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Saturday Scottish Cup 14/15

Crazy Feet

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Seen hares a few this season and they are a very good side. It would take a very decent team or them to have an off day for them not to win scottish

craigshill are a very decent team. just hope a few guys are back 100% from knocks they have picked up. Some of these lads are playing six days a week. Craigshill played Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday last week....
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Rob Roy Guy, I like the banter on here, and I like the sarcasim etc, but you always take it to the next level. It's easy to trash talk behind a computer, and call me an arsehole. But you wouldn't say that to my face, I know you wouldn't, you would shite it just looking at me, you don't even know me, you don't know what I look like you don't know one thing about me. Bet your a right shite bag away fae your computer. Your a coward, I know that just by your posts. Real men don't act hard behind a keyboard. Your a fucking joke! Keep Glory hunting, eventually one of your teams junior, or amateur, will eventually win something, and then you will say I told you all.

Your a fucking clown.

You are spot on mate. All you have to do is read the junior forums and see how much he is hated....and how much he is just a key board gangster, a shit bag!!!

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It's all about opinions, I thought Broomhouse should have been down 2/3 at halftime. They had 3 pops at goal and scored 2 Colvile I thougt completly controled the tempo of the game and although Broomhouse were leading, Colvile always looked like scoring and did and that sickened Broomhouse who were wasting time at 2-1 them, but they didn't like it when Colvile started wasting time at 3-2 them. Broomhouse are a big physical team and will give most teams problems as they work hard for each other, but I would put them rank outsiders of the Semi's but at this stage anything can happen and usually does.

Broomhouse ''a big physical team''?

They're all young boys. Yes, the striker is a target man but all of the players playing off him are small, quick players.

They aren't a big physical side at all imo.

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Everybody is allowed an opinion, even wee childish people like you. I don't object to anyone having an opinion, show me where ive said that. If your opinion, even if it's to slag a wee Diddy team fae Ayrshire, then carry on. Your just making yourself look silly. Keep slagging pal it doesn't worry me one bit.

You are just jumping on the bandwagon of the Rob Roy Guy.

Like the playground bully's Lacky. Your obviously a folllower not a leader. And that's all I'm gonna say anout that.

Lol at no point did I slag your team, I simply stated that they are no longer in the cup and seeing as this thread is about said cup then the teams still in it should be discussed not the ones papped out in previous rounds simply because their best player or 2 were out! Im not jumping on anyone's bandwagon and I'm no bully, if your going to get worked up about what Is said on here with regards to ur team then don't come on. I'm sure ur team are decent but they are no world beaters as u make out. Maybe if u didn't react In such a petulant way people wouldn't have such a go as the reaction is too easy! Anyway keep bumming ur team up, it's not harming anyone, but go do it on a thread dedicated to those who want to hear it

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craighsill on there day could win it but I have a feeling broomhouse will knick it tomorrow due to fatigue, craighsill players have majority playing for harvesters fc in the sunday league and they have played an average of 4 games this week and it will take its toll tomorrow.

I really hope not though as craighsill are cracking outfit, I hope they go and on and win it.

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