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Clarke Carlisle


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Sad news. Some reports suggesting a suicide attempt.

Seems to be the inference although no one coming out and saying it. Is meant to have had depression in the past so seems possible.

Also inference in a few reports that it's a machine switch off job.

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For whatever reason I immediately thought it might be an accident while out jogging or something rather than a suicide.

Would seem unlikely he'd be out for a run at 7.30 at this time of year though (i.e. in the dark).

Hope he pulls through and if it turns out to be an attempt at his own life that he gets the treatment he needs to get better.

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That would be excellent news. Difficult to envisage circumstances in which it isn't a suicide attempt.

Car broke down?

Crossing road?

Seems like suicide is a reasonable conclusion but not the only one.

If he has managed to get hit by a Lorry and walk away then he is very lucky as todays scenes in Glasgow show.

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I'm not saying it's impossible there is an alternative explanation, but it seems pretty unlikely.

Could have been rearranging the reg plate into a 9 letter word and the driver has started moving without looking.

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Is there anything to suggest this is a suicide attempt?

Even though it was dark it's not unlikely that at 7.30am he'd be out and about - as someone said running (Plenty of folk do run in the dark) or going into work, car broken down etc.

Its unfair to suggest suicide unless there's a real reason to think so.

I hope he gets better soon and is back with his family quickly.

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Is there anything to suggest this is a suicide attempt?

Even though it was dark it's not unlikely that at 7.30am he'd be out and about - as someone said running (Plenty of folk do run in the dark) or going into work, car broken down etc.

Its unfair to suggest suicide unless there's a real reason to think so.

I hope he gets better soon and is back with his family quickly.

He's suffered/suffering from depression so I think folk are just putting 2 and 2 together. We can only hope it's just a bad accident and he pulls through.

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Also, when police use wording like they are "pursuing all avenues" it suggests it might not just be a straightforward accident. I think that's a section of dual carriageway so the jogging angle probably less likely.

Still rotten for the guy and his family regardless of the reasons.

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Given exercise is a common prescription for depression it seems like pure speculation to say "he's depressed, therefore if he was jogging it means he attempted suicide". Could be the exact opposite.

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