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Top Posters and Utter Roasters of SPFL Championship 2014

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Doesn't say much about Hibs fans in general then!.. :)

Nah, Hibs fans and Cowdenbeath fans have been amongst the friendliest in this section of the forum.

Hearts, Raith, Fakirk and surprisingly Dumbarton fans are for the most part an angry bunch.

I suppose I can sympathise with Falkirk fans not being too happy with Rangers due to frustration at being defeated in cup tournaments again and again.

Never mind all that, just get the votes in. Ya c**t.

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Plenty of decent posters in here. Top would be Zen for me. Doesn't take himself too seriously and good line in daft humour.

Not too many fuds left since Morton fucked off. The Cowden fan trolling the Rovers forum (can't remember name) and Big Berks relentless negativity about the Rovers does crush the spirit a bit from time to time but wouldn't call either a roaster as differences in opinion is what this forum is all about.

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Doesn't say much about Hibs fans in general then!.. :)

Nah, Hibs fans and Cowdenbeath fans have been amongst the friendliest in this section of the forum.

Hearts, Raith, Fakirk and surprisingly Dumbarton fans are for the most part an angry bunch.

I suppose I can sympathise with Falkirk fans not being too happy with Rangers due to frustration at being defeated in cup tournaments again and again.


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3rd rock isn't the brightest but do try to humour him in future, the poor guy thinks he's being smart too.

He is smart. He just doesn't display it when conversing with idiots on the Internet.

Disappointed I only had two "worst" votes. Unsurprisingly they come from two Rangers fans.

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Doesn't say much about Hibs fans in general then!.. :)

Nah, Hibs fans and Cowdenbeath fans have been amongst the friendliest in this section of the forum.

Hearts, Raith, Fakirk and surprisingly Dumbarton fans are for the most part an angry bunch.

I suppose I can sympathise with Falkirk fans not being too happy with Rangers due to frustration at being defeated in cup tournaments again and again.

I don't recall Rovers fans having any major spats with Rangers fans in the two match threads on here.

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Rangers Best Forever Blue - No matter what he's always up for a laugh

Worst ---- Probably me

QotS -- Best- my mate Monkey, deep down he's alright.

Worst ---- I can't think of another Qots fan

Raith Rovers -- Best - My mate Zenny, he's awesome

Worst -- Scary bear

Hearts -- Best PAulo Sergio

Worst -- Florentine Pogostick or whatever his name is.

Hibs --- Can't think of any of them

Dumbatron -- Best Skyline whitshisname (only one i could think of)

Worst -- 3rd Rock

Falkirk ----- Best -- Ned

Worst --- Could only remember one Falkirk fan

Xowdenbeath -- No idea

Celtic -- Best --- The QC A legend, a living legend

Worst --- The WKR

Alloa ---- Bah.....

Aw Bennett! Don't be like that. Let's be pals.

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I don't recall Rovers fans having any major spats with Rangers fans in the two match threads on here.

They're delusional man leave them to do there thing and hope they either go bust or go up so we can get rid of them from here
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How is The Kincardine getting all the votes for worst Rangers poster? Surely As We Rise Again, in whatever guise he has now donned, has that award sown up?

AWRA has some unintentional comedy value. The Kincardine is just boring as f**k and has no redeeming factors whatsoever.

haggis pakora you could say that for too. That's two posters that when I see they've posted now, I just scroll right past.

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How is The Kincardine getting all the votes for worst Rangers poster?

I shall demonstrate this:

AWRA has some unintentional comedy value. The Kincardine is just boring as f**k and has no redeeming factors whatsoever.

haggis pakora you could say that for too. That's two posters that when I see they've posted now, I just scroll right past.

Yet you've mentioned me in 9 posts since June this year. Clearly your definition of 'scroll right past' is at variance with the norm.

Still, nae c**t expects logical consistency from the diddies.

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9 post :lol:

Calm doon, ya sad b*****d.

Searched for mentions of him and counted them, to have a wee whinge and say "diddies" again. How desolate :lol:

It takes 30 seconds if you know how to use the quote function. Not that I'd expect that from either of you......

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