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Russian doping scandal


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A German TV documentary has been broadcast, containing allegations that the majority of athletes selected to represent Russia use banned substances.


Several Olympic gold medalist are implicated in this. What does everyone think of it?

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  • 7 months later...

Another leak, this time to the Sunday Times, has exposed seemingly widespreadh use of blood-doping in athletics.

Russian athletes are the biggest group implicated but there are a lot of Kenyans with suspicious results and just about every country has some athletes with dodgy results, including the UK. Some of the red blood cell counts were so high that the athletes concerned were at serious risk of health problems due to this, even death.


It all sounds familiar to those who followed the eventually revelations about doping in cycling. With blood doping it can be difficult to definitively prove that cheating is going on but with the testing you can say almost for certain if someone is being boosted. As in cycling I think that sporting administrators don't want to admit that they have a huge problem as they think it could destroy public confidence in the sport and drive away sponsors, ticket sales etc.

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Seb Coe is making a fool of himself over the Sunday Times/German TV "leak" and story. He questioned the credentials of Michael Ashenden and Robin Parisotto, two of the most prominent anti-doping experts. Their response was superb and exposed both his ignorance and hypocrisy. What is he afraid of? The IAAF is like the UCI under Verbruggen and McQuaid.

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Seb Coe voted head boy of IAAF. Will anything change?

Not much if his terrible and predictable dismissal of the Sunday Times' doping reports is typical of his attitude. His dissing of Michael Ashenden was an utter disgrace.

Athletics, swimming, tennis and football have huge doping problems but the authorities will not admit it. Coe's election just means that the IAAF will just carry on as before.

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The majority of all athletes are on banned substances especially sprinters

I wouldn't say especially sprinters. I'd imagine athletes in sports with less vigorous testing, like rugby and tennis, have a higher proportion of players who are at it and on stronger stuff.

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I wouldn't say especially sprinters. I'd imagine athletes in sports with less vigorous testing, like rugby and tennis, have a higher proportion of players who are at it and on stronger stuff.

I'd say it's more related to the skill level of the sport. Talentless, endurance based sports will be full of cheats as any mug who dopes enough can be succesful. Sports like Tennis, whilst obviously having some cheats, wont have the same level of doping as athletics.

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  • 2 months later...

It's those Russians who spent all that time doping but still couldn't beat Paula Radcliffe I feel sorry for. They should demand their money back.

I wonder how Paula Radcliffe broke the marathon world record in those circumstances?
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I wonder how Paula Radcliffe broke the marathon world record in those circumstances?

Cause she wasn't setting records in Athens anyway, when she saw the medals disappearing off down the road. Mind you, this scandal's taking the heat off the Brit's & Yanks.

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