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General Election 2015


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I am being deadly serious when I say this, but can someone slap me to make sure I am not dreaming.

They cannot be this wrong can they?

My heads all over the shop with this. But the thought of Murphy, McTernan and McDougall sitting in their office in John Smith House sobbing uncontrollably because they can't do anything about this, is just glorious.

If anyone is interested it is now a little under 463 hours until the polling stations open. For those of us on duty at the stations, how much fun will it be with the labour activists?

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SNP to win -

1/16 - Glenrothes

1/3 - Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath

8/11 - Dunfermline & West Fife

Bloody hell!!

Labour :lol:

Please be true! I've made my feelings well known on here about Thomas Docherty - an absolute c**t of a man!

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Was chatting with my sister tonight- big SNP supporter also-, we are from a good proud Scottish family after all.

Anyway she had been speaking to her pals, the consensus amongst them was that Nic has pushed the SNP much further on with the female voters. Eck was the man; but Nic is the gal.

Epic landslide in store

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Channel 4 news at 1m 43s


"Shove yer Labour up yer arse" :lol: :lol:

As Salmond said - The referendum has decisively changed Scotland forever.

No more will Red Barons be elected just because people thought there was no alternative.

It's all over :thumsup2

I'll need to pay a journey down to the aunties and uncles, pretty sure my wee auntie would have replied in the same way as that wifey on that report. :lol:

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Every time the SNP hype their role in a hung parliament they are deliberately trying to lose Labour votes in English marginals.

Nothing would make them happier than throwing the English working class into the clutches of their tory mates.

I have a lot of mates down here on minimum wage and zero hours contracts, the SNP rats policy of deliberately stoking fears in the English marginals will help make their lives tougher.

What a hilarious, puffy-eyed barrel of pish. It's definitely Scotland's fault that the big-party Westminster system has singularly failed the working people of the UK for the past twenty years. If only your mates down south had alternative choices on their ballot papers, but no, it's Scotland's responsibility to stop the Tories, not, say, the people in the English constituencies who you are suggesting see Nicola Sturgeon present a more progressive programme than Labour are offering, inexplicably shite themselves, and actually vote Conservative in the nightmare scenario that Miliband were to work with these heathens.

In a nutshell, we have to vote Labour to stop the English voting Tory? Nah, you're alright - Scotland is already doing its bit to stop the Tories by, er, not voting for them. If Labour want votes, they can earn them by offering something worth voting for instead of brow-beating and blackmailing people.

Interestingly, this patent garbage is also SLab's main campaign message. Is that you, Jim?

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A fantastic example of the petty parochialism of nationalism.

The kind of scum who look out for themselves irrespective of the consequence on others. Its one thing to want an independent nation. Its another to deliberately play up to the far right press to bring in a far right government to get it.

I have a lot of mates down here on minimum wage and zero hours contracts, the SNP rats policy of deliberately stoking fears in the English marginals will help make their lives tougher.

You are vermin who think you are saints.

^^^ seething Britnat found

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Was chatting with my sister tonight- big SNP supporter also-, we are from a good proud Scottish family after all.

Anyway she had been speaking to her pals, the consensus amongst them was that Nic has pushed the SNP much further on with the female voters. Eck was the man; but Nic is the gal.

Epic landslide in store

Salmond mat have been a well intention gentleman BUT he was good for tunirh the floating voters away imo.

Honestly if you ask me Nicokle Aturgeon has been a better leader in her feq months than Salmond was in his several years

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Every time the SNP hype their role in a hung parliament they are deliberately trying to lose Labour votes in English marginals. They are a bunch of hypocritical back stabbing scum.

They want the tories to gain seats in England.

They have no interest but their petty little power trip north of the border.

This will not bother nats, in fact this will thrill them. Nothing would make them happier than throwing the English working class into the clutches of their tory mates.

Try writing in English.

And well done on not threatening to attack anyone.

A fantastic example of the petty parochialism of nationalism.

The kind of scum who look out for themselves irrespective of the consequence on others. Its one thing to want an independent nation. Its another to deliberately play up to the far right press to bring in a far right government to get it.

I have a lot of mates down here on minimum wage and zero hours contracts, the SNP rats policy of deliberately stoking fears in the English marginals will help make their lives tougher.

You are vermin who think you are saints.

Subservient losers such as yourself are the real "vermin"

Still, kudos on a quality breakdown :lol:

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Salmond mat have been a well intention gentleman BUT he was good for tunirh the floating voters away imo.

Honestly if you ask me Nicokle Aturgeon has been a better leader in her feq months than Salmond was in his several years

^^^ this post was brought to you by a shitload of alcohol

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Subservient losers such as yourself are the real "vermin"

Still, kudos on a quality breakdown :lol:

As Sevconians go he retained "dignity" for a fair while: looks like the imminent landslide has sent him over the edge with no hope of return.


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The MSM are trying to play down the continual polls that show SLab's likely obliteration. The BBC barely mentioned Ashcroft on the day of the Branch Office's manifesto launch.

However many folk, particularly young folk, are reliant on social media for their information. That social media is awash with the rise of the SNP and the utter desolation of the 'establishment' party in Scotland.

I wonder if this will lead to some young people who may not otherwise vote SNP doing so just to become part of political tsunami? Maybe that's a cynical thought, but the end result would be welcome regardless of motivation.

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A fantastic example of the petty parochialism of nationalism.

The kind of scum who look out for themselves irrespective of the consequence on others. Its one thing to want an independent nation. Its another to deliberately play up to the far right press to bring in a far right government to get it.

I have a lot of mates down here on minimum wage and zero hours contracts, the SNP rats policy of deliberately stoking fears in the English marginals will help make their lives tougher.

You are vermin who think you are saints.

Maybe all your mates could, oh, use their own votes to try keeping the Tories out? Or get out and try to persuade others to do so as well?

Or maybe, in life as in sport, you feel it's easier to just blame anyone and everyone else for the bad things in your life.

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I wonder if this will lead to some young people who may not otherwise vote SNP doing so just to become part of political tsunami? Maybe that's a cynical thought, but the end result would be welcome regardless of motivation.

In a word - yes. Everyone likes to be on the winning side.

Anyhow, stall on today, if yer passing anything the SNP is doing today, give the activists a wee wave, it makes us smile :D

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In a word - yes. Everyone likes to be on the winning side.

Anyhow, stall on today, if yer passing anything the SNP is doing today, give the activists a wee wave, it makes us smile :D

I'm away to be putting out leaflets in the 'marginal' of Dundee West.

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