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12 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Had just assumed Hemfrey be our number 1. Looks like we’re trying to get 2 good options in - actually think Aidan McAdams would’ve been a perfectly fine number 2 to Hemfrey but looks like McIntyre fancying a different approach than what Dick used to like doing 


Interesting that so many teams in league 1 are looking at him. He was fine for us, but prone to too many errors for me and I would say that, overall, I expected him to be better.

We didn't really have much choice but to play him but I'm hugely looking forward to having Brett Long back for the start of this season - praying he stays fit, too!

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4 minutes ago, squeezebox-son said:

Interesting that so many teams in league 1 are looking at him. He was fine for us, but prone to too many errors for me and I would say that, overall, I expected him to be better.

We didn't really have much choice but to play him but I'm hugely looking forward to having Brett Long back for the start of this season - praying he stays fit, too!

Probably just highlights that there aren't very many decent goalkeepers going spare. I said on the predictions thread that it looked like lots of clubs were all waiting on the same players being made available on loan and I reckon it's going to be a bit of a scrap when the League Cup finishes. 

Like Jan and SBS, Hogarth was okay and got a pass from Sons fans for basically not being Harry Broun but he isn't half the keeper Brett Long is.

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Was it actually Aidan McAdams who featured in the second half on Saturday then - does anyone know for sure/ any pictures which prove this!? When I said it, it was a real shot in the dark guess/ more a comment on what he looked like than anything..... however I do see he left Larne last month.......

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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

Probably just highlights that there aren't very many decent goalkeepers going spare. I said on the predictions thread that it looked like lots of clubs were all waiting on the same players being made available on loan and I reckon it's going to be a bit of a scrap when the League Cup finishes. 

Like Jan and SBS, Hogarth was okay and got a pass from Sons fans for basically not being Harry Broun but he isn't half the keeper Brett Long is.

I am really pretty happy with Hemfrey tbh, he’s also our player for 2 years too so would prefer to stick with him but not sure what or why Rangers would want to loan us Hogarth for if he’s not a guaranteed starter. You would have to think he’d go to Kelty for that instead of ourselves or QoTS.

1 hour ago, SimonLichtie said:

Was it actually Aidan McAdams who featured in the second half on Saturday then - does anyone know for sure/ any pictures which prove this!? When I said it, it was a real shot in the dark guess/ more a comment on what he looked like than anything..... however I do see he left Larne last month.......

I wasn’t there but I think you’ll probably be correct… our new GK coach being Gary Maley plus a big keeper with a man bun seems to point to it being McAdams 


eta - maybe taking shite - I thought Maley was at Edinburgh City but he was actually at Livi 

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28 minutes ago, RedLichtie86 said:

Biggest shock for me is where Nouble has ended up.


I lived in the city next to Wuxi for a good few years until covid.  Went to a few Suzhou Dongwu games.  He's only a 20 minute train ride from Shanghai, and its a nice part of China.  Hopefully he does well there!

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1 hour ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Jay Bird to Exeter City - him and Hylton as good a player as we will see at Gayf for a long time no doubt. Really good move for him.

Hmm. At their best Bobby Linn, Tom O’Brien, Nicky Low, Steven Doris, Gavin Swankie, etc. etc. were all better players than both of them. It’s pretty pessimistic to think we won’t see better players again soon - even this season. 

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1 hour ago, TheRoundO said:

Hmm. At their best Bobby Linn, Tom O’Brien, Nicky Low, Steven Doris, Gavin Swankie, etc. etc. were all better players than both of them. It’s pretty pessimistic to think we won’t see better players again soon - even this season. 

Maybe basing the thought of Bird more on the guys potential rather than what he actually done for us as a player to be fair. I think Hylton was right up there though he was a joke at times. 

Hoping Gallagher and potentially some others can become new favourites for us though you’re correct. 

Eta - Nouble was best player I’ve ever seen for us in that short spell - considering it was the Championship - he was a cheat code and made defenders look like bairns

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In the latter years of supporting the Red Lichties after Gav Swankie and Bobby Linn the players who made me sit up and notice their natural ability was Nouble and Nicky Low (what a waste of talent at his age playing for Clydebank).

The "best" player i ever saw playing for the Red Lichties was Andy Penman (my hero was Jimmy Bone/Tommy Yule).

Since then natural ability players for AFC were players like Joe Coyle (Owen's brother), Lex Richardson, Ian Britton (ex-Chelsea Captain on loan), Charlie Adam, Colin McKinnon and various others.

Great players that you knew they could produce a piece of magic out the bag.   

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38 minutes ago, AFC360PUNK1320 said:

 Nicky Low (what a waste of talent at his age playing for Clydebank). 

I doubt it's through choice. Feel for Low as he was a quality player but injuries totally did him in. The reality is if he was able to avoid so many injuries he'd have never lined up for teams like ours. 

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1 hour ago, 19QOS19 said:

I doubt it's through choice. Feel for Low as he was a quality player but injuries totally did him in. The reality is if he was able to avoid so many injuries he'd have never lined up for teams like ours. 

Low left us because his other half wasn’t happy with the travelling he was having to do. Not sure he went about it in the best way though, left a bit of a black mark on his time here which is a shame because he was a quality player and great guy whenever I met him. Your point stands in general though with regards to him only being here in the first place due to injuries. He did miss a chunk of the season we almost won league, but that was through an injury that occurred on the park and not related to his past troubles.

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Jack Hamilton (GK) got himself a cooshty gig as a back up at Ross County.



Striker / Winger

Defensive Midfielder 

Back up Keeper 


Still required - I think we really need that defensive midfielder - I’m not sure how we manage without 

Not too sure what we will do in regards to wide players but I would hope we are still looking we are absolutely sorted on the right with Scott Stewart but I think we need an out and out winger with pace on the left so we can get plenty of balls into the box for CalGal and Reilly 

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