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Own Jones.

haggis pakora

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Was he speaking about corporation tax in the context of a Scottish referendum or just generally stating that a corporation tax cut is usually regressive.

He was speaking about corporation tax cuts.

Don't worry - this is all a bit difficult for you. Stick to counting magic beans before going to market.

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He is too left wing. I'm very much in the New Labour camp of the party. I am left wing though, I have left wing views and have been active for my entire adult life campaigning for left-wing and liberal campaigns (most recently campaigning against zero hour contracts).

I find people 'in the real world' to be far more right-wing than they are on here.

That'll be the 'not left-wing' camp of the party then.

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Here's a review of Omen Jones latest tome. Just a word for any of Omens fans on here, it sticks the boot in quite hard. I know some of you are sensitive flowers. <_<


A political blog makes a political point regarding a book review? Shocker. So what is this Harry's Place all about? The first line pretty much said it all for me:

'Harry's Place was supportive of the 2003 invasion of Iraq...'

The first line of the review has a political dig about Jones being part of the establishment. Load of pish. Not exactly a great start.

Then denies that there is a desire to privatise the NHS. Oh good stuff. I'm out by this point.

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He is too left wing. I'm very much in the New Labour camp of the party. I am left wing though, I have left wing views and have been active for my entire adult life campaigning for left-wing and liberal campaigns (most recently campaigning against zero hour contracts).

I find people 'in the real world' to be far more right-wing than they are on here.

You can call yourself whatever you like but it doesn't make it the case. The Labour Party haven't been left wing since the days of Kinnock - and even then questionably.

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Of course they adjusted benefits etc. That is the point of the Laffer curve. People have their own view of how much tax is "too much", and will enter into (legal) avoidance when their own predetermined limit is reached. That's why more planning is done at 50% than at 45%.

You have missed the point. The 50% tax rate was avoidable purely as a result of the time it was in place. A tax rate needs to be in place for more than two years before you can ascertain the effectiveness. Otherwise you structure the pay so that the first year is missed by front loading and the second by back loading. This has nothing to do with Laffer curve.

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You can call yourself whatever you like but it doesn't make it the case. The Labour Party haven't been left wing since the days of Kinnock - and even then questionably.

It depends where you place the centre. They're quite clearly centre left to me.
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The problem with Labour supporting shitgibbons is that they harbour a delusion that their party is anything other than a centre-right rump outfit.

A rump outfit? They'll be the biggest party at the next general election in Scotland, Wales and England. Hows that a rump?

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The problem with left-wing people is that they have a tendency to believe that anyone slightly to the right of them is right wing.

'Ed Milliband is too left wing' is not a sentiment anyone except the readership of the Daily fucking Mail should ever be uttering.

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A rump outfit? They'll be the biggest party at the next general election in Scotland, Wales and England.

They won't. The Conservatives were and are the biggest party in England, and the SNP are the biggest party in Scotland.

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They won't. The Conservatives were and are the biggest party in England, and the SNP are the biggest party in Scotland.

They WON'T? OK...

The SNP have 6 MPs the last time I looked. How many do "rump" Labour have?

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They WON'T? OK...

The SNP have 6 MPs the last time I looked. How many do "rump" Labour have?

Having more MPs isn't the definitive criteria for judging party size, champ. And even if it were, this would guarantee that the Conservatives, not Labour would be the largest party in England. Which they are already under any definition.

Thanks for playing anyway.

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Having more MPs isn't the definitive criteria for judging party size, champ. And even if it were, this would guarantee that the Conservatives, not Labour would be the largest party in England. Which they are already under any definition.

Thanks for playing anyway.

Oh OK. We'll just need to run with the definition of six MPs not being a rump and 41 being a rump then shall we?

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