing', 'nil', 'zero', 'hee haw', or 'f**k all'. Take your pick from those market options. 

We're not talking about Mbappe here. 

Of course there are benefits. You no longer pay the wages of a player who is no longer part of your plans, and get a bad apple out of the door in case it has a negative ripple effect on your team's morale.

You might not value those benefits too much but the wage saving alone is worth more than any amount of money that you'll actually get in a transfer fee, unless Darvel come along. 

If you did that then you'd only be wasting more of your club's money out of sheer stubbornness, so don't pretend that you're being charitable. FWIW, I don't think Low has a leg to stand on and have no sympathy with his current predicament. 

You seem to be all assuming however that the player is going to acquiesce in whatever option the club chooses for him - let's see how that plays out first. 

So all player contracts are worthless then? Can our management team just ask any of your under contract players if they want to play for us and then get them for free if they fancy it?

Nicky Low is not yet 31 and, if he keeps himself fit and healthy, could easily have another 4 or 5 seasons playing at Championship or League 1 level. Of course he’s worth a fee, we’re not talking tens of thousands but it would have to be a reasonable amount.

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So all player contracts are worthless then? Can our management team just ask any of your under contract players if they want to play for us and then get them for free if they fancy it?
Nicky Low is not yet 31 and, if he keeps himself fit and healthy, could easily have another 4 or 5 seasons playing at Championship or League 1 level. Of course he’s worth a fee, we’re not talking tens of thousands but it would have to be a reasonable amount.

Nicky Low is made of glass. There’s absolutely no chance Arbroath can seriously demand a fee for him especially since he only has one year left.
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4 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:

So all player contracts are worthless then?

Don’t be silly.

4 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:

Can our management team just ask any of your under contract players if they want to play for us and then get them for free if they fancy it?

If said player wanted to take a decent job outside of football, then yes, I’d say with a degree of confidence that Morton would release him from his contract rather than have a justifiably angry player around the place.

If both Morton and Arbroath were full-time (or part-time), you’d be right. As it is, you’re wrong.

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Btw, I’m pretty cautious about the prospect of Low ending up at us, mainly because of the issue, as mentioned, of how well he’d cope with full-time training in light of his history/general physique. Happy to have him (he’ll improve us if fit), but equally happy to see him get a full-time gig elsewhere.

Making it difficult for a player to go back to full-time is the real issue for me; very poor behaviour, whether it’s Campbell or someone else at the club (but I strongly suspect it’s Campbell).

You can say Low has been ‘unprofessional’, and it’s hard to argue with that: but he’s basically replied to a ‘f**k you’ with a ‘naw, f**k you’. Arbroath, to repeat, could and should have found a way to head that off.

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If said player wanted to take a decent job outside of football, then yes, I’d say with a degree of confidence that Morton would release him from his contract rather than have a justifiably angry player around the place.
If both Morton and Arbroath were full-time (or part-time), you’d be right. As it is, you’re wrong.


We literally let our best player walk away for nothing two years ago in the middle of a relegation fight just because he fancied a move to America. Came back less than four months later as well.

Clubs at this level are generally more sympathetic to players when their personal circumstances change. I’ve no idea why Arbroath are playing hard ball over a crocked 30 year old who won’t even be able to go to a FT team anyway.
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13 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:


We literally let our best player walk away for nothing two years ago in the middle of a relegation fight just because he fancied a move to America. Came back less than four months later as well.

Clubs at this level are generally more sympathetic to players when their personal circumstances change. I’ve no idea why Arbroath are playing hard ball over a crocked 30 year old who won’t even be able to go to a FT team anyway.

It’s almost as if Arbroath, and a section of their fans on here, don’t quite get the realities of the level we’re all operating at… You hold out for a fee if somebody’s likely to pay the fee; if not, you minimise the damage (and Allan + Tait + no wage for Low is pretty decent damage limitation from where I’m looking).

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21 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:


We literally let our best player walk away for nothing two years ago in the middle of a relegation fight just because he fancied a move to America. Came back less than four months later as well.

Clubs at this level are generally more sympathetic to players when their personal circumstances change. I’ve no idea why Arbroath are playing hard ball over a crocked 30 year old who won’t even be able to go to a FT team anyway.

Jesus Christ, if he was off to America he’d have had his contract mutually terminated. 😂 Hard ball????


Is everyone ok here or? What is this 

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This whole Low situation is an all round embarrassment whatever the realities of the situation, which we, as fans, probably don't really know the full picture. There seems to be a lot of heresay and Chinese whispers.

The whole thing needs sorting out asap and hopefully we can agree with a club for a swap deal with Low going out and we bring in that elusive striker we crave.

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I'm not really getting these arguments. We have said he can leave for free as we're going to loan him out for the rest of his contract so he can play closer to home due to personal circumstances. Morton don't have anything to do with it as he's our player. There are plenty of clubs that will want him on loan I'm sure that train within range of where he lives and he will then still get his contracted wages. After the loan he is a free agent and can sign for any club that he wants to and that want him.

We're only talking 8 months not the rest of his playing career. Can't really see the big issue here. Aside from the freak injury due to the way he fell at the Kilmarnock game he has been fine injury wise for us.

I wish him all the best. Enjoyed watching him play and hope he stays injury free for the rest of his career.

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