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The Storms & Severe Weather Thread


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That's over 90 minutes of lightning in the Capital, more entertaining than an Edinburgh derby anyway. A couple of ten minute cloudbursts have saved me having to water the garden tomorrow.

Best storm I can remember, at least since I was very little in the hot summer of1976. It's certainly European in scale. Arthur's Seat is taking most of the hits (Hiya Kenneth! Hiya pal!).

I wish I was Victor Frankenstein as I could have put this lightning to good use. A stumbling violent resurrected creature made from various parts would have been the ideal centre half for Edinburgh City...


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13 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

This is absolutely mental. Constant lightning since 9pm and now biblical downpours to go with it.

In the last hour it’s gone from very faint thunder gradually getting louder but still not quite here yet (Falkirk). However we’ve also had almost constant lightning for 2-3 hours.

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Southside of Capital City. In my 50+ years, I have never seen rain like this. Quite awesome and the lightshow isn't too bad.  [emoji92]🧨[emoji313][emoji299]
Thankfully we live at the top of a hill.

Lucky you, I’m at the bottom of one and the street outside was practically a river for the best part of 20 minutes earlier.

Still happy to be stuck in a stone tenement at times like these. [emoji23]
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11 minutes ago, Widge said:


Lucky you, I’m at the bottom of one and the street outside was practically a river for the best part of 20 minutes earlier.

Still happy to be stuck in a stone tenement at times like these. emoji23.png


I’ve had two messages in the last hour from folk in tenements where you’d think there was no roof on the building, such is the volume of water pouring in all over the place. Since the council stopped doing repairs to roofs in Edinburgh (thanks to employees fiddling the bills to earn huge backhanders) the tenement stock is a series of disasters waiting to happen.

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I’ve had two messages in the last hour from folk in tenements where you’d think there was no roof on the building, such is the volume of water pouring in all over the place. Since the council stopped doing repairs to roofs in Edinburgh (thanks to employees fiddling the bills to earn huge backhanders) the tenement stock is a series of disasters waiting to happen.

You’re right about that, I’ve seen enough roofs in Edinburg to know they’re in bad condition no matter where in the city you are. Should probably clarify that I’m on the first floor of a 4 storey tenement, if water finds its way to me, something’s gone horribly wrong!

Absentee Landlords and buy to let doesn’t help either, as they’ve no interest in work getting done and that simply slows any process in place right up.
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