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General Election 2015


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If I thought that Labour would reverse any of Ian Duncan Smith's declarations of war on the poor and disabled, I'd hope they did well. However Murphy has already said repeatedly that he agrees with them, and Labour winning in 97 did nothing to reverse Thatcher's anti Union legislation, so I hold out no hope. One thing the Tories have managed to do is to con the Markets into thinking that we're living within our means and cutting the debt. They haven't, they've doubled it in 5 years. The cuts they've made to spending have been off the top, the easiest slices. To get down to zero in the next 5 years will be impossible without ripping the Welfare State apart, and probably things like defence and policing too which the Tory backbenchers wouldn't be keen on. If Labour win and don't start immediate savage cuts the markets will downgrade us and start charging higher interest on our huge borrowing requirement. If the Tories win they'll probably get away with the same as the last 5 years, reducing spending a bit, but only reducing the deficit by half as much as they promised, whilst keeping the markets on side. So Welshbairn says, vote SNP and don't care too much about who the next Prime Minister is, we're fucked anyway. :)

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My preference is a Labour minority government, which the SNP might be able to exert some pressure on.

My reasoning is pretty straightforward, I think this is what would be the best possible outcome for Scotland and also actually the UK. I don't want another Tory government but I'm not all that enthused about a Labour government who - left completely to their own devices - have only a slightly less shit package to offer.

There's an honest and clear answer Rob. Now here's some questions right back at you, who do you want to win the election tomorrow and why?

Ok Mate, I'll have a go. I'm voting for my MP as an individual, not for the party they represent, but I think they've given it an honest shot and worked hard since elected!

On a national level, I'm hoping for a working majority for the Tories. I'm no fan of Cameron, but as a Unionist I think they represent the best chance of holding things together for the next 5 years.

If that means enticing what's left of the Lib Dem seats through Clegg and the DUP then so be it!

I think wee Nicky has done an amazing job as leader of the SNP, think what might have happened if she had been in the driving seat pre-Ref !?

I might not like her end game but she is a formidable politician.

That leaves Milliband and Balls, I cant believe anyone in their right mind would give these two clowns the keys back to the treasury after only five years of almost bringing the UK to its knees.

There you go, an honest answer I hope?

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On a national level, I'm hoping for a working majority for the Tories. I'm no fan of Cameron, but as a Unionist I think they represent the best chance of holding things together for the next 5 years.

What a stand up chap you are Robert.

5 more years of marginalising the poor and disabled. 5 more years of food banks. 5 more years of people forced into work fair jobs just to make the employment figures go down a bit. 5 more years of the rich benefitting and the poor being treated like cattle.

All to keep the union together.

If you care so much for the citizens of the UK, you'll be hoping the Tories get booted out. I'm doing my bit by voting SNP.


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Labour winning in 97 did nothing to reverse Thatcher's anti Union legislation, so I hold out no hope.

They did offer Scotland a vote on having a Scottish parliament though when they won in 1997, there would have been no chance of that on offer from the Tories had they won that election.

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Purely hypothetically speaking, if we were to have another referendum without the consent of Westminster they would still find it incredibly difficult to block a resultant yes vote and a move towards independence whilst maintaining the democratic veneer and support for people's right to self-determination in places like the Falklands, Ukraine etc etc.

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Did my bit just there and voted. It'll be bed time soon. When I wake up, no doubt it'll be all over the internet. I think I'll just come on here and ignore everywhere else.

Tonight's going to be a good night. That much is clear. Just depends HOW good now.

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A twitter account has been created for P&B SNP supporters to send greggy's, Ainsley's, Dale Carrick's and Iain Gray's to #SNPOut types

Username - pnbsnp

Password - greggynight2015

Use at your pleasure :)

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A twitter account has been created for P&B SNP supporters to send greggy's, Ainsley's, Dale Carrick's and Iain Gray's to #SNPOut types

Username - pnbsnp

Password - greggynight2015

Use at your pleasure :)

Haha too far

Give me a follow on twitter Bairn ;):P

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So, is it standard practise for them to ask to see the number on the ballot before you pop it in the box? Maybe my memory's going, but that's the first time it's happened to me.

I've only voted twice but that's never happened to me, will be voting within the hour so I'll report back

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