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General Election 2015


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More public spending, end to the cuts. More cash to the NHS.

Are you a Tory ?


Labour have vowed to continue austerity. They'll sell the NHS off to private pirates too - albeit at a slower pace. Hospitals and school are still counting the cost of PFI. Cuts will continue.

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I find it fuckin incredible that u wud vote labour. I was born in springburn and now live in Partick... labour have taken Scotland and particularly Glasgow for a total ride for yrs. I still have family in Springburn and nothing has changed. In fact its got worse.... thanks labour. Labour are a cancer imo and I hope they get a lesson in May. Complete cun*ts

Fair enough with the local politics I'm talking about the people ruling the country. With all due respect you probably were very young when the Tories ruled before New Labour came to power. Believe me it was fucking grim. I had to leave this country to make a decent living. I left school in the late 80s and it was bad. Labour made a huge difference when they got elected. The problem is most on here wont remember this.

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Fair enough with the local politics I'm talking about the people ruling the country. With all due respect you probably were very young when the Tories ruled before New Labour came to power. Believe me it was fucking grim. I had to leave this country to make a decent living. I left school in the late 80s and it was bad. Labour made a huge difference when they got elected. The problem is most on here wont remember this.

But thats the past. I do remember the Torys in power and they were a disgrace. But imo the current labour shower r no different from the current tory shower except they are sneakier.. they r blatantly lying under a social agenda... they r not, they need a good kicking and hopefully the SNP will do just that

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But thats the past. I do remember the Torys in power and they were a disgrace. But imo the current labour shower r no different from the current tory shower except they are sneakier.. they r blatantly lying under a social agenda... they r not, they need a good kicking and hopefully the SNP will do just that

I just think they are a better alternative than what we have. If the Tories get in again then austerity will continue. I voted Yes in the referendum as I thought it would have been the greatest thing we could have achieved in our lifetime for our country. But the rest voted no. Voting SNP won't change it now. More MP's but we'll end up with a Tory government, probably minority.

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I just think they are a better alternative than what we have. If the Tories get in again then austerity will continue. I voted Yes in the referendum as I thought it would have been the greatest thing we could have achieved in our lifetime for our country. But the rest voted no. Voting SNP won't change it now. More MP's but we'll end up with a Tory government, probably minority.

Yes.... but 40 odd SNP MPs in London will result in EVEL due to the seethe south of border. EVEL will lead to full Scottish home rule or better still a rise in english nationalism thus fast tracking independence for our country. Beginning of end of broken britain if we send a huge amount of SNP to London

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JLD it pains me more than you would believe that our country voted No but now that we have we need to vote to change the government. I find it incredible that people who voted No in the referendum will now vote SNP. I voted yes and have voted SNP but I'll vote Labour now. Its patently obvious most on here don't remember life under Maggie. I do.

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Yes.... but 40 odd SNP MPs in London will result in EVEL due to the seethe south of border. EVEL will lead to full Scottish home rule or better still a rise in english nationalism thus fast tracking independence for our country. Beginning of end of broken britain if we send a huge amount of SNP to London

Is broken Britain really such a good thing?

I say this is a yes voter

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Fair enough with the local politics I'm talking about the people ruling the country. With all due respect you probably were very young when the Tories ruled before New Labour came to power. Believe me it was fucking grim. I had to leave this country to make a decent living. I left school in the late 80s and it was bad. Labour made a huge difference when they got elected. The problem is most on here wont remember this.

The Tories rule the country now champ. Which has been absolutely no different to the experience of a Labour government between 2005 and 2010. You're fooling absolutely no-one.

And absolutely no-one is being convinced by your 'Labour member is obvious Labour member' routine here, because the SNP have comfortably batted your shambolic outfit out of contention in any Scottish seat. Gutted for you.

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The neoliberal, take what you can get, look after number one society that thatcher forced upon the nation (some parts embraced it more than others) has went from strength to strength. 13 years of labour and no change in political direction. Yes there was increased health and education spending but both were put on tick, and that economic plan backfired pretty spectacularly.

I'd love to see a sizeable group of snp mp's down in Westminster holding the balance of power.

I remember the 80s, but labour is now dead to me.

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There's absolutely no reason for a 'but'; UK Labour were entirely irrelevant in the 1980s. Let that be the lesson to the worth of voting Labour now, to avoid a Conservative government in the UK election. It achieves absolutely f**k all. Votes for those clowns did absolutely nothing to prevent systematic de-industrialisation in the 1980s, and it certainly couldn't protect similar plans now. UK Labour is a busted flush, and I look forward to its horrible, painful death.

The fact that they will be killed due to the loss of their old bastions of support, to a pesky nationalist party that has easily captured their 'natural support', is simply, utterly, glorious.

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The Tories have admitted its only the beginning with the cuts, they are planning a demolition of the Nhs and the welfare state, but don't worry vote SNP and it'll all be ok. I find it fucking incredible that some on here are willing to trust the Tories with Scotland's future and think it' doesn't matter who's in power. We should have voted yes but but bottled it. Voting SNP now won't change things

Have Labour not said that they will follow Tory spending plans?

Are they not still going ahead with Trident?

Are they not against re-nationalising the trains?

What exactly do the labour party stand for anymore? The prattle on about the NHS but they created many of the problems by trying to get debt off the books in the form of ridiculously generous (to private companies) PFI deals. Cosying up to arms dealers, fighting wars for right wing American Presidents. And of course allowing the banks to get into a position where they could destroy the economy then letting them away with it......actually rewarding them for their recklessness with billions of our money.

Yeah I see why you'd vote Labour

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JLD it pains me more than you would believe that our country voted No but now that we have we need to vote to change the government. I find it incredible that people who voted No in the referendum will now vote SNP. I voted yes and have voted SNP but I'll vote Labour now. Its patently obvious most on here don't remember life under Maggie. I do.

Why vote for the tribute act when you could vote for all-out Tory austerity?

The current Labour party would consider Maggie to be too left-wing for their liking.

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JLD it pains me more than you would believe that our country voted No but now that we have we need to vote to change the government. I find it incredible that people who voted No in the referendum will now vote SNP. I voted yes and have voted SNP but I'll vote Labour now. Its patently obvious most on here don't remember life under Maggie. I do.

And how are Labour any different from the Tories other than cosmetic? They've already admitted months ago. That they'll be continuing the same Tory polices after the election. There will also be tax hikes post election, but expect all parties to be silent about that.

As for Maggie, you should be blaming Labour in the 70's for not standing up to the unions, and letting them get out of control. I'm all for workers rights ,fair pay and equal treatment, but not the "I don't give a f*ck about that, give into my demands or else" attitude. Many of the things she did had to be done, but the way she went about it was abysmal at times, and I won't deny she has planted the seeds of destruction for much of what we're feeling now.

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This is more the sort of thing I'd want a Labour party to campaign for. Again, it falls into the "I'll believe it when I see it" variety but big job needed to get these tax dodging corporations to f**k. Earn more money then you should pay more tax.

Mansion tax idea is pish though. Should bring in a fairer form of council tax instead.

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This is more the sort of thing I'd want a Labour party to campaign for. Again, it falls into the "I'll believe it when I see it" variety but big job needed to get these tax dodging corporations to f**k. Earn more money then you should pay more tax.

Mansion tax idea is pish though. Should bring in a fairer form of council tax instead.

He's a Tory mate. And what's his policy here? It's utter drivel.

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I find it fuckin incredible that u wud vote labour. I was born in springburn and now live in Partick... labour have taken Scotland and particularly Glasgow for a total ride for yrs.

In the five years the Tories have been in power, they have practically dismantled the RAF in Scotland (shut down 66% of the bases to leave just one) and have also shut down Clyde Coastguard and Forth Coastguard stations.

Responsibility for the Clyde Coastguard area is now offshore in Northern Ireland. Regarding the Clyde Coastguard building, in Greenock, a property developer is requesting planning permission for 100 luxury riverside flats - that is before Inverclyde Council at the moment and is expected to be approved. No chance of Clyde Coastguard going back there then if it ever does return here.

Tories have also privatised airborne search and rescue, and that starts in April I believe.

One way or another, we are sleepwalking into five more years of the Tories and one word springs to mind "shafted"

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And what have the tories got to do with Labour?

The idea of voting for a party that you hate, just to keep out another party you hate is really pish poor politics and makes a mockery of democracy.

I'll be voting SNP in May, because they represent my views and my country. To f**k with who the next UK Government is, neither do us any favours.

What I was trying to say is that because the Tories only have 1 MP in Scotland they can, perhaps, shut down whatever they like and it possibly worries them not a jot.

They may even have no MP's here after May but they will be voted in I think.

One thing they will not shut down however I think - Faslane.

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