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1 hour ago, AnAnInginAneAnA said:

While the moaning's happening, am I the only one who thinks it's a bit shit that some of our fans reportedly wasted £2,500 on that tit Wagners "appearance" today when there was a collection going on outside the stadium for a local foodbank that often struggles to stay stocked and/or funded?

No, you're not.

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I'm with you regards Haber.
El Bahktoui's not good enough for me. Yeah he's got great control but he's never threatening or in the right areas. 

I'd agree with you on this. El Bahk is a very good footballer, but he plays his football in all the wrong areas and just runs into the opposition when he does have the opportunity to do something.

It's a strange one as you just feel if it 'clicked' for him he'd make a similar impact with us as he did with Dunfermline.
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5 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:


I'd agree with you on this. El Bahk is a very good footballer, but he plays his football in all the wrong areas and just runs into the opposition when he does have the opportunity to do something.

It's a strange one as you just feel if it 'clicked' for him he'd make a similar impact with us as he did with Dunfermline.


It's the fact that's he rarely in the right areas to poach a goal that gets right on my thrupenny bits. 

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El Bak hasn't really had a real chance in the team yet IMO. He's not had 3 starts in a row from what I can remember and when given a chance is up top on his own which doesn't suit him.

He has so much more to offer for me and would flourish in a 2 up top with Moussa or Haber.

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28 minutes ago, Twinkle said:


It was £3500 and your spot on. Theres banter then theres people being complete trumpets


FFS, bad to worse. 

21 minutes ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

No, you're not.

That's become clear now, was just surprised that nobody had said anything about it at the time of my post.

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By my reckoning Darren O'Dea could be suspended for the next Derby which would be a massive body blow (Unless cards clear after the group stage?). I really like Hendry and Waddell but see it as one or the other at the moment as they need an experienced defender that can cover when they're slightly rash. Perhaps Gadz might be back by then to provide a bit of experience.


What's everyone else's thoughts? Hendry and Waddell would be a very bold move but could potentially be our only option.



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41 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

By my reckoning Darren O'Dea could be suspended for the next Derby which would be a massive body blow (Unless cards clear after the group stage?). I really like Hendry and Waddell but see it as one or the other at the moment as they need an experienced defender that can cover when they're slightly rash. Perhaps Gadz might be back by then to provide a bit of experience.


What's everyone else's thoughts? Hendry and Waddell would be a very bold move but could potentially be our only option.



Oooft, nah fk that Ludo! Hendry did well when he came on (& he'd be a hero if that header had just slipped inside the post) but he's been shaky in all the pre season games so far and Waddell's looked great at times but he's just starting out at this level (we all thought he'd be away on loan by now ffs!)


Obvs if we're "stuck" with it then it'll be a brave tactical masterstroke by our manager...

Edited by locheedee
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2 hours ago, AnAnInginAneAnA said:

While the moaning's happening, am I the only one who thinks it's a bit shit that some of our fans reportedly wasted £2,500 on that tit Wagners "appearance" today when there was a collection going on outside the stadium for a local foodbank that often struggles to stay stocked and/or funded?

The food bank thing doesn't bother me a bit but I agree the Wagner things a bit of a minter now. The going down video was FAF but it's past it now.

Anyone paying 3500 or whatever to get him to Dens is a fucking crackpot.

Still laughed at him on the pitch though

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I'm not sure we have the luxury to see if he finds his feet in the Premier. Got to hit the ground running fairly quickly. Obviously I hope he's up to it but I have my doubts unfortunately. 

I'd take him back at the Pars even if he was shite, nostalgia is a hell of a thing.
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A lot of 'moving on' in here. Trust me you will be moving on to a relegation battle.

Yesterday just confirmed what we all knew. We're better than the top championship teams but not by much. We're shaping up to be a bit better than last season but most Dees would take 10th in this rebuilding season.
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The DABs being reduced to desperately claiming a League Cup bonus point counts as a "win" over us is utterly glorious.
They are well and truly broken.
DOON and staying DOON.

Pretty much this.

One thing they do have which we appear to be still sadly lacking in is pace.
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The DABs being reduced to desperately claiming a League Cup bonus point counts as a "win" over us is utterly glorious.
They are well and truly broken.
DOON and staying DOON.

Do you want me to quote the numerous 4, 5 or 6 goal victories predicted by the 'Dees in the days before the game? You couldn't beat a Championship team at your own stadium.
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Still getting my head round the crowd at Dens. The number of people who boo and grumble at the team keeping possession, then cheer when the ball is punted up the line to nobody, giving it away to the opposition, is baffling. Also, booing the team of the park at half time yesterday is ridiculous, IMO.

I really think once Deacon gets up to speed with the professional game and fitness levels he could be a brilliant player. Nobody in the team last season provided anything like what he's been doing on the right wing so far this season. Apparently him and Kamara have the same agent, I wonder if he’s got any strikers on his books?

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9 minutes ago, DigOutYourSoul said:

Still getting my head round the crowd at Dens. The number of people who boo and grumble at the team keeping possession, then cheer when the ball is punted up the line to nobody, giving it away to the opposition, is baffling. Also, booing the team of the park at half time yesterday is ridiculous, IMO.

I really think once Deacon gets up to speed with the professional game and fitness levels he could be a brilliant player. Nobody in the team last season provided anything like what he's been doing on the right wing so far this season. Apparently him and Kamara have the same agent, I wonder if he’s got any strikers on his books?

I didn't hear any of this yesterday being honest. I was sat in the main stand as well which is usually the worst for it. Thought the crowd were actually reasonably patient yesterday.

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Do you want me to quote the numerous 4, 5 or 6 goal victories predicted by the 'Dees in the days before the game? You couldn't beat a Championship team at your own stadium.

We played you off the park as the stats suggest, and you rode your luck in the second half. Think most of us can see that so aren't too bothered about losing a meaningless penalty shootout which we all knew we'd lose anyway.
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