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General Election 2015


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Don't be an arse. He's a BritNat unionist; if you'd watched any of his coverage during the referendum I wouldn't have to tell you that.

The only good think about him is he's an Arab.

BritNat, works for the BBC and an Arab? The only way this man could be more detestable was if he was on the board at Sevco!

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Ideally I would like scottish coverage but something that cuts to live results every time a result is announced in rest of uk? Anything?

BBC One Scotland - Glenn Campbell, Jackie Bird, Brian Taylor et al

BBC Two Scotland - Dimbleby (his last election), Jeremy Vine, Andrew Neil

STV - Auld Bernard Ponsonby

Channel 4 - Paxman and David Mitchell

Sky - Kay fucking Burley and Adam Boulton

EDIT: To answer your second post, BBC Scotland will be going to the counts down south and I dare say STV will do the same.

I'll be flicking between BBC 2 and C4 until the Scottish results start coming in about 2am, then flicking between BBC1 and STV and maybe end up with radio Scotland if I get too pished.

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Labour are seriously chucking stuff into south now.

That video-screen van they have parked in the middle of the road at Fairmilehead is something else. My first thought is that anyone who has ever actually driven up that road is going to instantly hate them. The second is that it must be costing a fortune. Good thing they're being bankrolled by millionaires.

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At the 2010 election the Lib Dems had c.6,8m votes and were invited to join a coalition government.

If the polls are reliable, this time around we're looking at c.3m UKIP votes and c.1m SNP votes yet UKIP will possibly only get get 1 seat and SNP upwards of 50. Both have an agenda whatever they portray otherwise but 1 seat will not get a voice and 50 seats will likely hold the balance of power.

We all know it's turkeys voting for Christmas for the government who gets in to introduce a "fairer" electoral system so whilst we're stuck with what we have I do NOT want a party with only 4% of the popular vote in the UK and governmental powers of their own at home to form any government that will affect the whole of the UK when their primary interest is putting Scots first.

Why did you vote no in the referendum if you don't want Scotland's voice in the Union?

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For an Englishman abroad, why do you care?

I live in Scotland. This account was set up in the lead-up to the referendem and the username is intended to be humourous.

In a bid to keep the SNP out of our constituency, this is the first election in which myself and my immediate family have not voted Conservative. I only pray that it will work.

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At the 2010 election the Lib Dems had c.6,8m votes and were invited to join a coalition government.

If the polls are reliable, this time around we're looking at c.3m UKIP votes and c.1m SNP votes yet UKIP will possibly only get get 1 seat and SNP upwards of 50. Both have an agenda whatever they portray otherwise but 1 seat will not get a voice and 50 seats will likely hold the balance of power.

We all know it's turkeys voting for Christmas for the government who gets in to introduce a "fairer" electoral system so whilst we're stuck with what we have I do NOT want a party with only 4% of the popular vote in the UK and governmental powers of their own at home to form any government that will affect the whole of the UK when their primary interest is putting Scots first.

For 30 years I've not wanted a party with about 30 odd percent having a pretty large majority. Them's the breaks.

I'd also argue that throughout the 80s and early 90s the party in government only represented the upper and middle classes and didn't give two fucks about anyone struggling at the bottom of society.

I'd also be more concerned that roughly 3 million people in Britain will choose to vote ukip. That's the most worrying aspect of this election.

And finally if it's any consolation the snp still support a version of PR for Westminster. Interesting to see if the big two give it another shot. Doubt it tho.

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At the 2010 election the Lib Dems had c.6,8m votes and were invited to join a coalition government.

If the polls are reliable, this time around we're looking at c.3m UKIP votes and c.1m SNP votes yet UKIP will possibly only get get 1 seat and SNP upwards of 50. Both have an agenda whatever they portray otherwise but 1 seat will not get a voice and 50 seats will likely hold the balance of power.

We all know it's turkeys voting for Christmas for the government who gets in to introduce a "fairer" electoral system so whilst we're stuck with what we have I do NOT want a party with only 4% of the popular vote in the UK and governmental powers of their own at home to form any government that will affect the whole of the UK when their primary interest is putting Scots first.

The main parties in England campaigned against a more proportional systems

Blame them.

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At the 2010 election the Lib Dems had c.6,8m votes and were invited to join a coalition government.

If the polls are reliable, this time around we're looking at c.3m UKIP votes and c.1m SNP votes yet UKIP will possibly only get get 1 seat and SNP upwards of 50. Both have an agenda whatever they portray otherwise but 1 seat will not get a voice and 50 seats will likely hold the balance of power.

We all know it's turkeys voting for Christmas for the government who gets in to introduce a "fairer" electoral system so whilst we're stuck with what we have I do NOT want a party with only 4% of the popular vote in the UK and governmental powers of their own at home to form any government that will affect the whole of the UK when their primary interest is putting Scots first.

I know I'm probably being wooshed here, but welcome to what Scotland has experienced most of my adult life. Live with it. We've had to!!

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At the 2010 election the Lib Dems had c.6,8m votes and were invited to join a coalition government.

If the polls are reliable, this time around we're looking at c.3m UKIP votes and c.1m SNP votes yet UKIP will possibly only get get 1 seat and SNP upwards of 50. Both have an agenda whatever they portray otherwise but 1 seat will not get a voice and 50 seats will likely hold the balance of power.

We all know it's turkeys voting for Christmas for the government who gets in to introduce a "fairer" electoral system so whilst we're stuck with what we have I do NOT want a party with only 4% of the popular vote in the UK and governmental powers of their own at home to form any government that will affect the whole of the UK when their primary interest is putting Scots first.

But this wasn't a problem when Scotland was returning unionist politicians, was it? Ya squidnugget.

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Local paper in Greenock asked 30 people who voted at the 'McLean Musuem' who they voted for early this morning.

28 out of the 30 asked said SNP including one woman who said her vote for the SNP was a tactical one to keep Labour out.

Landslide looks on the cards for the SNP, but UK wide can't see a party other than the Tories clinching it, sadly.

The question is - will they get a majority or not?

Not even the Tory biased polls show them getting a majority, and there is little prospect of them forming a coalition either.

For 30 years I've not wanted a party with about 30 odd percent having a pretty large majority. Them's the breaks.

I'd also argue that throughout the 80s and early 90s the party in government only represented the upper and middle classes and didn't give two fucks about anyone struggling at the bottom of society.

I'd also be more concerned that roughly 3 million people in Britain will choose to vote ukip. That's the most worrying aspect of this election.

And finally if it's any consolation the snp still support a version of PR for Westminster. Interesting to see if the big two give it another shot. Doubt it tho.

It depends what you're definition of "middle class" is. I would class middle class as being roughly 80% of the population. I would argue Labour don't care much about the poor either, other than their votes. The way they do that is to get people into a benefits trap. Labour politicians care just as much about filling their own pockets and getting cushy jobs when they leave as much as the Tories do.

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If the polls are reliable, this time around we're looking at c.3m UKIP votes and c.1m SNP votes yet UKIP will possibly only get get 1 seat and SNP upwards of 50. Both have an agenda whatever they portray otherwise but 1 seat will not get a voice and 50 seats will likely hold the balance of power.

So we yet again have to save England from their backward and bigoted sects with a bit of Scottish Enlightenment.

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I live in Scotland. This account was set up in the lead-up to the referendem and the username is intended to be humourous.

In a bid to keep the SNP out of our constituency, this is the first election in which myself and my immediate family have not voted Conservative. I only pray that it will work.

I'd suggest that since you wanted to keep Scotland's income, and avail yourself of better conditions for you and your family, yet don't believe the Scots should be represented by their chosen party in Government, you should consider fúcking off back to where you came from.

As we've got more than enough Tory scum down here already, though, I'll content myself with the thought that one day you might express your Internet opinions in real life, and natural justice will prevail.

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Is there going to be an after hours party in here? I've scammed the morning off so I'm getting a few beers in for the couch.

I'll be here all night/morning, I've got the day off and roped the wife into taking the kids to school and nursery!

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