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The Great Big Kilmarnock Thread

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I really don't want Losa to stay to be honest. The amount of times he has given the ball away this season trying to play a "worldy" of a pass has frustrated me.

Appreciate that some might say he's the only guy with vision to create for us and I get that but it hasn't worked.

I'd be interested to see our win % with him in the team compared to without him this season. Might prove me wrong completely of course.

Completely agree. I :wub: the guy but this insistence on playing the 40 yard pass every time is infuriating. (what's more infuriating are the people who clap every time and blame the other players for not making runs).

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Completely agree. I :wub: the guy but this insistence on playing the 40 yard pass every time is infuriating. (what's more infuriating are the people who clap every time and blame the other players for not making runs).

I still think he is a class above our other players...........but if I'd knocked 50 balls long down the left side for Tope to chase already this season and he hadn't got to one of them then I wouldn't keep throwing my hands up and keep going for the same ball.

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I'm probably being thick here but... What??

I think he's making a reference to Eremenko's age.

I wonder if Harry Kane would be good for Killie, but I have doubts about his ability to be as good as Lee Miller is at his age.

That kind of thing.

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I think he's making a reference to Eremenko's age.

I wonder if Harry Kane would be good for Killie, but I have doubts about his ability to be as good as Lee Miller is at his age.

That kind of thing.

Ah good. So it's him being thick and not me :P

Harkins and Eremenkos (as far as I know!) games have never been about pace or athleticism. I don't see how a couple of years age gap is making this huge difference but if that's what you want to hang your hat on then fill your boots...


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I think we have had enough hearts and Rangers duds over the years a true killie supporter like Monty is needed cause he wouldn't take any pish. The players have been nothing but lazy recently except magennes but hes not a striker

Good post mate. I see you're new here, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself? What's your name and where do you come from?

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